

“The whole kingdom is waiting to see our new ruler! Highness is already taken into the labor our room... So, we all have to wait and pray that everything goes well. That's it for now, Ramirez.” — “Thank You, Sanchez! Stay connected with us welcoming OUR BABY HIGHNESS... Who knew the day will change Natasha Sanchez's life...

Auctor_18 · Urbano
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8 Chs

The Baby Highness!!

All the characters are fictional. They have no Relation with our real life.


"Hey, Nat we are going on air in 3..2..1.."The cameraman said.

"This is Natasha Sanchez and you are watching CBC. Today we are outside the Cinderland Royal Hospital. And the day is great cause we are all eagerly waiting for our future king! Even I can't sit behind the talk show table, talking politics, Majesty has already taken to the labour room," Natasha the reporter said.

"Well, Sanchez we wanna know about Majesty's health situation?" Ramirez the news host asked.

"Ramirez, the security is so tight here. The last thing I can say, we all have to pray for both of them," Natasha said.

"Yes, you are right Sanchez. All we can do now is to pray to God, "Ramirez said.

"Stay connected for better and exclusive news," Natasha said and the camera shuts.

"Good one Nat," Lucas said. "Let's wait, I am excited," Natasha said. "Yeah! Me too man! You do the fieldwork good," Lucas said.

"Good?" Natasha asked. "Yeah! I thought you can only criticise the government," Lucas said and smiled.

"Oh? You need to know more about me bro. You just don't know." Natasha said. "Yeah! But didn't stutter once while we were rolling live."Lucas said. "I am great thank you!" Nat said.

"The Royals tried hard to get rid of Isabella," Lucas said. "You just speaking behind their back. But yeah they did. Because she got a dark complexion. But the truth is she has a good tan. Stop saying "dark". " Natasha said.

"You did great protesting them. The reports you made were awesome."Lucas said. "Lucas, don't worry, I'll talk to Mr Benjamin about your post," Natasha said. "I didn't say anything like that," Lucas said and after that he was silent.

"Well, we should try to get some more info. Let's see if the guard let us get in. Otherwise, we can't say what happens," Natasha said, "We need to pray– Please God do something we want to go in the hospital."

After two whole hours passed. Some official came and told all the reporters to go in. The Royals wants to share some news.

We all thought it is good news for the baby. It was related to the baby, but that day few lives changed.

Click. Click.

"How did this happened?" Some reporter asked. "How is Majesty?" Another one asked. "How The Royals are gonna take it?" Another one asked. "Where is Prince William?" Other asked. Everyone was so curious about it. One of them asked, "So, who will be our next king? The newborn died? Will the coronation happen?"

"The fact is– We all waited to see the prince. Our future king!" Nat was on–air. She doesn't want to but she has to share this sad news with the whole world.

"The doctor said it was an umbilical prolapse. But The majesty is fine. Her health situation is ok. The doctor gave Prince William options that he needs to choose one." It was tough for her to state all the fact, but it was her job to do.

"But now one topic has come out. As the law for the Royals maybe our Queen will postpone the coronation. Who will be our next king will it be Prince William or the husband of Princess Margaret is the top question."Nat said.

"We will be right back, we have another reporter there...Tia.."

"And the roll is over," Lucas said, "Damn. Bad news all around. "Yes, Lucas!" Nat answered. "Well, all of them are going to have an interview of the Mother. Let's move." Lucas said.

"Are you insane?" Nat asked. "Why?" Lucas asked. "She just lost her child. How could we even go and ask her some dumb question? What? Are we going to ask her, tell me about your feeling? or How are you feeling your child is dead?" Natasha protested.

"Boss will kill us if we don't go," Lucas said. "I will deal with him. Now please pack up." Natasha said.

"Look it is not about TRP okay? It is something really tough," Natasha said. And that moment her phone rings.

"Hello sir," Nat said. "Why didn't you went inside and take the shot of her?? Now, what am I gonna do??" Benjamin asked.

"I can't, sir, I am sorry. If you don't mind you can send Tia there." Nat said. "You don't need to say!" Benjamin shouted at her for few more minutes and ended the call.

"What a heartless!" Natasha turned and can see the media van and said Lucas to go alone she will take the subway.

When she reached the station she felt the pressure going to the restroom. "The train is at 10mins." She thought and went to the restroom.

But there was a sign for maintenance. But no one was in there. But, she has to go. When no one was looking she went in.

"What a tough day," Washing her hand she said," Boss is going to kill me tomorrow. Maybe he will call me today if the Queen say something about the coronation. I need a break!!"

Saying that she opened the bin to throw the tissue. But she was shocked to see a baby in it. It was a boy and he was fully covered with blood. But silent, not crying. It is tough to say if it is alive or dead. As the boy wasn't crying. She thinks and thinks and thinks. The boy was looking so pale.

Surely someone abandoned him after his birth. She felt pity for the boy and didn't think twice to take the little boy. But how she is gonna take him home? How she gonna do anything?

The sub is not a safe option. She came outside hired a cab and went home. She didn't go to the hospital cause she doesn't know anything about the kid.

What if something bad happens to the kid and she doesn't want to drag the police.

She called her friend Mary and told her to come to the apartment she stays. Mary happens to be a doctor. Maybe she could help.

The baby was faint. Maybe they gave him some kinda medicine. "Oh, little one! Don't worry you'll be alright."

"What kinda parents they are!" She thinks.