
Your True Beauty

After binge-watching beauty videos online, a shy, comic book fan masters the art of make-up, then sees her social standing skyrocket as she becomes her school’s prettiest pretty girl literally overnight. But will her elite status be short lived? How long can she keep her “real self” a secret? And what about that cute boy she likes? Could you imagine if he found out the truth?

chsk · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

C3: Clown face

"Mom I'm going out for a bit"

"Hey Where are you going it's late?"

"I'll be back at 8 pm"



When I first started doing makeup


I started with BB cream,Liptint,and Eyeliner


I bought some makeup


First,I put on BB cream


Then Eyeliner...Am I doing this right?


Wow this Liptint has a nice color... Done!



"Wait it feels like something is missing,but it was better than before"

(Juyoung opens the door)

"Hey Sis,Mom asked me to bring your th-"

"Ever heard of knocking,You lunatic!"


"Hehe,What do you think?Do I look pretty now?Do you think my crush will fall in love at at the first sight"

"Ahhh My eyes, That's enough to blind a man at first sight"

"Get out,You punk!!!"

"What's his problem,Do I look really weird?


Next Day

"Omg Look at her"

"She scared me"


(Jiyoon's mind)

"Wahh this is so awkward, why is everyone looking at me?This must be the feeling every pretty girls experience"



"Stay calm Jiyoon"


"Pffft- Bwhahahaha Holy cow Look at her,haha"

"Is her partime job being a clown?"

"Did she use a Black marker on her eyes?Hahaha"

"Ugly Chicks Stand out no matter what"


I knew it a girl like me is Ugly even with makeup





Photo ↓

Title: Does my makeup look really weird?

BB cream +Liptint+Eyeliner...

Does it look weird?

I need some feedback please


(Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding)

"Wow that's fast"

♦. Comments ²⁶

🙋 Pretty_Pretty

What?!?!!? No way,Did you use a Black marker on your eyes You look totally weird sis

🙆 Chicken_Love_My_Stomach

What happened to your eyebrows? It's thick and super dark...They look like caterpillars lol

"Oh God she's right I should shave my eyebrows"


💇 Mama's_Girl

You have a single eyelid girl,Maybe you should buy a Double Eyelid Glue...Click this link https://chskbeautyproducts.com


"Is this what she meant?

Hey Girls I'd like to give you some makeup tips and secrets for using Double Eyelid Glue

👀 This is my eyes actually look like

👁️👁️ But if I put an Double Eyelid Glue+Lenses! Amazing Right?

"Wow,How is that possible?"

(Looking at her piggy bank)

"Sorry Piggy It's Time...Goodbye"


"Mom, I'm going out for a bit"

O_oBeauty Products : $25

A Beauty : $15

Love Lens : $20

Eyeland : $30


Total : $90 !!!!!!!

(One hour later)

"Mom I'm home"

"Where should I start?"

"The result of my Expedition is Double Eyelid Glue,Lenses,Liptint,Pink Blush,Eyeliner, Eyebrow pencil,and Eyelash curler"

"And now I'm flat broke"

"Now first,My eyebrows"

(Scrape Scrape)

"Did I trim them so much?"

"😟OMG I can't see any hair anymore"

"It's Okay, I'll just draw it on"

"Next the Double Eyelid Glue"

"Crap,What happened? Again,Again"

"Uhh This is isn't right either"

"Hey That's pretty good! Man this glue is hard to use"

"Now the eyelash Curler"

"Next Lenses"

"Finally maskara"

"Oh My God..."

"I can't believe this!"