
Your Omega

Fae Killigan, a video game loving, introverted omega through and through meets, Zo Cannon, a dominant alpha by heart encounters the little omega. The meeting between the two causes their wolves to go crazy and forces them to bump into each other more then they wish.

Bam_bea · Fantasia
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Fae's POV

Omega- The lowest 2nd gender one can have. Omegas are viewed as more vulnerable and submissive compared to Betas or Alphas which are possibly more dominant. It's also said they have less control over their bodies and pheromones. Moreover they still can get pregnant despite their gender.

The worst part though, is how society views them, mainly Alphas. Those mangy dogs just think they can force an omega to be their mate and everything will be fine. Or maybe people thing Omegas are just hoes who like to throw themselves on alphas. People are so screwed up in the head it makes me mad.

Yea, I'm an omega but I don't have a single problem with Alphas or pheromones or caring about what people think of me. Opinions are opinions and I know my facts. Although, I wish I could change my second gender, then maybe my mother and friends would get off my back about me getting a mate.

In all honesty who would want to be tied to one person for the rest of their lives. I mean I assume lots of people want that but what if that person really isn't who you think they once were, or what if they start forgetting about you being their mate and run off with another person?

Sounds shitty to me.

Oh, but who am I to talk, I don't have those problems nor will I ever have said problems.

' Fae! ' called my roommate, Mae, from downstairs. ' Fae! You need to get up or else you'll be late for morning classes.' I could hear her walking up the stairs and huffing. ' See, this is why I told you not to stay up all night and play those stupid video games!'

' They are not stupid! Plus, I didn't stay up all night. I took a nap before playing again' I managed to yawn out as I rose from the comfort of my bedsheets. Mae swung open my room door and glared at me.

' You look like you haven't slept in weeks dude! Must I call your mother just so she can talk some sense into you?' She spoke, before letting herself in. I watched Mae pull out clothes for me like she did every other morning without my permission.

She was so obsessed with me finding a partner and wanting me to look nice when I did. But I only let her do it because she has a great choice in fashion, plus I don't have to look for clothes by myself.

' Mae. Look, I love that you care for me but what did you expect would happen when you got paired with a guy who is a video game addict? Please tell me' I spoke as I got out of bed. My back-length hair was a hot mess, plus my roots where growing and I would need to dye those back soon.

' Fae, one day you're going to listen to me. You need to see people. REAL people. Not those creeps you talk to online.' She threw some black jeans, a nude sweater and some socks on my bed. Mae looked at me and nodded her head.

' You better be dressed and ready by the time I get done with packing our bags. I swear I'll kill you myself if you aren't ' She pointed a finger at me before leaving the room.

I chuckled and began to get ready. Most people assume that Mae is and Alpha due to her very controlling and or dominant nature. Truth be told she's a beta, all her family members are betas. I even though she was an alpha when we had our first encounter.

I had finished getting myself ready within ten minutes. My Ivory hair was pulled back into a bun and my eyeliner was looking sharp. ' Alright, time to start my day' I smiled as I checked myself out in the vanity mirror.


Mae and I began our walk to campus. We didn't live that far, maybe two or three blocks but it was still a short walk. As we continued and talked about people we thought were gonna get together before graduation, I noticed some moving trucks in front of the newly renovated house.

' Oh, I think we're getting neighbors. How fun..' I joked around as we slowed our pace to be nosy. Had to be some rich people, I assumed just by looking at how luxurious their furniture was.

' Fae, Don't be rude. You're not wrong though. Ooo! What if they are the new student. ' Mae began to smile.

' Pfft! I doubt it. What rich kid would want to go to XX University for gods sake. Yes, it's a great school but why come here if you have the money to go to a better school ' I laughed

Mae looked at me with disapproval. I hushed up and looked back at the house, but this time there was a guy standing outside. We both locked eyes-or at least I think we did. Something in my body made me tense when he noticed us and I felt uneasy all of a sudden.

' Mae, I think we should really go now...or else we will be late.' I spoke, averting my gaze and tugging on her shirt. She rolled her eyes and began to walk. I took one last glance over and the boy was gone...just like that.


We arrived to the class early. Thank god. Plus the professor wasn't there. Double win. We took our seats in the far back and set up for class.

I was shortly interrupted by the hell spawn named Rory. ' Hey Fae.' He called my name trying to sound cool. Both Mae and I rolled our eyes in annoyance.

' What do you want this time Rory?' I turned towards him, tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear. Rory looked at me with a smile. ' I only wanted to say Hi. Oh! Also, did you guys hear about the new boy that's joining our class.'

I looked at Mae confused. ' New guy?' I asked. Mae just shrugged and looked back at Rory, so did I. ' Who is this new kid.'

' Well, supposedly, he's an dominant Alpha and he's new to the city. I bet he's a country boy' Rory laughed. I looked down in though. I never knew dominant alphas were real. I always thought they were a hoax. And he's new to the city? Could he be the boy I saw earlier? No way, Rory said he was new to the City not the neighborhood. But still...there's a possibility.

' Alrighty Kids, sit down and lets get ready for a few announcements!' The professor walked in with a smile. I think he was the only teacher-first class teacher truly liked.

I too out a pen for notes just in case I hear something important.

' Alright firstly, we have a test next week on Tuesday. So I will be going over things today for that. Secondly, we will be celebrating Makayla's birthday this Friday, so don't forget. And last but never least. I'm sure you've all heard about the new student coming in today. He will be arriving in the middle of our lesson so please treat him well' Professor nodded and began with the lesson. Though my mind was still sidetracked on the new student thing.


Twenty minutes into the lesson and I'm already getting sleepy. Maybe Mae was right. But I have a YouTube channel I need to post on. I let out a sigh and began to sketch on my paper.

Not long after was there a soft knock at the door. The Administrator herself walked in with a rather tall student by her side. He looked familiar but I didn't think much of it at first. The professor stopped the lesson and whispered to and back at the administrator before she left.

' Alright class, This is Zo. He is the new student that will be in this class. As I've said once before Please treat him well, he's new to the city.' The professor smiled and told him to pick a seat. His eyes trailed up to where Mae and I sat and I kid you not. It was the same guy from earlier.

' No effing' way..' I muttered but it was loud enough to be heard.

' What's the matter?' Mae asked. My eyes never left the boy as he began to walk closer and closer until he reached us. Mae looked back and forth between us as our eyes locked. She tugged on my shirt and I snapped out of it.

' Dude? You ok?' She asked. ' Yea, of course. But uh. I think we should let him through. ' I think Zo would like to come through.' I gave a nervous laugh as we both scooted out of the way to let him by.

As he walked by us I got a whiff of his scent. Shivers ran through my body and a light blush came to my face. So it was true that he's a Dominant Alpha huh? We got back into our seats and I made sure we had a good enough distance between him and me.

I wanted to scream, his pheromones were suffocating me even though we weren't that close. I decided to just scoot closer to Mae and try my best to deal with it.

' Mae, that's the kid that was moving into the house a block from ours.' I spoke in a whisper so no one else, but me and her, could hear.

' Really? He's really hot.' She giggled and I rolled my eyes.

' You lovergirl.' I rolled my eyes. ' You're not wrong though. But I'm a bit nervous to sit next to him. His scent is so strong since he's a dominant Alpha. What if I get my first heat because of him and in the middle of class!' I yelled in a whisper.

' Look, Fae, you're overexaggerating. So what if you do, which I doubt would happen seeing how you're almost thirty years of age and haven't had a single heat in your life. Then you could seduce him.'

I sighed and put my head on the table. What do I do? Could I perhaps change seats? No, it would be mean to leave Mae all alone with him. Ugh, I can't change classes this late into the school season either so I guess I'll just have to deal with it for now.