
Your Hold On Me

Born into a family who sees him as a god, Harper knows nothing but instincts for his survival. Trying to change his future doesn't help that someone he trust can be the thing he's been running away from.

Yoshi_Yamada · Realista
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Chapter 1: Harper Lilac Trevis-Encounter

-The Middle of August 13, 2021-

It's the start of fall and I'm already hating this school year. Auburn doesn't have much of a name when it comes to looks but boy do the vibes throw you off. That speaks volumes when a local doesn't like it either. Each step I take to get to this school of mine is another step towards him. Well, not towards him but being him. I hated my father. I hated acting and pretending to be him. But I'm also scared of him. His words cut deep when he acts like an everyday person outside of the enclosed walls. I can't trust anyone who talks or even so hangs out near him. His family, despite being nice, can't hide their true colors forever. To think I was lucky enough to get born into his line. It's their god's way of spitting on me I guess. As soon as I walked into the school doors, a smile appeared on my face while heading towards the lockers. Trigonometry, British Literature, Theater, Dance and last but not least French 4. My text books for the school day. I take everything with me since I don't feel like going to the locker ever transitioning period because it would only make me late.

Today is going to be exhausting.

I closed my locker then noticed someone standing behind me. A friend of mine, erm- my father's friends. Their child was nothing like them. He comes walking to me with a smile then gives me a small nodd.

"Hey dude, you're looking as normal as ever." A voice crack in between but hey the man just hit puberty. His hair was a pretty chocolate brown with gold streaks as they flowed to his nape. His eyes were a beautiful pair of blue eyes and a smile that could cause a fire if his teeth ever got hit by a sun ray. Not lying either, his teeth are so white, it's blinding to stare at.

"Hey Chet. Good to see you're up running in such gloomy weather." I showed my dazzling smile, a real one other than the fake. Chet was always a good person to talk to during the school hours. Not just cause he was familiar but in reality he had some good to him. He looked down, guessing something was on his mind. He was a thinker more than a doer. It didn't take long to make note of what it is anyway.

"He's here isn't he?"

"Yeah. Right behind us in fact. Reminder, the council of ours wanted to see him after all. You being the president of it, you know."

My expression stayed the same. I'm the class and student council president out of our school here in Auburn. My charisma and happy-go-lucky attitude all came from him. He wanted me to lead, and soon be like him. It isn't easy. It never is. At home was a different story though. My mother lost hope of ever leaving, her condition got so bad that even the hospital couldn't help her injuries. She's currently stuck in bed for the rest of the 3 months. I tend to her while he comforts her and 'whoo' her. Today, I'm going to stop by the pharmacy to pick up her medicine.

"Are you going to be alright?" I turned to Chet as he asked. He looked concerned like a normal person would, but he was genuine about it.

"Everything is going to be fine. After all, I'm his perfect child. I won't make a simple mistake. I can't make a mistake."

Chet's gaze shifted. It was as if he couldn't tell whether my actions were matching my heart or not. I wasn't lying and he knows I won't lie. Mainly about mistakes. I was a mistake but my actions and mindset won't be the mistakes going forward. As we entered the classroom and settled in, I sat proudly at the front, placing my items by my side to be prepared for the day to come. A group of students, many friend groups, walked in and out of the classroom. The bell would ring the moment the teacher stepped in. Scattered kids would fall in line within the seats that were given to them and sit up tall to slouching as our teacher cleared her throat. Our teacher was one whom I couldn't read so easily. She doesn't seem to be into cults, she's made it clear she hates them. Her classroom is filled with many fun and cool posters that 'll hurt the older teachers' eyes. She's young and has a kid of her own. Her name is Ms. Wilk. Like Milk but with a 'W'. I don't know what Wilk means but it seems she's proud to have a unique last name. She stood tall and happy, proud as her long hair would bounce around.

"Alright everyone, today we are doing something different. You all will get to meet someone today and learn more about the history of Auburn from a local who has lived here longer than I have." She smiled as a few kids chuckled. Mainly because she called the man a local without realizing we're all locals. Don't blame her though she isn't known for this whole teaching with teenagers gig.

"It's fine miss. Please know that you are part of the family too. This whole town is one big family when our heads are put together."

The giggles and small chuckles of happiness vanished as he walked in. The guest was my father, I figured. He's smiling and giving off a friendly demeanor. His body fitted in a jet black tux with gold cufflinks shimmering around the lights. He kept tighty with his look no matter what occasion. My so-called smile is only deteriorating as his gaze shifts over to me. It's a point I'm forcing it to stay up while not trying to attract attention. He stood at the front of the room, standing tall and in the light he looked much much stronger. I can already tell but with the width of his broad shoulders, you can see the weight of the world leaning on him. His world.

"I believe you all know of Mr.Trevis." And with that, Ms.Wilk moved everyone's attention to me. It wasn't confidence I felt as I smiled and remained sitting up to match his vibe, it was the eyes of thousands of followers praising their lord whom they felt could do anything to be their savoirs end. Did I mention, the cult has been growing by the children of it? If not, well, just to say half of this school is filled with them. The stares kept coming, as my body began to tense up bit by bit.

"Indeed. I'm sure Harper would feel more at ease to know everyone is happy he is able to lend a hand to you all." My father spoke, pride showing within his teeth as he smirked and chuckled at the site of the class. He turned to Ms.Wilk, who seemed to be hiding her true expressions. I guess by the way I hide mine, I can read hers right now so easily. She showed discomfort and looked as if he had a bad taste in her mouth.

"Feel free to let me know when I should begin."

"Oh, No no, i won't hold you back nor talk during the conversation. I would love for you to start now."

"As you wish. To start off, Auburn is a small town that was founded in 1860. The founders created this small town to be a safe place to express freedom in both religion and sexuality. They each help keep the people live in peace, not to fear the natives with their violent actions. Along with the military and their religious pressure."

I can't listen to this anymore. Basically, Auburn started off as a town of freedom and slowly grew into a place supporting of cults. The biggest one being Xavier's Den. Xavier's Den is hidden yes, but as of late, a few new cult members are bragging and bringing it into light. My father and his followers aren't taking lightly of it since the whole town doesn't truly know about it. His identity of the leader is not know but his view in them is. His followers are now denying they are part of it due to wishing to keep it hidden and erase its talk in current times. Auburn had very interesting part with lgtbq lately. Despite most of the school students, i've shown more interest in guys then I have with girls. Not saying they're not wonderful people already, I dated a girl once and I didn't really feel attracted to her during that time. We had a few lgtbq+ leaders in the past as well. So my father wasn't really mad about it. However, he seemed to like the idea to much. Our neighbor had spoken how it help sparked the difference between us since we acted so similar. Not to mention, they've been trying to have me pair up with someone. But I can't. I don't trust anyone but Chet at this moment. He's more reasonable and understands me more than they do. Speaking of Chet, his gaze. I can feel his gaze on me. From the corner of my eye, his gaze won't seem to get off me. Which must mean.

"Harper, is everything alright?"

I have these odd times where I don't just daze out. But, my mom has said my eyes would roll back as if my soul was being sucked out. As if I was preparing for a seizure. I guess it happened because I felt more eyes on me than before. I did take my medicine, I have stuff for it. I guess it isn't working as it should be right now.

"Harper, my dear son, you alright? Want some water?"

Some things are not right. I feel light headed. My head hurts. I hear a seat being pulled. Someone got up? I don't know if my mind isn't right here now. I tend to think, I always think but never this hard though.


Counting? A voice I barely recognize begins to ring in my head. A felt a gentle hold wrap around me, slowly watching a finger go by my face. Left then right then left then right. Slowly blinking once more, following left then right then left once more. Everything went from blurry to a bland sight. My father, Ms.Wilk and Chet stood in front of me with someone I don't know.

"Take it easy. Feeling light headed or need something to drink?"

I don't mean to stare, but I've never seen this kid in my life. New? If there was a new kid I would've been informed. Seeing my confusion I guess, he slowly stood up and smiled.

"I'm guessing you don't know me. My name is Jax. Jax Lindsey, I'm a small little helper to the nurse here on an internship."

Jax had beautiful brown hair with such captivating dark eyes. He looked healthy, not too much muscle nor fat which gives the idea he takes good care of himself. His voice was clear and yet deep for someone his height, guessing he's 5'10. Allow me to explain how far out this kid looks compared to us, those who lived in this town without change. It felt strange to see him shift his gaze more than once. I figured I was staring, and fortunately so was my father. He seemed to be examining the guy more than I am. I should break the silence.

"Harper Trevis, But i guess you know that now."

He chuckled, smiling as he stood up. "Glad you are alright. Do you take medicine everyday for that?"

"I did. I just have to make a check up again to make sure it doesn't get worse."

Jax nodded his head as he looked at my father. Holding his hand out to formally introduce himself while smiling but for some reason. His actions compared to his expression seemed off. I actually don't mind since he is dealing with my old man. They exchanged hands and smiled. My father watched as Jax went to his seat, such cold eyes and rather his abusive look.

"It's nice to meet you. Where are you from?" My father smiled as he continued to examine the boy.

"Up north, my family recently just moved down here. My father works abroad and my mother is currently a doctor at the local hospital here in Auburn." The professional tone from Jax was rather neat and kind of cool. Judging by his looks, he's around my age or maybe two years older than me. He looked at my father with determined eyes. Like he had a goal set. My father on the other hand had finished examining him and was in his formal state of mind it seems. Smiling as well. "I look forward to meeting them this afternoon. Help get you settled in with this new life." "Thank you sir, it's a pleasure to meet you"

I took the time to look around while they spoke. Simple questions about how he likes the town and if it's a permanent home. I'm in the nurse's office laying down on the. I guess the school nurse isn't here or on a lunch break. I slowly sat up and took a few breaths before I decided to get up. The time. Rather an odd thought but I didn't know what time it was. Looking for the clock would've been easy if a current wasn't blocking it's location.

"Well, if you need anything I'm sure Harper would care to help you adjust as well." I turned to my father who shifted his gaze to me. Both worry and concern from something you wouldn't see in a monster.

"I'll be sure to ask him when I have questions." Jax smiled, his posture was nice seeing him standing in all. Made him appear formal compared to other kids here. He looked at the clock and then at me. "Second period should be starting in a small bit if you're wondering. A classmate of yours dropped off your stuff earlier."

"Chet I'm guessing. I'll thank him in 4th period later on. Thank you, Jax."

"No problem, I recommend drinking water when you leave."

" Will do"

I slowly stood up, didn't want to jump up without a care in the world. I looked at my father, he grabbed my book bag when I wasn't looking and proceeded to stand by his side.

"I best get him to class while I'm still here. Thank you again Mr.Lindsey" My father smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder. Fatherly love, rather a nice touch to the act.

"It's nothing Sir, just helping out whenever I can." Jax smiled, a pretty smile not going to lie. His screams of goodie two shoes though. Not like I would do anything bad in all but he screams too much of a good kid.

My father turned around and I followed along while waving to Jax. Through the hallway,I took a small glimpse at my father. He's still smiling for some odd reason. I was leading the way to my next teacher's class while being close to my father's form. Though it was hard since he was rather bulky, muscular and wide. Made me jealous I didn't get that trait of his. I got more from my mother but it doesn't hurt to feel more wishful for another. Though I'm glad I got her genes instead of his, cause I could become a monster.