
Young Justice: Shazam

A young man died and reborn into the young justice universe. He lived the first few year's of his life powerless and with nothing to help him survive in this universe. He wanted to be great but didn't have the power to do so until he was granted the powers of Shazam! Read his journey to become a champion of mankind and protect his new home from all evil. (I don't anything from Dc Comics all I own Is my Original character.)

ace_casseus · Anime e quadrinhos
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3 Chs

Today is the day

3rd POV

Mount Justice, Happy Harbor

Green Lantern and Captain Atom are flying large pieces of equipment around the mountain, but in the Center stands four teens. Now dressed in civilian clothes, Batman, Aquaman, Flash, Hawkman, Black Canary, Red Tornado and Wonder Woman.

"This cave was the original sanctuary of the justice League." Batman tells the four boys. "We're calling it into service again. Since you four are determined to stay together and fight the good fight you'll do it on League terms." All four teens watch him in the center of the room. "Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary's in charge of training with Wonder Woman coming to advise every now and than."

A pair of sunglasses cover Robin's eyes, speaks up. "Real missions!" He checks.

"Yes, but covert." Batman confirms stepping back to be closer to the boys before him.

"The League will stand handle the obvious stuff." Flash speaks up form behind Kid Flash's shoulder. "There's a reason we have these big targets on our chest." 

"But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly." Aquaman said, then turns his head towards Wonder Woman to let them know of her concerns.

"Yes even though I am hesiteant to let our young charges out on their own missions with out us, I understand the need to grow and spread your wings. This is one of the reason's I agreed to help Black Canary when I'm available. If you are going to be on your own I'll train you to survive." Wonder Woman adds and let Batman continue.

"The seven of you will be that team" Batman says.

"Cool! Wait." Robin does the simple math and realizes the problem. "Seven?" He questions.

Batman only looks over his protégés shoulder and all four of turn to see Wonder Woman walk towards a dark corner of the room, Martian Manhunter steps out the shadows with a green skinned red haired teenage girl along with a tan skinned black haired teenage girl and finally a dark skinned teenage boy wearing a white hood along with his red hero suit. "This is Martian Manhunter's niece. Miss Martian. Wonder Woman younger sister Wonder Girl and her Protégé Shazam." As he finished saying that Shazam removed his hood and the four teens were shocked. All of them knew of Shazam but never meet him what they do know is that he has never been caught on camera without his hood. (magic spell that keep's hood on and stopping camera's from finding out his real Identity.) So the world only knows his skin tone, eye color and smile. Shazam is a black/Greek 18 year old young man with brown eyes and a sculpted physique.

(Shazam skin tone and hair image here)

(Donna Troy image here)

Miss Martian raises her left hand, giving them a small wave and smile. "Hi." She said shyly.

Wonder Girl rubbed Miss Martian shoulder reassuringly and stepped closer to the four. "Hi as you heard Batman I'm Wonder Girl." She smiled and walked next to Shazam with her arms behind her back.

Shazam stayed where he was but smirked. "What's up." and then his arm was put in-between Wonder girl breast when she noticed how Kid Flash was looking at her. Kid looked saddened that one of the beautiful girls was taken but got happy again when he looked at Miss Martian. 

So he looked at Robin and said. "Liking this gig more every minute." He steps up, minorly blocking her view of Robin and Superboy. "Uh welcome aboard. I'm Kid Flash." Using his thumb to point at himself. Robin just waves and smirked at Kid Flash making a fool of himself.

"Aqualad." He introduced himself and gives a small nod. Kid Flash gets in the way again. "You don't have to remember their names." He said.

"Im honoured to be included." Miss Martian says clasping her hands together. Wonder girl gorans and gives a side eye to Wonder Woman. "You said they were all my worthy peers so what's up with this one sister." Pointing at Kid Flash. Wonder Woman just smiled and rolled her eyes. 

Shazam just laughed and rubbed her back. "Its okay. He seems just fine just a flirt and because of your little action he's already given up on you for Miss Martian." 

She looked annoyed but sighed then smiled at Shazam. "At least your here, now I'll get to see you more often and fight together." 

"I don't know why your saying that since we live on the same island you always see me." Shazam said and all the conversating teens stopped talking and looked at him than Wonder Girl than back at him.

"WHAT! Dude you live on the paradise for all me- i mean just paradise." Kid flash corrected himself when he seen the way Wonder Woman and Girl were looking at him.

"Yeah I thought only women can stay on." Robin said looking confused.

"Yes during my lessons in on the surface world, when Themyscira came up my teachers told me only the Amazons live on the island." Aqualad said.

Seeing all the attention he was getting and regretting saying what he did out loud he answers the question in the air. "I was an orphan when I first got my powers and when I was found by Wonder Woman who saw I had no real home she decided to bring me to the island hoping the queen would let me stay when she realizes where my powers came from and when she realized I'm not a bad man. Once on Themyscira the queen allowed me to stay on the edge of the island until I could properly use my powers as the Amazons don't trust easy. It took a lot of time and effort but the Amazon's eventually started to trust me and as I was young they kind of raised me to their ideals so as i go be a hero back in quote man's world I won't get corrupted by the bad ones. I'm like a little brother to the Amazon's well except to Wonder Girl obviously. I also help protect their lands." 

Everyone was shocked at that since Amazon's were known not to break their laws yet I'm living proof they did. What they don't know is Shazam was allowed on the island by Zeus and even if he didn't prove him self to the Amazons he would still be allowed on the Island to train as his champion. 

Anyway back on track they protégés all conversate with themselves and their mentor's, Robin notices Superboy has a downcast expression so he brings him over. "Hey Superboy come meet Miss M, WG and Shazam!" He called out.

Superboy walks over to the rest of the team; Miss Martian uses her shapeshifting ability to changer her shirt from its normal color and and straps to Superboy color T-shirt. She blushes and says "I like your T-shirt." Superboy gives her a small smile which causes Robin to nudge his elbow into his chest with a smirk while Kid Flash zips to his other side with a bright smile. Aqualad looks at all his comrades on this new Team and say's "Today is the Day."

1st POV

I look on my new team and girlfriend as I hear Aqualad say those famous words and after 18 years I know what Dc universe I'm in. It's the Young Justice universe. I stopped watching after the second season so my knowledge wont help me for long but it would be boring otherwise. It's been about 4 years since I became Shazam and a lot has happened. When I agreed to be Wonder Woman sidekick I was taken to her home Island of Themyscira where I meet here people and mother. The queen immediately sensed some Zeus's power and asked for an explanation. After hearing my tale she agreed to let be trained but only live on the edge of the Island for about a year. At first it was hard to deal with all the hating looks and glares but I was able too since at least Diana was nice to me.

Later through half of the first year I met and saved Donna, Diana's Sister from a magic blast fired from Circe who Invaded the Island. As Diana was fighting Circe I was helping the Amazons against her army. When the battle was over a lot of the amazon's gained a little respect towards me as the saw my prowess and my will to help them even though the scorned me. Donna who was saved by me became interested in me and visited me every day. Then she started trainings with me, we became best friends and later my girlfriend. The Amazon's learned to live with me and started to like me so they also helped in my training and taught me to respect women though I already did. I was told the scariest treat my daughter/sister right from Diana and her mother. The past 4 years were spent living on the Island and going to America being a hero and getting known, also learning my powers more.