
Chapter 66

The team slipped their way towards the old embassy. Completely abandoned and very unsettling to say the very least. Harry, Whitney, Helena, Megan, Mareena, and Artemis all walked closer towards the front door. The door handle looked a bit cleaner for a place which was supposed to be abandoned for years and years.

"On your toes,' Harry said. "Something's up."

Helena double checked her wrist computer and it interfaced with the building. Which should have been devoid of all power. And yet the security in the building had been reestablished.

"Guys, serious problem here. Security's back on in the building."

"So, she might be here?" Artemis asked.

Harry craned his neck to look around. He could sense something off. The loud pounding in the back of the head.

"The top half of the building is blocked by some kind of security field," Helena explained. "Someone's here...but they don't want us to know."

"And can you break through?" Whitney asked.

"No, it's going to take time," Helena said.

"Time we don't have," Harry said. "I can find another way around the security."

"Right, and as you do that, we will search the lower levels of the building," Mareena said.

Harry parted ways with the team. Something about this entire situation just spoke of sheer madness. The chills going down their spine indicated something bad was about to happen. Exactly what, none of them even knew. All they could do was go around and keep searching.

Megan stood up straight and felt a very familiar prick in the back of her head. She opened her mouth to warn everyone, but it was too late. Everyone collapsed to the ground in their knees, with a psychic attack.

From the shadows, Psimon walked out. Megan struggled against the pull of his memory. She found herself on Mars, but instead of Mars being active and vibrant, it had been in ruins. The scene shifted to that on Earth, which looked the same.

Megan shuddered, it was just like the simulation was all that time ago. The wounds were still fresh and it was one of the last things that Megan wished to relieve right about now.

"Poor little Martian. She can't keep her eye on the ball, can she?"

Psimon stood off in the distance. Megan pushed out of the carnage and tried to fight him off.

"I don't understand, you were supposed to be…."

"You put me out of commission for months," Psimon said. "But, alas you couldn't finish the job. And while I had migraines for months...I wasn't without my capabilities, was I?"

"What do you mean?" Megan croaked.

"Oh, my dear Martian, do I have to spell it out for you?" Psimon asked. "I was the one that let Destiny out of his cage, in the vain hope that he would be able to trap the Team in your own nightmares."

"No, you almost killed us."

"Well, brain death is far worse than you diying," Psimon said. "The fate which would fall upon your friends today, when I use their own worst demons to drive them insane. But, you live with your demons every day. You hide the ugliness inside, under a pretty little package."

Psimon stretched his hand out and Megan faded. She shifted into a White Martian form. A mirror appeared and Megan recoiled from it. She could not shift back. The monsters surrounded her and trampled everyone on Earth.

"No!" she yelled.

"Yes," Psimon said. "You can't hide for your inner nature. You tried to be a good girl...White Martians crave control and they crave blood. Destiny helped me see that and now I'm going to peel back the layers of your mind.

Megan struggled against Psimon's attacks. She needed to break free. She beat him once and beat him once again.

"And with your dear Harry occupied, you are very weak indeed," Psimon said.

"No, he's just a strength, but not my only strength," Megan breathed.

"Well, show me your strength then," Psimon said. "Show me what a White Martian can really do when she's pushed."

Megan closed her eyes. No, she could not succumb. She must not succumb. No way, no how, no way. Despite the fact the temptation being very real and despite the fact it felt as if Psimon just shoved white hot pokers into the back of her head, Megan had to keep her head back above the ground.

Harry stepped through the stairway. Mist surrounded him and showed Harry precisely where he needed to go. The security grid outside of one of the doors. Harry flicked it open with a finger and waved his hands. The grid had been used, with a fresh set of fingerprints.

Another charm showed Harry the age of the fingerprints and showed him what order they had been in. Harry activated the lock and opened the door.

A girl sat in a chair, unharmed, although unable to leave. She stood up in surprise.


"Noor, isn't it?" Harry asked.

Noor nodded in response.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine but Quarac won't be," Noor said. "If Queen Bee and my father sign that treaty, he will be finished. We will be at the brink of civil war….and that will give Queen Bee all of the excuses she needs to enter the country and slaughter everyone in her path."

Harry figured about as much. Queen Bee did not get control of a country streaming with people who would have her killed just for the crime of being a woman who did not come in line with their values by being nice.

"I'm going to get you out of here, and we'll break what spell she has on your father," Harry said. "It's not too late."

Before Harry could reach Noor, a flash bang of magical light rocked him. Harry entered a swirling vortex and landed very firmly on a misty plane. The wind had been knocked out of his body.

"Sorry for the theatrics, beloved. But, it was the only way that I could finally talk to you face to face."

Harry came face to face with Nora Darhk. Extremely beautiful, and also extremely dangerous, a combination which Harry found interesting in any woman. Nora reached over and placed her hand on Harry's cheek before stroking it.

"You are more perfect than I could ever dream," Nora murmured. "Cadmus could not have made something like you...not without intervention."

Nora just smiled and stepped back towards Harry. She waved a hand and two comfortable chairs appeared. Nora dropped down into one but Harry just stood.

"I really did hope an attractive girl being held captive would gain your attention," Nora said. "Women are most certainly your Kryptonite, aren't they?"

"You held an innocent woman captive to get my attention," Harry said.

"I didn't harm a single hair on her head," Nora said. "And besides, I saved her. Aunt Marina, Queen Bee to you, she does not take too well to subversives. I am not perfect, but in this case, I was an angel."

And yet, Harry thought of her as more of a succubus trying to tempt into something. So Harry remained on his guard. So Queen Bee was Nora's aunt? That was interesting and also solidified their connection.

"I fed her three square meals a day," Nora said. "I take care of my pets. Almost as well as I could take care of you, if we get to know each other well."

Nora licked her lips. Harry sensed a darkness in her which put him on edge.

"Why did you bring me here?" Harry asked.

"Because, I see something special in you," Nora said. "And because after the end, I need someone to help me rebuild the world. Over the ashes when he arrives."

Harry could tell that Nora tried to get into his mind, but that proved to be an error. He pushed back and the two locked onto a battle of wills with each other. Nora just smiled and exerted more of her power.

"Aunt Marina's gift runs in the family," she said. "And I hoped you would join me willingly, but...I can convince you."

The burst of power was immense, and Harry just pushed back extremely hard. Nora did have some leverage, and she had been extremely powerful dragging Harry into her mind in a blink of an eye.

Megan thought this situation could not have gotten any worse. Her team members showed up in shackles. Whether they were really the mental avatars of her team, or just some kind of Psimon mind trick, she could not tell. Megan's heart pounded furiously, and she was a bundle of rage.

And the bane of her existence, Psimon, turned his attention completely upon Megan. The grin only widened on the man's face when he stared down the Martian.

"I will be glad to rip your mind apart. And make your greatest fears become your ultimate reality. And when something happens to Harry, your mind will shatter."

Images appeared in Megan's head. She screamed when these horrific fates replayed from the simulation that Doctor Destiny hijacked entered her mind.

"Don't push me," M'gann breathed.

The White Martian threatened to break further out, buried deep into her mind. Psimon paid M'gann no mind.

"You are nothing but a child playing games," Psimon said. "This isn't a sitcom, my dear. You don't get a happy ending twenty-two minutes later. This is reality."

Psimon attacked the martian once again. Her cries only increased in volume. The throbbing upon the back of her head, it just got worse and worse. And Megan's attempts to push back only fell on deaf ears.

"Unless you want to give into your inner nature, like the Savage White Martian you are. To you, the mind is a plaything. We are alike, if you would just embrace your nature.

"We are nothing alike!"

The woman's voice darkened several shades and Psimon just laughed at the woman. A very hideous thought entered her mind. She would have to break Psimon to be free of his torment.

"Child, you have no idea, do you?" Psimon asked. "I have already won. Without Harry, you're nothing."

The sinister Psimon allowed the other bombshell to drop. He wished to dig the knife into the Martian woman and add to her ultimate torment.

"And once Queen Bee has him under her control, it's game over for everyone."


M'gann M'orzz bit back from the man who tormented her hard. She hit Psimon with everything she got. The walls in his mind shattered like glass and broke free from his control.

The next thing M'gann knew, they ended up in back in the embassy. The team woke up one at a time. Artemis, Whitney, Helena, and Mareena all opened their eyes.

"What...just happened?" Mareena asked.

"Psimon trapped us again," M'gann said. "And tried to erase our memories. But, I wouldn't let him."

Psimon laid on the ground, catatonic and drooling. Blood just oozed out of his nose. Something told M'gann she nailed him far worse than the last time. She took a deep breath and realized the ramifications of what she did. She just broke someone's mind.

She gave into her inner nature.

"You okay?" Helena asked.

"Just...give me a minute," M'gann said.

Devastation wrenched Diana back with a full nelson. The Amazon tried to get her leverage to fight off this woman. Almost like some kind of dark mirror, only without all of the kindness and teachings of the Amazon.

"Aresia had the right idea, you know," Devastation said. "You Amazons have gone all soft. You don't have anything in you. You don't have any back bone."

Donna nailed Devastation with a glancing kick. Devastation dropped Diana and rushed towards the younger Amazon. Donna bent down on the ground and dodged several punches from Devastation. She flipped over Devastation and grabbed the woman by the arm.

This opened up Devastation for an attack by Diana. Diana and Donna teamed up to drive Devastation down to the ground.

"I've got her!" Donna yelled. "Get the book!"

Diana nodded and ran over to get said book. Devastation squirmed underneath the attack of the younger Amazon.

"You better let me go, you little pipsqueak."

Donna strung up Devastation using a chain hanging from the ceiling. She struggled and frailed like a fish in water.

Diana rushed out of the back of the library, carrying a dust covered tome in her hand. The sounds of footsteps coming from outside alerted the Amazons that someone was coming.

"Back entrance, now!" Diana yelled.

The Amazons broke their way out of the back entrance. The terrain ahead of them was treacherous, but it sure did beat running headlong into Queen Bee's troops.

Said troops arrived, to find a missing both and an angry Devastation who had broken free from her chains.

"I have something to show you. Something that's only inevitable."

Harry landed down on an image of a world which had been succumbed by darkness. And a dark and shadowy figure sat on a throne made of human bones and peered down from the world. Blood red skies, dark clouds, and ruined buildings stretched as far as the eye could see.

"Those who will not be killed, will used a slave labor," Nora said.

"Why are you showing me this?"

Nora stopped and turned slowly towards him.

"For power, my father had to barter something," Nora explained. "And it was my soul. It would only be my own as long as he lived, and when he died, the demon he bartered it with, would have it and I would be his servant, to do his bidding."

The woman paused and looked almost wistful, as she peered out into the darkness. Many regrets slipped into her mind, almost too many regrets.

"My father was arrogant, and thought that he would live forever, or find a way to cheat this demon," Nora said. "And I got sixteen uninterrupted years before the consequences came to me...the night after Black Canary killed my father."

"He brought it onto himself," Harry said.

Nora acted like she did not hear a single word Harry said. If Nora told the truth, then that just showed the height of depravity a man like Damien Darhk could be with to use his own daughter as a bargaining chip.

"There's no way for you to be free?" Harry asked.

"Oh, there is a way," Nora said. "But, I need to help him prepare the portal...the sixteenth year approaches, and the portal will be mature enough for him to come to this world."

Harry could see something, almost wistful in her eyes.

"There's other ways for you…."

"I love you," Nora said. "I really do...but your abilities are wasted on heroics. After the end, I will survive...and you will survive….but we are better off if we rule over them at all. Build a new world, free of the imperfections of the original."

Harry did not say anything in response to her statement.

"You become a hero long enough, people will grow tired of you," Nora said. "Because there's nothing more than people like is a hero that falls from his pedestal and crashes back down to Earth. The new shiny toy becomes something they want to break."

Nora cupped Harry's chin. At this moment, Harry did not pull away.

"And you know deep down how cruel people can be when the wind changes," Nora said. "Because people like us...they will never understand the sacrifices we have to make to protect the ones we love. And they will turn on you, once you stop serving their own agenda."


Nora silenced Harry's statement with a kiss. Her lips felt so warm, so soft, so eager, that Harry could not help and kiss her back. Despite all common sense telling him he should not. The succubus got her hooks into him, at least for a brief second.

Harry faded back into the room with Noor. Who was looking strangely at Harry, as if concerned for his well being.

"Are you okay?" Noor asked.

"Did you see where Nora Darhk went?" Harry asked.

"Queen Bee's niece?" Noor asked. "She hasn't been here...since she brought me here."

Harry realized that Nora had been powerful enough to breach his mental defenses. He found that very impressive and also extremely frustrating. He would have to figure out how, so it did not happen again. Because, Nora found a way to get into his head and mess with his mind in a way which no one, no matter what life, ever had.

"Maybe you should go to a hospital if you're seeing people that aren't there?" Noor asked.

"I'm fine...just...there's something strange going on," Harry said.

Harry felt his lips. Still the imprint, and still the taste of Nora's sinfully sweet lips on his mouth. He would like nothing better than to hold her down and punish this woman for mind-fucking him.

"Harry, are you up here?"

Whitney's voice cut on through and brought Harry back to life. He opened the door and Noor walked behind him.

"The President's daughter is safe," Harry said.

"That's good," Helena said. "We ran into a little trouble downstairs. Psimon."

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.

"Fine,' Helena said. "He's not though."

Harry just wondered that. Megan looked him straight in the eye and then moved over to wrap her arms around Harry. She appeared to be rather relieved that Harry was okay. Harry leaned down and kissed her directly on the lips before pulling back away from her.

"We still need to save Noor's father,' Mareena said. "Let's...try and keep it together."

"Right," Harry said. "Stop the treaty."

Marie sat inside, with Thea. The two of them were going through some old through some old photos and looking very amused.

"There's the three of us, Rita, Marlize, and I," Marie said. "Marlize, our little special effects wizard. She worked with a shoe-string budget and made chicken salad out of...well you know."

"Oh, yes, I know," Thea said. "And the Team's back."

Harry, Megan, Mareena, Artemis, Whitney, and Helena all returned back. Thea walked in to meet them halfway at the door.

"Everything good on your end?" Thea asked.

"We ran into a couple of problems, but we saved Noor and Quarac is going to go back to business as usual," Harry said.

"We saved the day," Artemis said. "That's what we kind of do."

Marie had been looking at Megan for a moment and then to the rest of the team. She had been having something on her mind and just had to speak with the team about this.

"I''ve been doing some thinking," Marie said. "And I realize that I've been hanging onto the past in some respects...and running from it in other ways."

Marie sighed and the entire Team moved in, looking at her somberly. She had come to some very serious and very harsh realizations. And it was best for her to get those all out.

"Part of the reason why I uprooted my son and myself...was to get away...to find who I was," Marie said. "And I can't help and think that if I had not been here...and if I had been able to get him proper medical care, he would still be alive."

"You couldn't be blamed," Mareena said. "No one thought it could have happened."

Marie understood that, believe her, she did. However, she could not help and blame herself.

"And despite the good that I've done here, I've put my life in danger," Marie. "And I owe you an apology."

Marie's eyes fell solemnly upon Megan who sat bolt upright. She respected Marie, but not as someone who played a character in a fictional story. But, as a strong woman who had gone through many challenges in her life, and had come out a lot better for it.

"I'm sorry about being so harsh about your love for my show," Marie said. "Just because Hello Megan was a blip in my life that I would rather forget, I did make a couple of good friends there...and I did have fun...despite the scripts being nonsensical and the cheap budgets."

Yeah Megan admitted some of the episodes were kind of silly. But, they were a good kind of silly, a fun kind of silly, a kind of silly that someone would use to detach themselves from the problems in their life.

"I'm glad my show helped you find yourself on Earth," Marie said.

"Yes, I should have known that you might not have the same opinion of the show that I did," Megan said. "But, you know...I think that Marie Logan is far cooler than Megan is...or was….and your work here, under the face of danger, proved it. I mean, Megan never did anything that badass."

Marie just smiled and wrapped her arm around Megan with a smile.

"If I had a daughter, I would hope she was something like you," Marie said.

Megan just lit up with a big smile, which caused Harry to smile.

"And I know someone in Gotham City that can help you move all of the animals to a safe location," Harry said. "She's big on animal rights and I think the two of you would get along. Her name is Selina, and I'll put you in touch. And even without the oil on your land…."

"Wait, oil on my land?" Marie asked.

That explained on so very much. Whitney moved over to turn on the television screen and brought Marie out of this particular point of the conversation.

"Is there any reason why you just turned on my television?" Marie asked Whitney.

"Wait for it."

Outside of the Quarac Government headquarters, Queen Bee had been escorted out in a fury by guards. Harjavati stood at the entrance, behind his guards.

"I want you out of here!" he yelled. "You think you can enthrall me, don't you, you witch! Well, think again. I don't want you or any of your mercenaries to step one foot into my country ever again."

"So be it," Queen Bee said.

She left with one last dirty look, taking her leave.

"Not bad, right?" Megan asked.

"So, that was you?" Marie asked.

"Yes, that was me," Megan said. "The real Harjavati and his daughter...they're resting...with Psimon's control broken, they can only get their country back together."

"All's well that ends well?" Artemis asked.

Oh, Harry really did hope so. But, he could see it in Queen Bee's eyes. This was far from over. And while Noor seemed to be progressive enough to want real change, Harry wondered if the situation had been as black and white between these two countries that it seemed at first glance.

Nora returned back to the palace. Queen Bee sat on the throne.

"Give your report," Queen Bee said.

"The Martian has done a number on Psimon's mind," Nora reported. "And he's being held under observation in Quarac. What do you want me to do?"

"Leave him for now, let them have their minor victory," Queen Bee said.

Queen Bee admitted today's events stung a little bit more than she would care to tell anyone. Especially since she would have been painted as a bad guy for this situation. Despite the fact that their beloved Progressive President had been arming rebels to try and displace her from the throne, because he did not think a woman like her should be in control.

Quarac's lands had been taken by force all of those years ago, and Queen Bee intended to take back a land which those people had no right to. And they would have taken it all if Queen Bee would have allowed them to do so. But, she would not, she would have the day.

The day would arrive when Queen Bee exposed Harjavati to the entire world, what he really is. How he was nothing but a snake, pandering to so called progressives. Those people would follow the devil himself, if he preached the narrative that they wanted to hear.

Not that the other side of the spectrum was much better. The world was filled with easily lead fools. Queen Bee knew how to play the game.

"Aunt Marina?" Nora asked.

"They won't have this country," Queen Bee said. "They won't….I'm still going to take back what should be mine...and we will be unified again."

She would protect her borders. This made her a criminal to the world, protecting the interests of the people in her country.

"My Queen, forgive me."

Devastation stepped into the room and looked a bit devastated.

"The Amazon has taken the book," Devastation said.

"As I expected," Queen Bee said. "Allow them all to have their hollow victories. It will mean nothing in the end."

In a hospital in Metropolis, a dark-haired woman stirred in the hospital. A surprised doctor almost jumped up at the signs of life.

A couple more doctors and nurses rush over to check on the woman.

"Ms Luthor, can you hear me?"

The woman stirred further awake and for the first time in months, she had been conscious of her surroundings.

"What happened to me?" she asked in a weak voice.

"You've been in our care since May," one of the doctors said. "You collapsed at a press conference. The entire world could see it...we haven't been able to determine the times. Physically you were well, except for the fact."

"I was in a coma for almost six months," she said.

Lena Luthor's head cleared up. The puzzle pieces clicked together. She was not certain whether or not Lex figured out the fast one Lena pulled on him or not. Or if he arranged for Lena to be put out of commission for something entirely unrelated. She would have to get out of this hospital.

Get to him before the Light got their hooks in him.

Harry snuck into the palace, past the guards. It had been far easier than he thought and that concerned him.

Suddenly, Harry noticed that Noor was not alone. A very attractive woman reclined in the bed. Queen Bee, and she did not dress in her regal attire, but slinky lingerie. Which allowed Harry a perfect view of her cleavage and long legs which would stop the hearts of many young men.

"You were told to leave this country."

"It's time for us to meet face to face, Superman," Queen Bee. "Or you would you prefer, Hadrian?"

Harry just took a long moment to stare down the lovely, and deadly Queen Bee.

"Don't worry about dear sweet Noor," Queen Bee practically purred. "She's having pleasant dreams."

"Oooh, Superman, make me yours!" Noor cooed in her sleep.

"And as you can see, if I allowed her to wake, she would be very happy to see you," Queen Bee said. "As you may know, most men and some women...they fall right into my hands."

"I'm not most men," Harry warned her.

"No, you're all man," Queen Bee said.

Queen Bee moved in to kiss Harry hard. Harry put the breaks on that, stopping the woman from moving in. She had been so surprised at being denied that Queen Bee froze in her tracks.

"What's your end game?" Harry asked.

"To make sure the world doesn't fall into ruin," Queen Bee said. "But, to get to the end...you have to get very rough, and very dirty sometimes."

Queen Bee leaned in to make sure Harry got a view of her cleavage.

"And you know all about being rough and dirty, don't you Hadrian?" Queen Bee asked. "We might be on opposite sides, but today...left us both very frustrated. I'm an able bodied woman and you're a very able man. And you need release just as much as I do."

Harry released Queen Bee for a second. Her arms wrapped around him. Those pouty lips pressed upon Harry and the two kissed each over. So much lust entered their kiss. Harry grabbed onto Queen Bee and pulled back from the kiss.

"Let's call a truce," she admitted. "But, if you can deny me….I'll respect you and leave you...and let dear Noor out of my grasp."

"Someone of your talents shouldn't use them for cruelty," Harry said.

"You know that today was not cruel," Queen Bee said. "But, not all of my talents are cruel."

She pulled up Harry's shirt and pulled down Harry's pants. Marina felt him up and she was pretty good at hitting all of the right buttons.

"You are a big boy, aren't you?" Marina teased him.

"On your knees," Harry ordered.

"The Queen does not…."

"On your knees!" Harry told her more forcefully.

Something rushed over Marina's body. She sank down to her knees, surprised at the control Harry now exerted over her mind and her body.

"Don't worry, baby, Auntie Marina will make you feel good," she said in a seductive voice.