
Young Masters suit

Brail finds an expensive lookin suit in his grandpa's closet. When brail grabs, the suit it shines a bronze color before reappearing on his body.

Juveny · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

The bronze suit

Brail, a young college student, enjoyed exploring his grandpa's closet whenever he visited. He always enjoyed seeing the suits he wore while he was growing up, but he had never tried to explore the rest of the closet. That is until one day when he stumbled upon an expensive looking suit.

He carefully examined the suit, admiring its tailored fit and the rich color of the fabric. It was clear that this was a high-end suit, something Brail had only seen in magazines and on television. But something strange occurred when he grabbed the suit.

Suddenly, the suit sparkled a bronze color before reappearing on his body. Brail couldn't believe what he was seeing. It was like the suit had a life of its own, and he felt a strange connection with it.

Over the next few days, Brail found himself wearing the suit more and more often. He would slip it on right after he got out of the shower and would walk around the house in it. The suit felt like it was alive with the way it sparkled whenever he moved.

But as much as Brail enjoyed the suit, he knew he had to find out what was going on. He began to investigate the suit, trying to figure out why it was acting the way it was. He searched online and even contacted a few people who claimed to know about magic and things like that, but no one could give him any answers.

One day, Brail decided to visit his grandpa's house to see if he could find any clues. He hadn't been there for a while, and he hoped that maybe his grandpa might have some old journals or something that might give him some insight.

When Brail walked into the house, he saw his grandpa sitting in his usual spot in the living room, his old, wrinkled hands folded in his lap. Brail walked over to him and sat down, hoping to catch him up on everything that had been going on in his life.

As he was talking to his grandpa, he noticed that there was something different about his grandpa's eyes. They looked more alive and happy than ever before. Something clicked in Brail's head, and he asked his grandpa if he had any old journals lying around that he could look through.

His grandpa smiled and reached under his chair, pulling out some old-looking books he had been saving. He gave them to Brail and said, "You never know when something like this might come in handy."

Brail flipped through the journals, pages falling out as he turned each one, but he found nothing that could explain what was happening to his suit. Feeling frustrated and curious at the same time, Brail decided to go for a walk outside to try and figure out what was going on.

As he walked, he realized that the suit was still shining a bronze color, indicating that something was still happening. He kept walking, his feet taking him further and further away from his grandpa's house.

Eventually, he found himself in a small park, sitting on a bench overlooking a small pond. He sat there for a while, taking in the beauty of the pond and the trees towering above him. As he sat there, he felt something strange happening to his suit again.

Suddenly, the suit started to glow a bright gold color, and Brail felt a strange pull towards the water. He followed the pull and found himself walking into the pond.

As the water surrounded him, he felt something like a connection. The suit was no longer on his body, and he felt something like a part of himself leaving. But before he knew it, he was back on the bench, looking up at the trees and the birds chirping in the distance.