
Young master Tang, what's the point of love?

Liliana becomes pregnant after the only son of a rich and influential family takes advantage of her. she is threatened by the rich and powerful Tang family to get rid of the child and disappear. She disappears into thin air and three years past only for the young master Tang yi to discover how madly in love he's been with her. Thing is his family racially discriminates the woman he loves and won't let him blossom a relationship with her. secrets,lies,betrayals are exposed just along as the story progresses.. Liliana bears two children for Tang yi and is faced with the dilemma of pursing a wedlock love story with Him or choosinog to protect her children. A mother's love isn't to be underestimated. She takes her children and disappears again, leaving Tang yi with no choice but the marry the woman of his parent's choosing. Secrets begin to break out just as the moment Liliana returns with her children to beijing five years later.

Cenaia · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Marry me.

"Ah Li, i called but,you didn't pick up" He answered the phone hurriedly arranging his work table before picking up his suit and walking out. just talking to Liliana made him forget all the exhaustion from a long days work. He was the COO of The Tang's cooperation while yang yi was now the CEO. The past five years had brought in alot of great progress and billions of revenue under his and Tang yi's management of the company. for the past five years, he had also watched Tang yi go from the arrogant,spoilt, possessive brat into a quiet, mature, considerate man who worked tiredlessly. Although he felt he had buried himself into the progress of the company just to escape all of the emotional baggage and stress of all the events of five years ago.

"I'm coming to pick up the kids" He said getting into the car. Liliana laughed on the other end of the line.

"can i come along too?" she teased

"only if you want to and only if you're going to be a fun mom" Jingtang said and both parties laughed before the line went dead and He drove out.

"Where are we going?"Liliana asked running to cling onto Jingtang the moment He entered the Yu mansion.

"Shu Shu!!" Yuan ran to hug Jingtang and Jingtang picked him up.

"BaoBao"Jingtang called picking him up.

"where's Ai?" He asked and just as immediately as he had asked, Aī came running downstairs to meet him with Mr Yu behind her shouting for her to be careful.

"I already dressed them up so I'll just go get dressed so we can go" Liliana said walking upstairs to her room with her laptop in her hand. Jingtang admiringly watched her sway her hips as she walked upstairs.

"She beautiful isn't she?" mrs Yu asked standing besides him. he smiled, of course she was beautiful. he didn't know about any other man but she was his dream woman.

"She's kind.." he said dodging the original question and Mrs Yu smiled knowingly.

They both sat down across each other as Mrs Yu picked up her knitting kit and continued knitting an almost finished christmas sweater.

"Shu shu, nai nai is knitting a sweater for you" Aī said. she spoke too fluently and was too smart for her age.

"Aiya i wanted it to be a suprise." mrs Yu laughed.

"Nai nai is knitting one for everybody" Yuan added.

"Well Christmas is in three months and it's already getting chilly" Mrs Yu chuckled.

"it's going to look so good on you Gé"Liliana said joining them downstairs. she now addressed Jingtang as Gé (big brother or older brother). Jingtang didn't mind, to him it was progress better than being called young master.

"Whoaa mama looks so beautiful" Aī said running over wrap her arms around liliana's waist.

"you cunning girl"liliana smiled softly patting her daughter's head.

"Má aren't you going to come along?" Liliana asked mrs Yu.

"Go have fun while you're still young"Mrs Yu laughed.

"Bye nai nai" Aī said kissing mrs Yu's cheek before returning to hold jingtang's hand. He picked her up and carried her out into his car as the rest of them said goodbye to Mrs Yu

"shu shu, Where are we going?" Yuan asked. he was firmly holding his sister's hand while they sat in the back of the car.

"It's a new place, it has good food. they have the best sweet and sour pork and also mapo tofu" Jingtang answered, his eyes still focusing on the road.

"yay!! sweet and sour pork" Yuan exclaimed in excitement. it was his favorite.

"Mapo tofu!!" Aī also said jubilations.

"i hope they've got peking roast duck and hot pot too" Liliana squealed like a child.

"it's on the special tonight" Jingtang laughed. it was moments like these that made him happy.

The car came to a stop infront of a huge and fancy restaurant. Everyone stepped out and Jingtang picked Aī up, Something caught his eyes. It was a car that resembled Tang yi's car. He turned to look at it again as they walked into the restaurant. there was no mistaking, it was Tang yi's car.

"Hi i reserved a table for four under the name Huang?" He said to the waitress who welcomed them into the restaurant.

"oh Mr Huang,welcome to Little jadj

ve.please follow me" The waitress said leading them to their table. Everyone sat down excitedly but Jingtang's mood had suddenly shifted.

"Are you okay?" Liliana asked as the waitress handed them some menus.

"Yea.. I'm fine, i just remembered I might have not saved a file at the office" He smiled.

"it's nothing to worry about" he shrugged. he was worried. Although Tang yi had calmed down over the years, when it came to Liliana, he was a total mad man.

"We'll have the tonight's special, Peking roast duck,mapo tofu,sweet and sour pork"Tang yi said to the waitress and she left to bring their order.

"Ah Li??" Liliana froze in her seat as Tang yi came into view. Her heartbeat accelerated and her fist tightened. it was definitely Tang yi's voice.

She stood up and turned around to see Tang yi carrying a little boy in his arms while lei yi stood besides him scowling. They looked like the perfect family and her heart squeezed.

"Mommy ah" Aī tugged at her dress bringing her back to reality.

"young master." She greeted casually with a small smile.

Tang yi frowned, why did she always have to be like this. He had been sitting a few feet away from them when they entered and sat at the table, at first he couldn't believe it was her untill he saw Jingtang too. He took the initiative to walk up to them to confirm. it was really her and even after all these years, she still called him young master.

"Go to the car.." He said handing mùyáng over to Lei yi.

"what? why?" She asked annoyed.

"Now!" He ordered and Leiyi handed mùyáng over to The driver before stomping out angrily and the driver followed behind with mùyáng.

"Ah Li.." He called moving towards her and trying to touch her face but she moved away. His heart hurt. even after 9 years she was still refusing his touch.

She ignored him turned around to sit down and continue on like he wasn't standing there. Jingtang took Aī from her arms and Tang yi took the initiative to grab liliana's wrist dragging her away from Jingtang and the kids. Jingtang made to follow them but Liliana shook her head signalling for him to stop. he sat back down and the waitress served their food.

Tang yi dragged Liliana to the rest room and pinned her against the wall.

"Why did you leave?" He asked looking into her eyes, they were void of any emotions.

"Let go, you're hurting me"She said calmly.

"i loved you, do you have any idea how messed up I've been for the past five years?!" He yelled burying his face into the nape of her neck. He kissed her gently. Her scent,the feel of her skin drove him crazy.

"Tang yi please stop!" She gently tried to push him off.

"no matter how you choose to look at it, my children come first" she said.

"They're my children too"He half yelled, he was loosing it. she had a way of messing with his mind.

"so what? you're choosing My cousin over me? Are you sleeping with him? did you tell my children he was their father instead of me?" He asked angrily. she wiggled her hands out of his hold and slapped him across the face.

"How dare you? Don't you dare bring Jingtang into this" she said tears welling in her eyes. she had promised herself that no matter what,she was never going to crying in front of Tang yi nor any of them who had made her life miserable. but then again this was Tang yi and somehow she always felt vulnerable when it came to him. All he did was make her cry.

"I'm sorry.." He said wiping the single tear that fell from her eye with his thumb.

"Doesn't matter, it is what it is. He's been there for me all these years and wether i choose to sleep with him or not, it is none of your business"She said pushing his hand off. She pushed him off and hastily walked out of the rest room and he followed behind and tried to catch up with her.

"Marry me" he shouted after her and it attracted the attention of others around.

"Let's go.." she said upon getting to their table. without questions Tang yi picked Aī up and Liliana grabbed yuan's hand and they all walked out of the restaurant. They should have just ordered and eaten at home. Tang yi caught up to them right outside the entrance and grabbed Liliana by the arm.

"Ah Li, let's talk about it please" He pleaded but Yuan was quick to kick his leg and he winced in pain. that child had so much power in his leg.

Liliana quickly got into the car with her children and Jingtang quickly Drove off.

He was left standing there at the entrance feeling defeated and angry. He took out his phone and called his driver to come pick him up.