
Young Master Enzo's siren

(Warning:Mature content) Sirens they say have always had men falling at their feets. Serene De Vitto left the country three years ago,leaving school,family,friends and an ex boyfried behind. with an unknown reason she returns three years later only to win the title of a siren and a seductress a differenet woman from who she was before. Capturing the hearts of young masters and a source of envy to the women from the higher society. She catches the eyes of Lorenzo De Angelo a man feared and rumoured to be ruthless even to his own fiancee. Lorenzo also happens to be the ex she left behind. Will Serene be able to fully have the engaged man. Or will Enzo avoid the call of a siren. You'll know when you join their very long journey. First love they say doesn't die. ~~~~~ ''Just a word from you Rene and I'll end this wedding''Lorenzo says while looking at her with pleading eyes. The woman he will do anything for seems to want nothing to do with him. ''I wish you a happy married life Enzo''Serene says and walks out of the place a cold expression on her face. The moment she turns a tear slides down her cheeks ~~~ ''You are hurting me Enzo''She cries out trying to remove his hand while starring deep into his eyes. ''You hurt metoo Serene,Leaving three years ago,coming back''He says while starring at her Warning:This Novel will contain sensitive topics. Abuse,kidnappings,toture and all that.it is not any usual romance as the story line gets more interesting. THANK YOU FOR READING.

Empressking · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
91 Chs

Chapter 17:Dating the sugar daddy

Third pov~~~

 ''Enzo''Serene pants trying to slow the frenzied Lorenzo who seemed to be in a hurry not listening to her.

 ''Wa-mmhh"her words are cut short by Lorenzo placing his lips on hers in a searing kiss,his kiss portraying how hungry he is for her lips.

 After he 'borrowed'her from the girls she found herself in his car in a hot makeout section before being hurled to his mansion.

 ''Mmmh''Serene lets out a moan at the feel of Lorenzo's lips on her neck sucking on the skin there.

 ''Baby''Lorenzo calls out his voice husky with desire his chest vibrating with a growl.

 his lips soon find their way back to hers while his hands slowly peels off her clothes.

 When they are both bare Lorenzo kneels on the bed starring at serene who is a panting mess beneath him looking like a painting her black hair covering the two moulds on her chest.

 Lorenzo leans down brushing her hair from her moulds and she shivers her pink buds harddening at the contact of his hard rough hands coming in contact with them.

 ''You are beautiful cara''He whispers his deep voice sounding strained before he leans down placing a kiss on her ankle slowly dragging his lips towards her legs to her inner thighs and serene shivers at the sensation. 

 ''I'll always have you shivering beneath me amore,your body craving the pleasures only I can give you baby''Lorenzo tells her his grey eyes melting into her beautiful grey eyes and he dives in his head lost between her legs and serene throws her head back a scream of pleasure escapes her lips.

 Lorenzo continues his work while serene tugs and drags his hair her body writhing and shaking in pleasure. 

 Lorenzo raises his head starring at his beauty whose white skin is tainted with red blush love bites scattered across her legs chest and neck.

 He slowly enters her and sighs at the pleasurable feeling before picking up his pace groaning at the heavily feeling while serene lays under him moaning and asking for more.

 Few hours later~

 Serene's pov~~~

 I lay on the bed in Enzo's arms the slight ache between my legs a reminder of our frevelous acts and I smile slightly at his fingers massaging my lower back. 

 ''Are you ok,did I go too far''Enzo asks his voice worried and I laugh at his tone.

 he did almost go too far but thank God he cotrolled himself.

 ''Hmm''I hum softly at him and if possible his expression turned worst.

 ''I am sorry baby''he says and I smile shaking my head at his words.

 I wrap my arms around him pushing my body closer to his warmth.

 ''Baby''he says his voice carrying the warning in them and I feel him hardening against me.

 I am about to answer when my phone starts ringing and I turn around on the bed searching for it.

 ''I'll get it''Enzo says before standing up from the bed in all his naked and toned glory and I lick my lips at the sight before me.

 This is delicious,he walks back towards me the monster in the middle of his legs starring at me and trust me I still gulp at his sight.

 The man is blessed.

 ''Thank you''I tell him after clearing my throat which has suddenly turn dry for some unknown reasons.

 I take the phone from him only to see it is a call from ethan.

 ''Hello''I say the moment the call connects and I hear shuffling behind me before enzo wraps his arms around me pulling my body close to his.

 ''Hey beautiful''I hear Ethans voice and a laugh almost escapes my lips at his words.

 ''What a flirt''I tell him and hear him chuckle at my words.

 ''only for you darling so are you free''He asks me and I know he has a reason to call me his voice sounded off though he tried to mask it.

 ''No I am expensive''I reply and he laughs saying he knows I am.

 ''I want to meet you beautiful''Ethan tells me his voice suddenly turning serious.

 I tell him the date and time to meet me at my office before ending the call.

 Turning I am faced with Lorenzo glaring at my phone.

 ''What''I ask him and he shakes his head putting his face in the crook of my neck inhaling deeply.

 ''Who was that''He asks his voice sounding bothered and I almost laugh at him.

 ''A friend and business partner''I answer and his arms tighten around me at the word friend.

 ''Relax,I am not having sex with him now come feed me''I tell him and laugh when his arms loosen around me and I am carried into the bathroom.


 Standing in his fully furnished bathroom I stand there impressed at how beautiful everywhere and everything is in his mansion.

 After taking a shower he carries me downstairs and I don't even complain because who am I to.

 We reach the kitchen and I am more impressed by the white themed and fully furnished kitchen.

 ''Sit on the stool baby let me make you something''he tells me before placing me on the stool close to the counter and I suddenly start feeling like a baby.

 ''I am not a baby enzo''I tell him pouting at the way he is treating me and behaving as if I am fragile.

 He chuckles and turns around looking at my face before looking at my chest and lets out a short laugh.

 ''Trust me baby you aren't,I won't do what I do to you in my bedroom to a minor.besides''He says leaning forward at his last words and I gulp at how hot the kitchen seems to be getting. ''You are my baby''He says befor leaning back and a grin is spread on his handsome face which makes him look all the more handsome.

 He starts stirrung something in the pan and I sit there starring at his shirtless body which seems to be seeing the gym everyday and an Idea hits me,taking out my phone I take a picture of his side profile.

 Editing the picture I put the words 'A delicious breakfast' before posting it on all my social media accounts grinning widely at my work.

 Turning on the front camera of my phone I set it down and start making a live video before playing some music.

 I stand up and start dancing informing my fans of it being a new dance routine when I suddenly feel arms wrap around me from behind.

 Tilting my head to the side my forehead scraps against his sharp jaw covered with stumbbles and I smile raising my hand to touch the hair on his jawline.

 Soon we start moving along with the song Enzo surprising me with his dance move and his ability to move with me in sync.

 ''Go make the food enzo''I tell him pushing him away when the music is about to end and he places a kiss on my shoulder before turning towards the food.

 I smile sitting back and reading the comments.

 'Is it just me or they look beautiful together'

'That dance felt so different it felt like sex on my eyes'

 'My Gawd that was hawt'

 'Look at that chest'

 'The man is so handsome I'll drop my panties for him'

'Serene is so beautiful'

'My goddess'

 'The new dance routine will be a hit'

 'I must learn these steps'

 Reading this comments I let out a laugh and red the negetive ones.

 'He is shelly's fiancee'

'I despice third parties'

 'Being pretty does not mean humping different men I thought she is with sergio'

 Rolling my eyes I see comments made with Camilla,Angelina ,Vanessa's and the boys account and I cannot help the laugh from escaping my lips before replying them.