
Young Justice: Smartest Man

Young Justice Fan Fiction if you couldn’t tell from the title. Apparently I died doing some dumb stuff. This entertained a higher power and he decided to grant me some wishes. I tried my best but I didn’t know which world I would go to. Now I’m going to the DC universe. Well I just hope it not that bad. ________ I found the DC universe interesting, so I decided to write about. The powers will be written to the best of my abilities, but no promises that it won’t be just a bunch of bull. Young Justice, I have seen a couple episodes, so try not to worry about the time line. The MC will be OP, maybe love interests but not sure. Just enjoy and don’t think about it too much.

Unknownducky · TV
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

The Visit (1)

Today was a great day. Me and my car taker decided to make some BBQ today. I am sure now that my care taker isn't normal.

She is most likely a meta human. I don't know how strong she is , but she isn't as strong as me.

[A/N: Still not sure what to do with her. So for now she will be a person that has unnamed powers.]

Then I headed to my garage. I was working on a very special projected. The Micro Verse Battery, it basically a micro universe that I made. It suck in a battery and it extracts energy from the micro verse.

I even made it better then the one Rick had. Rick made one that took the inhabitants energy doing work. My takes energy from everything and sends to me. So as long as you do anything that produces energy, my battery takes some of it.

Basically an infinite rechargeable battery that doesn't need any external charge. The reason I made this is because I wanted to make a transformer.

Not like Bumblebee or Megatron, no but instead I wanted to make the Dinobots. They are way more cooler then Megatron. I mean it a robot dinosaur.

While I was building it, my care taker called me since the BBQ was ready. So I stopped and headed to the bathroom to clean my hands before I ate. Then my sensors picked something up.

There were guest, and very annoying ones at that. It was the trio of justice. Batman the Emo One, Superman the Country Boy, and the Pretty Pink Princess Wonder Woman.

Then my care taker invited them in. Why did she do that? Well if you have three heroes at your doorstep you usually invite them in unless your guilty.

Now how guilty am I? Well i committed multiple robbery, lots of assault, possession of unregistered weapons, multiple acts of arson, trespassing, and probably more crimes that I don't know about.

My care taker knows that I create stuff but she didn't know what I did at night, or I think at least?

I just head to the dining hall since that where the BBQ is. I was calm since they most likely didn't have proof.

I mean what's Batman going to say? I have been spying on you using satellites. Thats creepy and plus I wonder if you can sue the Bat for stalking a minor.

Then they also came into the dining hall. My care taker announced them.

"Ban! You have guest. They are heroes." She said but it seems she was not shocked

Then they started to introduce themselves.

"Hello Ban, I'm Wonder Woman" WW said

(I'm going to is short terms to describe them)

"Hi Ban, I'm Superman" SM said

"Batman"BM said

"Yo, not trying to be rude but why are you here?" I asked since I was curious

"We are here to evaluate your threat level"BM said

"Threat Level? You do know I'm 12" I said

"Don't act foolish, we know that you're Greed"BM said

"Ok, and?" I asked

"Ban, you have committed lot of crimes. We have let be, but after your latest stun of attacking Green Arrow. We have found you, and will determine your future if you do not cooperate" SM Said

"Hahahahha, good joke! You found me? Ahahah, that's a good one. No, I let you find me. You think I wouldn't notice all the surveillance from Bats or your satellites? Hahaahah, trust me you didn't find me, I let you be here" I said

SM and WW were kinda surprised but didn't show it. BM was just there, he probably guess that I let them find me before they came here.

"Then are you willing to cooperate?"SM asked

"Hmm, on what exactly?" I asked

"We have some questions and we need answers"BM said

"Only if I feel like answering it" I said

"Then can you hold this Lasso" WW said

Then i grabbed the lasso, to my surprise the Lasso was affecting me. It wasn't affecting my mind, no it was soul that it affected.

"Wow, strange rope"I said

"It's the Lasso of Truth, you will always speak the truth when holding it" WW said

"Huh, that's it? I can make thing that have that effect and more. Lame rope"I said

WW was kinda annoyed at my comment. So she wrapped around my hand tightly, this didn't effect me but it the meaning behind it that hurts.

"First question, who are you?" BM

"So you just broke into someone home, then threatened them for answers. Wow, how very heroic. Anyways my name is Ban Fushiguro" I said

"Second question, where did you get all your equipment?" BM said

"I made them, what are you jealous Batty?"I said teasing him

"Third question, how did you create your equipment?"BM said

"I used my brain, duh. Like how else do you create stuff? Wait, where do you get your equipment?" I asked

The three just looked at each other. They were surprised, I mean I am a 12 year old that made planet ending technology. Who wouldn't be shocked.

"Fourth question, do you know your father?" BM asked

"Nope, and don't really care" i said

The just looked at each other, they release a sigh of relief. Then they looked at me with less hatred and more of compassion.

"Fifth question, have you every killed anyone" BM said

"Nope, but I should say that I would. I mean why wouldn't I defend my self"I said

'Well, technically everything is just an object to me. So, technically I could never kill but more of destroy an object. After all I am basically a god' i thought

Then WW and SM started to ask questions.

"So, are you willing to be a hero?"SM said

"A hero? I mean good and bad are just concepts that don't affect me. So, me being a hero isn't really something I believe in. But sure if it fun"I said

They were just shocked at my answer. I mean is said that good and bad doesn't affect me. I'm sure they are trying to wrap their head around that concept.

"What do you mean?"SM asked

"Well, to me their is nothing such as good and evil. It just goals and views. People have different mind set and different goals. These goals and view seen by others that are the opposite would disagree to there views and goals. Basically it a game of he sees, she sees"I explain

They all nodded and understood my words to an extent. They had seen people similar to me. To them, I just looked at everything in a mechanical way.

That wrong as my intelligence is way beyond a simple machine view. But they wouldn't understand.

"Then if you don't mind, can you tell us your all your abilities?" WW asked

She asked but in truth it was a demand. Since I still had the lasso tied to me I had to tell the truth.

"Not like I had a choice, anyway I have intelligence that you would never understand. Then I have a super body that can regenerate infinitely. I also am very hood at stealing"I said

I used my intelligence to make my word vague. Now they wouldn't know the true extent of my abilities without me telling them.

Batman knew something was off. He has seen me use a telekinetic ability but for some reason the lasso didn't make me say it. Well I did but my wording made it impossible to know.

"How did you trick the lasso of truth" Batman asked

Wonder Woman and Superman looked shocked at his words. Then I just smirked.


[A/N: This chapter is split into 2 parts. I know, most of y'all hate cliff hangers. But I been working on this for hours, please let me rest my brain!!

All of my Fan Fiction chapters usually take 2 to 3 hours minimum to make. I started around 11 in the morning and now it 3.

I had already done some work but for some reason the draft disappeared and had to rewrite the chapter.

You'll get your chapter soon, I promise! But you'll have to wait, I'm sorry. But that how writing works. I also see why most fan fiction writers only write a chapter a day or two.

I also want to hear any suggestions for lovers or what he should do in the future.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed so far!]