
Jerry! Why?

Author POV

Things were not going as per plan in some people's lives. James had just gotten to his apartment when he got a call from home. They were being chased out of their ancestral land.

James never saw that coming. He rushed home and saw the documents in his parent's hands. They were genuine papers. They sold the land 20 years back. He didn't understand how it happened.

But the question he had in mind was. Why now.

He made calls to people he knew for help, but they could not do anything to help. It was like someone was pulling the strings in the background.

The Vehicle came to the compound ready to demolish the house in the next few days. Funny thing, Jerry was on the lead.

"Jerry Watson?" James called him unconsciously, looking at his composed look

"Well, Family. I am here to see you off" he walked to them, smiling lovingly.

"What's happening here?" James asked Jerry in confusion