
Astral Plane

My body may be gone, but that does not mean I am done for. Oh no, this is just the beginning, the prelude to the new chapter of my life. I died, sure, quite painfully too. But, I got lucky and somehow, the dying ebbof a great mutant from the Marvel universe somehow mixed with me and now, I got the fully evolved powers of Onslaught, the most powerful malignant for the X men mutants from Marvel has ever had the displeasure of facing.

From telepathic abilities that would make an adult Jean Grey seem an immature brat to vast telepathic abilities able to affect atoms! I turned from a speck of dust to a cataclysm causing god in a speck of a second and it felt good!

However, with these phenomenal cosmic power came a downside, I had no body. My vast telepathic powers turned my soul into psionic energy, immediately sending me to a familiar dimension, one the previous Onslaught had relied on in his path to power, the Astral Plane. This is a dimension only available to Astral Projections, consciousness caused by someone's psyche reaching a certain threshold that is qualitative, letting their consciousness leave their body and explore this place.

"Hmm, I'm slightly underwhelmed," I said as I looked at the vast dimension of nothing but white. "I know I can be considered a god here and probably build on this, but I want a feeling body."

It was not painful being only a psionic energy, but it was terribly uncomfortable. It was like I did not have my skin, everything was cold yet unfeeling it was unnerving. I guess that's what happens when one is used to his meat suit for thirty years.

"Sigh, this is depressing," I sighed while materialising a couch from the vast psionic energy available in this dimension. In here, I knew I could warp reality to be what I want but I will always know this is fake. I needed to get out!

"Let's probe the place first,"bI said with resolve. Sending a psionic sonar to every direction, I got the image of everything the wave touched inside instantly.

One mile, five miles, twenty miles, seventy miles, three hundred miles...The distance continued increasing more and more till I grew bored. The dimension was vast and terribly quiet! There was nobody here with him which is quite disappointing. He could probably establish connection and from there slowly worm his way out of this depressing place

"Guess plan B will do then," I nodded to myself.

Mobilizing my psionic power, I sent out my will to the surrounding causing the dimension to start warping. First, It seemed like space was distorting slowly by slowly. Then, with his crushing will, it became faster and faster and unstable. The ground started trembling causing tears and cracks to appear, spreading for hundreds of miles and still increasing.

Lifting myself off the ground, I continued exerting my will to the dimension, not letting up one but. The distorted space became more and more unstable, evaporating the ground and sending chunks of psionic energy flying all over!

"Heh!" I scoffed as I felt a powerful psionic energy rushing over. This was perfect and just in time. What I was cooking here was enough to discombobulate even myself with no prior protection. Looking over, I saw what I could only describe as one ugly motherfucker.

"A Green Martian?" I asked myself when it got closer. Yes, what was rushing over was a Green Martian, an alien race native to Mars in the DC universe.

"If I am in DC, then it makes sense a Green Martian would be the first to rush over. What I was doing here can be tantamount to sending a supernova sized beacon signal to all psionic inclined beings. Martians are one of the most talented psychic races in the DC universe, they would be the first to arrive here. But, this just makes it even better for me.

"What are you doing?" the Martian cried out in alarm when he arrived at the scene. Seeing what I was doing was enough to scare the green out of him and I could understand. Too bad he had no idea what kind of trouble he just brought himself but I was not going to explain.

"Fishing," I said before letting my will pour over to him as I quelled the raging catastrophic event I had caused.

"What...What are you doing?" the Martian asked when he realized he was not in control. He was terrified by this.

"I expected a human tonoick on this, probably Xavier or even Jean, Scarlet Witch fuck, maybe even Strange, the Sorcerer Supreme. I would have begged for them to help me out of this place, playing on their greater good. But you, you are no human, I have no moral inhibition on what I am going to do next."

I grinned savagely at the Martian trying to struggle free to no avail. My left hand pointed at him and my psionic energy rushed over in the form of red tendrils. Without mercy, they drilled into its body, drawing animalistic cries of pain as the tendrils ravaged its psionic energy, corrupting it in the most painful way. I did not know when, but I felt a sadistic grin etched on my face seeing it in so much pain.

"Please, mercy!" it screamt as red cracks started forming all over its psionic body.

"I have none to give, my friend. But, rejoice, with you, my new start will begin," I told it just as I reached it. Increasing the power of my energy, the Martian lost its voice as the pain sent it to the tetter edges of death. The cracks increases in size and number and just as he touched its head, the Martian fell apart into a billion pieces of what was its psyche.

"From this rock, I will build my foundation!" I said, bracing myself for what was about to happen. I drew the floating pieces of the Martian's psyche to myself and man was it painful!

Every piece was a frgament of memory the Martian had. Perfectly eroded of the Martian's will, I reviewed everything the Martian had gone through in the four hundred years of its life. From the moment of its birth, its childhood, school, flings, getting married, the wife dying to a White Martian attack, vowing revenge, dedicating the rest of its life hunting down White Martians terrorist cells.

It was in the middle of tracking a nuisance cell when he felt his actions. It was in the form of a sharp pain in its psyche leading it to immediately go into astral projection and arriving here, to its death.

"Well, that's something," I sighed when it was all over. Three hundred years worth of memories, they might be little to a Martian but I was formerly a human, a short lived species that three hundred years might as well be considered immortality. The good news was that I did not feel like the memories were affecting despite viewing them like I was the one instead of the Martian. That meant its will was completely eroded and I had the all clear to do what he wanted.

"There," I said to myself as I felt a connection outside the Astral Plane. I let the pull I was feeling guide me and it went like a rush, like I was being pulled out of the ocean.


I suddenly felt air rush into my respiratory system as I sat up with a gasp. Everything around me was just red sand, rocks, crevices and and hills. I could breath, smell, hear and taste, something was either dulled or just non-existent. I looked down on my hands and saw a scrawny green skinned long and three webbed fingered hand supporting me. The rest of my body followed what the Martian named Kor F'rLok always maintained as his basic form. As a shape shifting race with the only limit being biomass and imagination, they could make themselves assume any shape they want with intent and imagination. And I had inherited all its power and experience in their vastness.

"So it begins," I pretentiously said as I floated up, this time not using my Martian based powers