

" I see. So, Red Arrow welcome to the team. Sorry I missed your first mission, but things have been a little shaky recently with school."

Kai said as he extended a hand to Red Arrow.

" Thanks for the welcome."

Red Arrow stated before walking away.

" Okay, rude!"

Kai said before turning around.

' Now, I gotta go see Artemis.'

Kai thought as he walked through the cave.

" Yo Artemis!"

Kai called out as he spotted the girl training.

" What are you here to chew me out too?"

Artemis asked

" No, I just want to talk Artemis. Can you please come sit with me for a moment?"

Kai asked.

Artemis sat there holding her bow for a moment before placing it down and walking over to kai.

" Listen I'm sorry for what I did okay."

Artemis started to explain.

" Let's talk somewhere private, okay? Follow me."

Kai said as he gestured for the woman to follow. Artemis nodded and followed the man all the way back to his room.

" What is it you need to say to me that the others couldn't hear?"

Artemis asked as she plopped down on the boy's bed.

" Listen Artemis I get it okay. I know why you're so desperate to prove yourself over red arrow. Red Arrow has been doing this longer than all of us, so yeah, he is a better archer than you."

Kai was explaining before Artemis cut him off.

" How is this supposed to make me feel better?"

Artemis asked

" Let me finish Artemis. He maybe the better Archer, but he doesn't have my trust like you do. You have grown so much since you joined the team, and I wouldn't choose another archer to watch my back. You don't need to prove yourself Artemis not to me. Not to the team. And not to Wally."

Kai said, his words making Artemis look at him wide-eyed.

" Why would I need to prove myself to Wally?"

Artemis asked trying to deflect.

" Artemis, I see the way you look at him. I know you have feelings for him. And I'm willing to bet he feels the same way about you."

Kai stated.

" Ha as if! If you haven't noticed Wally hates me now."

Artemis said, hanging her head in shame and sadness.

" Wally doesn't hate you Artemis. He's disappointed in you. He knows you're better than that. But he does not hate you. None of us do. Well, Red Arrow does, but his opinion doesn't matter to me, not yet. Just look Artemis, I don't care where you came from all I care about is that you are dedicated to this team, and you've proven time and time again that you are."

Kai said before leaving the room.

" Hopefully she gets what I mean. Wait a minute? Did I just leave my own room?"

Kai asked as he stopped walking.

" Yo kai!"

Robin called out

" Oh, what's up Robin?"

Kai asked

" I got a mission and wondered if you wanted to come along."

Robin said

" Of course! I'll be waiting for the team in the hangar."

Kai said before walking off.

[ Bruges. December 22nd 20:08 CET]

" Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Haley international traveling Circus! Where the world of scenery is your oyster, and these are our latest pearls the great dangers!"

Jack said as he directed the spotlight to Robin getting ready for a trapeze performance.

" Dan Danger!"

Jack yelled as robin leapt through the air

" Dawn Danger!"

Jack yelled as Megan rolled through the air past robin as the two changed trapezes.

" Diane Danger! Dane Danger! Dean Danger! Derrick Danger!

Jack yelled as the group performed their stunt.

Kai and Connor juggled barrels before throwing them into the air. Artemis and Red Arrow both fired three Arrows at the barrels as Robin and Megan flew through them. The Arrows barely missed the two performers, but the danger of the stunt excited the crowd immensely.

" You'll never see another trapeze act like this folks and all preformed without a net!"

Jack yelled as robin and Megan continued their act on the trapeze. Robin just barely missed Megan's hands and fell. The crowd yelled in terror as Robin fell towards the ground.

' Shit!'

Kai thought as he watched robin fall. He grabbed one of the barrels and threw it into the air allowing Robin to land on it and jump back into the air towards Megan. The crowd cheered as the two landed safely on the other side.


" Advanced weapons tech has been stolen at manufacturing plants around Europe. And each theft coincides with tour stops by the Haley circus. Batman's sending us undercover to catch the theives."

Robin explained

" This clown car have room for one more?"

Red Arrow asked as he approached the group.

" Uh Kai?"

Robin asked

" Hey robin this is your mission man. You tell me."

Kai joked

" Uh we've got this covered."

Robin responded to Red Arrow.

" You've got the mission covered, but who's got the three potential mole suspects you're bringing along?"

Red Arrow whispered into robins' ear, something that didn't go unnoticed by Kai and Connor as both boys immediately glared at red arrow.

[ Back to the present.]

" Put your hands together for the Daring Dangers!"

Jack yelled as the group stood in the middle of the tent. The crowd cheered loudly for them.

' Didn't think you'd make it through.'

Megan said telepathically.

' Neither did I. I'll be backstage.'

Robin replied as the group walked towards the back.

" Ray, have you seen my other torch?"

One of the circus performers asked the blonde man working.

" Here you dropped it on the train."

Ray responded as he threw the man his torch.

" Thanks, you're a life saver."

The man responded

" Break a leg!"

Ray said as he patted the man on his back.

" Faraday Interpol. New act?"

Faraday asked as he approached the team.

" Yeah, just joined the tour."

Robin replied

" Probably clears you. But don't get too comfortable. Hayley's going down for this."

Faraday stated as he walked away from the group.

" He seems like a real charmer!"

Kai said as he watched the man walk away.


' Hey robin quick question? If Interpol is already on this then why are we bothering?'

Connor asked.

' Because batman said so. Why did you have something better to do?'

Robin asked aggressively.

' Calm down robin it was a fair question.'

Kai responded.

' Guys, how do we even know the thieves will hit here?'

Artemis asked as the group staked out the building.

' There are more obvious targets.'

Red Arrow replied.

' And Faraday will have those covered. I've already analyzed the tech and the pattern suggest this is the place.'

Robin explained.

' How are you feeling?'

Megan asked.

' Lousy actually, but I'll manage.'

Robin explained.

' Contact Northeast quadrant!'

Connor reported.

' Alright, let's see go meet our tech thief.'

Kai stated as he and the rest of the others watched the man break in.

' Well, that explains why Carlos missed the performance.'

Connor stated as the man vaulted the gate.

' Could be Carlo, could be his brother. Keep an open mind and move in.'

Robin replied.

' I don't think it's either of them. The builds don't match up.'

Kai stated.

' Well, we're about to find out.'

Red Arrow stated as he and Artemis moved on.

' Did you see where he went?'

Robin asked Superboy as he landed near him. Connor began focusing and surveyed the building with his X-ray vision.

' The warehouse!'

Connor stated as he found the man in the building.

" Hahaha! Caught red handed."

Robin laughed as he and the others all surrounded the thief.

" Red faced too I bet."

Robin stated

" Acrobatics won't get you out of this."

Artemis stated as she aimed an Arrow at the man.

The thief pulled out a torch in response and blew fire at the group forcing most of them to dodge it. Kai and Superboy both sat there and allowed the fire to pass over them as their skin is unaffected by it.

" Those crates are full of live ammo! MOVE!"

Red Arrow yelled as the thief's fire blew up the ammo crates

" Damn it!"

Kai yelled as he pushed a large piece of rubble off of him and the others.

" That guy is dead meat!"

Superboy stated as he began to run away.

" Superboy no!"

Robin called out stopping superboy.

" You need to get her out."

Robin said to superboy as he held onto Megan.


Superboy yelled.

" And that's more important Miss M the fire is killing her."

Kai explained making Connor snap out of his rage.

" Right!"

Superboy said as he picked Megan up and raced out of the burning building.

" Artemis! Arrow! You two pursue the thief."

Robin barely managed to get out before collapsing.

" Yeah, because he matters more than you?"

Artemis asked as she and Roy caught robin.

" You're still off your game pal! We're getting you out too."

Red Arrow replied.

" I got us!"

Kai said as he wrapped his arms around the group and flew them out of the building through the skylight.

" You couldn't have done that earlier?"

Red Arrow asked.

" Sorry, still busy shaking off the explosion I ate point blank."

Kai said as he flew the others back to the circus.

[The next night!]

" Another weapons plant is hit and once again the circus is in town. I don't believe in coincidences."

Faraday stated as he and Jack talked.

" I don't care what you believe. My people are not responsible. I did a bed count last night. Every single member of my troop was asleep in their bunks."

Jack stated as the team listened in on their conversation.

' Well, we sure weren't and if he's lying about us.'

Artemis stated. Her deduction making robin sad.

Kai noticed the expression on the boy's face and took note to keep an out for him as the group made their way to their cart.

' So, two thieves, right? The fire breather and the acrobat.'

Artemis stated

' Both dressed in identical clothes'

Megan added on.

' Maybe not just two, Here's the Madrid security footage and now Paris!'

Robin replied as he brought up footage of two other members of the circus breaking into buildings.

' So, the strong man and the clown too. If the entire Circus is involved Hayley himself maybe the master mind.'

Red Arrow stated

' You don't know that!'

Robin interjected

' It would explain his lies.'

Megan replied.

" I told you to keep an open mind."

Robin yelled before leaving his cart.

' As much as I would love for this to be open and shut. I don't think it is the circus. There's no way Superboy didn't see two men when he examined the building. If he had seen another thief then maybe, but as far as we know we watched that man the entire time and not once did we see anyone else.'

Kai explained.

' So, what are you thinking a shapeshifter?'

Red Arrow asked

' Maybe. But it's still not a lot to go off of. For now, rest I'll go make sure robin stays safe.'

Kai said before walking out of the cart after robin.

' Why is robin so upset about all of this. He seems so dead set on keeping Hayley innocent.'

Kai thought as he trailed robin.

Kai watched as robin stopped in front of a particular poster one anyone who was a fan of the circus would recognize.

' That poster it's the flying Grayson's. I used to love going to see those guys perform when I was younger. Maybe he did too? No, he wouldn't have such an invested interest in protecting Jack. Wait a minute that's it! The performance the acrobatics the sudden interest in all of this. The flying grayson had a son before they died. Their son was a part of their show. Richard Grayson. Robin is Richard Grayson he has to be. That's the only thing I can think of that makes sense.'

Kai thought as he watched robin.

' Hold on he's saying something I need to listen.'

Kai thought.

" A friend Jack Hayley."

Robin said over his communicator.

" He's been implicated in this global crime spree. Someone in the show is dirty, but I need to prove old Jack's clean, or he might lose the circus."

Robin stated

' Damn, I wish I could hear who he was talking to. The only ones I could think of would be Kaldur or Wally those two have known him the longest.'

Kai thought.

" I left you behind because you know my backstory. I didn't want my best pal questioning my objectivity."

Robin stated

" Wally it is."

Kai said as he continued trailing Robin until the boy went back to the tent with the others. A few hours later the group performed their final act in Bruges before beginning to pack up.

' This probably isn't a mission at all. This is personal.'

Kai thought as he and Connor packed their things. After a few minutes Jack the owner of the circus came and told everyone to board the train. The team did so and somehow Megan ended up sick.

" You look better!"

Artemis stated.

" I feel better! I'm sorry me..Dawn! I hope you didn't catch it from me."

Robin stated as he looked at the sick Martian.

"I feel so silly, who knew a Martian could be vulnerable to a human virus."

Megan stated

" You shouldn't be that's the weird thing."

Kai stated

" How do you know?"

Connor asked

" Wisdom of Athena my friend and she knows a lot."

Kai explained as he pointed to his head.

' Though for some reason I haven't heard from any of them in a while.'

Kai thought solemnly.

" Anyway, there's no way you should be able to get sick not from one of our diseases anyway."

Kai stated

" When did you first feel sick?"

Robin asked

" Just after boarding the train. It came on suddenly."

Megan explained.

" Something with me the other night. I remember ray came by and rubbed my head before we went on."

Robin explained

" Ray? That roustabout. He touched her before we boarded. Guy must be a walking Petry dish."

Connor stated

" Yeah! Yeah, maybe."

Robin said before running out of the cart.

" Let's go follow him.

" Jack when did Ray join the tour?"

Robin asked

" Picked him up at the start of the European tour. Poor guy's come down with the virus like the rest of them."

Jack explained.

" We'll go check on him.'

Artemis said as she, Red Arrow, and Superboy all went towards Ray's cabin.

" You should still be in bed young lady."

Kai said as Megan went to leave the cart.

" As a friend of mine once said I'll manage."

Megan stated.

" Let's go make sure she stays alright."

Kai said to robin as he began to follow Megan.

" Guess he wasn't that sick."

Superboy said as he and the others entered ray's empty room.

" Does this circus have an elephant I don't know about?"

Red Arrow asked as he looked over the equipment in the room

" Not on foreign tours."

Robin replied

" Empty. No wait! Ash!"

Red Arrow stated as he observed the contents of ray's containers.

" The warehouse fire in Bruges!"

Robin replied.

" Uh guys! I found ray."

Artemis said as she pulled out a mask of the man's face.

" Split up! Search the whole train."

Robin ordered as the team ran out of the room searching for ray.

" Damn it a shapeshifter I knew it!"

Kai yelled as he ran through the train.

" Dane! Dean! Derrick! Diane! Come in"

Robin radioed

" Go!"

Kai responded.

" We're chasing someone who's stolen dawn's act! Her whole schtick if you catch my drift."

Robin radioed.

" Damn it."

Kai said as he continued searching.

" I got him! But he's onto me exit the dinning cart now. He's gone topside."

Superboy radioed.

" Okay, hardcore Parkour. Get that parkour! Get that parkour!"

Kai said as he jumped out the window and landed on the roof.

" Whoa is that the parasite?"

Kai asked as he joined the others up top.

" Whoa!"

Kai yelled as Parasite pulled him towards him.

" ARGH!"

Kai grunted.

" No powers? Oh, well your fighting skills will more than come in handy."

Parasite said as he held onto kai.

" That's a neat party trick. Wanna see mine?"

Kai asked as he grabbed onto Parasite.


* Crack Boom! *

Kai called down the lightning blowing parasite from the train as he transformed.

" Why did you do that?"

Red Arrow asked.

" Superboy was down and he was draining my energy. It was the only thing I could do to get free."

Kai explained.

" Guys the tech is gone!"

Artemis yelled.

" Damn he must have grabbed it before falling off the train. Is Superboy alright?"

Kai asked

" I'm fine."

Connor replied.

" Fine? Dude you were drained! Parasite took more power than you even have! Heat Vision?!"

Robin asked.

" I have the genetic potential for it. Must have been enough for him."

Connor explained.

" GUhhh!"

Robin grunted in frustration.

' Damn the hell did I miss?'

Kai thought.

" Go I'll manage."

Connor said to Megan making the girl walk off sadly.

Kai and the others all made their way down to the carts. While they waited for superboy they changed into their hero outfits.

" It wasn't a complete debacle I managed to pick parasites pockets and found this flash drive."

Robin said as he put the downloaded the device's information onto his computer.

" Looks like Parasite's working for intergang. Everything he's stolen their pieces of something. They're putting together a weapon that generates.... Black Holes!"

Robin explained.

" Oh, come on! To build that you need a particle accelerator!"

Red Arrow stated.

" Like the large bozon collider in Geneva?"

Robin asked

" The circus's next stop, but now that parasite can fly, he's got a head start on us!"

Red Arrow exclaimed.

" Sorry!"

Megan stated.

" Not your fault. But this thing could wipe out entire cities we need to hurry!"

Robin stated

" You, Sentry, and I need to hurry. Without powers the others will gold us back."

Red Arrow stated as he pulled out his back up bow.

" You mean the four of us! You're not the only one with a backup bow."

Artemis replied as she pulled out her own bow.

" RAaah!"

Connor yelled as he slammed his fist into the car creating a hole in it.

" And my powers are back!"

Connor stated

" How?!"

Robin asked

" My powers are still."

Megan started.

" I guess kryptonians heal faster than humans or Martians."

Connor sated

" Don't even think about leaving me behind."

Megan stated.

" Connor you need to calm down. Stay with Megan!"

Kai ordered.

" I'm coming with you!"

Connor replied getting in kai's face.

" You need to calm down now Connor."

Kai stated again.

" You two enough. If superboy has recovered enough to join us, then that's fine."

Robin replied.

" Fine, let's go."

Kai said as he left the cart

[ Geneva. November 24th. 00:34 CET]

The group arrived to see the guards protecting the building had already been taken out.

" Trail of destruction this way."

Robin said as he led the group into the building.

" Need to take him down. Or at least lure him away so we can safely disengage the."

Robin was explaining.


Connor yelled as he rushed into the room and attacked parasite.

" No wait."

Robin yelled

" Damn it! He's still got Miss M's powers."

Kai yelled

" What is wrong with him?"

Red Arrow asked as Parasite rag dolled Superboy.

" No wait."

Miss martian said to Red Arrow

" Oh, what a rush! How do you do it kid? Even Superman never recharged this fast."

Parasite said as he drained superboy again

" Alright dangers come on out! Only a few more minutes until this baby is done warming up and eats Geneva."

parasite explained

" What do you think?"

Megan asked

" Big risk to take on a theory."

Red Arrow replied.

" Do it go!"

Robin ordered as the group walked into the room.

" What do you have against Geneva anyway?"

Megan asked

" Never liked the food, but the menu keeps improving!"

Parasite said as he prepared to attack miss Martian.

" I'm just the appetite remember!"

Megan stated as parasite pulled her towards him. Just before he grabbed her Megan ducked his attack and rolled out of the way.

" Here's the main course!"

Megan stated as she tripped parasite. Red Arrow then used a foam arrow to keep him in place.

" Foam? You think foam can hold me? Or stop me from crushing you with a thought?!"

Parasite asked as he grabbed Red Arrow telepathically.

" Combined Martian and Kryptonian powers here!"

Parasite asked as he broke free.

" But do Martian or Kryptonian powers free you before I sabotage your death thingy?"

Robin taunted

" This one does!"

Parasite said as he continued breaking free. His eyes began glowing red as he fired heat vision at robin. Artemis landed behind him and fired a gas Arrow at Parasite making it explode in his face.

" Ekirts Mih Htiw Erif!"

Kai yelled as he blasted Parasite with fire. The gas still present caused an explosion to occur around parasite.

" So, clever! Blasting me with fire and ignitable gas but you forgot doofus's double dose of invulnerability. Fire can't touch me."

Parasite tried gloating, but his breathing became heavier as he struggled to produce words.

" Unless you make a meal of my powers then get my weaknesses as a side dish."

Megan stated proudly.

" No, no Ugh ahh!"

Parasite groaned as he passed out from the fire.

" Aw poor baby something you ate?"

Megan taunted

" Robin it's bad outside! You done yet?"

Kai asked

" Finished!"

Robin stated as the giant black hole forming outside suddenly stopped.

" Whew!"

Robin sighed

" We'll take it from here."

Faraday from Interpol said as he and his team arrived. they put out the fire and arrested parasite.

" Thanks for the tip by the way. Definitely helps to prep the inhibitor collar in advance."

Faraday stated

" Glad to be of service."

Robin replied

' it's nice to finally be done with this crap.'

kai thought as he stretched out.

' Hm?'

Kai thought as he watched Red Arrow smile at Artemis and accept her help.

' Seems like everyone's making progress that's good. Maybe now he'll be more trusting of her. However, I need to address superboy's recent anger issues.'

Kai thought.

" He Danes to touch the hand of a suspected traitor."

Artemis stated as she helped Red to his feet.

" Mind huff Open! I guess I never really saw three in the thick of it before. Superboy's a hot head, but I know I'm not one to talk. You each could have betrayed us here, you didn't I'm sorry I doubted any of you. there is no mole."

Red arrow sated with a smile on his face.

" Alright guys back to the circus!"

Robin said.

As the group was walking away Kai leaned over to robin and nudged him.

" Looks like you managed to prove jack innocent... Grayson."

Kai whispered as he walked beside Robin. Robin looked at the man completely shocked that he had managed to figure out his identity.

" How?"

Robin asked.

" Your sudden interest in this circus, your age, your abilities, you wanting to help the old man. Just all seemed like too much of a coincidence. And it's hard to forget one of your favorite perforemers."

Kai explained.

" You mean?"

Robin started

" I was always a big fan of the flying Grayson's. My mom and dad would always take me to one of their shows when they were in town. I always wanted to meet them up close. I never thought their son would be one of my best friends."

Kai explained to robin with a smile.

" Come one let's go tell the old man the good news."

Kai stated to his young friend

" Yeah!"

Robin replied

[ Later]

" LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! The farewell performance of the daring dangers!"

Jack yelled as Kai and Dick both flew through the air swinging past each other and swapping trapezes.

The crowd cheered as the team completed their farewell performance.

" Thanks kai."

Dick whispered

" No problem my friend."

Kai replied as he smiled at the boy.