
Young in Summertime Saga(Dark19)

A young man loses his mother and father, he is left alone in this cruel real world. As an angel with white wings who saves him in his most depressing moment, his aunt Debbie invites him to live in her house with his daughter named Jenny. As he falls asleep that night, something happens that will change his life forever... ... I invite you all to download this game and support the author.

Dark19 · Videojogos
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39 Chs

Son Of The Stars


I breathed a sigh of relief, a weariness I forgot taking over my body as I sat in the backseat of Tony's car. My legs felt a bit weak and now that I'm sitting down they relaxed.

I had a good time talking with Maria and Tony while we had dinner, those spaghetti were delicious, I wish I could try them more times.

*Brhm* *Brhm*

The car roared softly from technology in the right parts. After Tony settled himself in the seat of the car, he began to move towards the street.

"Hey Tony, what's your job? I mean what you do in the pizzeria"

I turned my head slightly and asked Tony directly. After chatting for more than half an hour, I gained confidence with Tony to talk to him without worrying about offending him. Although of course, I wouldn't say offensive words on purpose.

{And right before he died he said remember~♡}

"My job? It is not fixed but you can say that I am the one who makes the pizzas and gives it that magical touch that everyone likes haha"

Tony turned on the radio as he boasted about himself and his belly twitched a little with laughter. He seems to find that funny though I don't know why.

The song was by Beyoncé, called Daddy lessons, it's a good song to listen to. Although with Beyoncé's voice it makes you want to listen to all her songs.

Maybe I'll go to Los Angeles to meet this musical artist. I laugh at my own ridiculous thoughts, someone penniless like me would only cause laughter in the streets of Beverly Hills.

"And Maria? When I met her, she wasn't dirty with flour like you, so I guess she doesn't make the pizzas either. Although her food is delicious, I don't know yours because I haven't tried it"

I stopped thinking about a singer on the other side of the country and focused on talking to Tony about Maria. I envy Tony for having a wife like that…wait, why am I envious if I already have Diane? Besides that, I met Maria today.

When I asked my question, it didn't matter much about Tony's health, we only met today, and I like him, but I can't comment on his health so soon unless something happens to him. Although he wished her a happy marriage, I believe that when people get married, there should be not only love in the relationship, but also responsibility, commitment, understanding, sacrifice, and acceptance. Apart from the fundamental trust in your partner of course.

"Maria works at the cash register, she's good with numbers, that's why she handles the accounts for our business. But I'm telling you now boy, my food is better than hers, someday you'll find out about her"

Tony didn't seem to mind the fact that Maria totally handled the accounts, it seems that he has total confidence in her judgment and loves her.

"But boy, do you like my wife right? I've seen the looks you sometimes gave him."

...Tony's words left me speechless. I didn't expect him to notice, maybe Maria too. At least Tony told me, because otherwise I wouldn't be aware of it and it could be very obvious again. When I look I must be more discreet.

"Yes, I like your wife Tony, she is a beautiful, attractive woman and she has a good personality. You are very lucky to have her…and before you kill me for what I said, let me write a will to my family."

There is no point in lying on this occasion and it is best to be honest. I don't know Tony well enough, but I know he wouldn't beat me up for something like that…Although I'll have to jump out of the car if in a very extreme case, he wants to take me to a secluded spot and silence me.

"Hahaha, boy, what are you talking about, I won't kill you. I was just asking you if my wife is beautiful, it is normal for you to think like that when you see my wife, I would think that you are homosexual in another way... but I will give you some advice. Don't ever look at her that way again or try anything with her because neither of them will like what's going to happen after her. I like you boy, don't change, okay?"

Tony laughed and tapped the steering wheel a little with his right hand, he was amused. But his last words were said in a low, husky tone, to make him feel threatening.

He didn't get mad at me for what I said, like I thought, weird. But it's better for me. I think I've been watching a lot of mob movies lately, although I like The Godfather trilogy better.

…Although he said those words, Tony's gaze on the road was a bit distracted, as if he was considering something. But then he shakes his head and mutters, "It's still too soon, I have to wait." I don't know what he meant by those words, but it is better that he speaks sincerely.

"Tony, stay calm, I won't do anything. Maria is lucky to have you, but I really thought you would call your group of friends and send me swimming with the fish in the sea.

I was really surprised by the tone Tony used, he will really do something dangerous if I try to approach Maria on my own. That's what all husbands should do for their wives, Tony earned my respect and that's why I'm not afraid of him.

Although during our previous conversation, I already gathered that Tony is a family man. If I join him and he never betrays him, he will help me in whatever I ask. I have seen people like that, although I never had a friend like that.

And yes, I consider Tony my friend, although our age difference is a bit big. I don't know how old Tony is but he looks like a 35 year old man or so.

"Haha, I knew you were the one to work with us boy. Do your job properly and I'll pay you even better than before."

Tony went back to being a friendly man, as if that somber man from before didn't exist. Was he really in the mob or in jail? That vibe that he gives off sometimes is the aura of a dangerous person. And by dangerous I mean the kind of person who would do anything for his family.

Although I don't think I should tell her that I used to have a job and was fired for negligence.

This is a new opportunity! And I'm not going to waste it just by lazing around.

How strange… Today I am thinking much more. He used to have thoughts from time to time, they exist, but he rarely used them. Now I feel like my brain works faster.

The only different thing that happened to me today is the arrival of the Summer System and gaining a skill…so it's that, [Experience X5] speeds up the time required to increase my basic stats by five times. Therefore, my intelligence stat also increases.

"System, I want to see my status"

[Request accepted]


[Fabri Stats]

[Level 1(1|2)]

[Strength: 1]






[Mental Strength level I (Blocked)]

[Experience X5]


I knew it!

My intelligence increased by 1 point, all day at school I only read books, which led me to take that little leap.

Although I feel that my mind is more agile than before, to raise my stat to 5 I still have a lot to learn.

At least now I know what to study to improve my intelligence, although the truth was obvious. I wonder if the experiences you learn in normal life are also considered to increase intelligence.

People, throughout life, have new experiences, bad or good. Wisdom is a type of intelligence since it allows you not to repeat the same mistakes, although some people do not learn and always make the same mistake.

Wait… now that I have a closer look, why is there a (1|2) sign next to the bar that shows my level? That's new and...

"Hahaha!! The world is going to end! People will suffer! And it will all start with the biggest country!"

My thoughts are interrupted by a loud laugh. He raised his head and looked to my right, where the source of the noise.

"Just don't pay attention to him Fabri, he's saying drunk things"

Tony shakes his head and slows down a bit. Better that, who knows if this man could jump on the windshield.

Crazy Nick is known throughout the town because he is always drunk and talks crazy. This middle-aged man is pitiful, but he himself doesn't want to cure his problem because there were already people who tried to help him. Nobody could make this middle-aged man; with neck-length black hair, greasy and disheveled; eyes hidden by hair; long thin nose; thick black beard dirty and uncut; torn clothes with holes and wet; a bottle of beer in his right hand; he would stop drinking until he was drunk.

"No one can stop the end, not even you, child of the stars!!"


I was surprised by Crazy Nick, he crashed against the glass of my window, both hands and face pressing against the glass and deforming his face.

Crazy Nick's breath fogs the glass a bit but his words are clearly heard by me.

Crazy Nick's green eyes can be seen through long strands of dirty black hair. This man's eyes changed to a deep scarlet red for 1 second, as if absorbing my soul.


I fell backwards a little, glued to my seat, when Tony sped up the car.

"Are you okay kid? Drunks these days are annoying. But don't worry, that guy isn't a 'threat'. It's better if you stay away from him though."

Tony has a carefree look when he talks to me as if this occasion is ordinary.

*Thump* *Thump*

He touched my rapidly beating heart, red eyes…

"I'm fine Tony, I was just surprised that Crazy Nick did that"

I shake my head and try to forget about what happened earlier. It must have been just my imagination.

After all, why would crazy Nick have red eyes?...

"It's normal to be surprised, that guy just says crazy things and can even jump in front of you to ask you for money. At least he's not a thief, sometimes I give him a piece that we had left over. That's why I know him a little, but nothing more"

Tony slowed down and talked about his relationship with Crazy Nick. He then changed the song.

{But she's looking at you ~ ♡ At You ~ ♡ At You ~ ♡…}

This Is What You Came For, sung by Rihana. I was surprised that Taylor Swift, Calvin Harris created this song, but I liked it.

It's a good way to distract myself and not think so much, that's why you have to change the subject of the conversation. I don't want to be talking about Crazy Nick all the time.

But some of what he said is possible…