
Sleepy Patronus

Harry closed the door behind him and let out a relieved sigh. At least Penny was doing better now, with Chiara keeping her company. But the whole situation still felt wrong.

Now that the panic had settled, he kept circling back to one question - could he fight a Dementor? Chiara had explained they were amortal non-beings, like Boggarts, that couldn't be killed. But Harry knew that wasn't completely true. He'd already killed two Boggarts when his mist created that weird feedback loop with their fear-feeding nature.

But Dementors were different. They didn't transform or feed on fear exactly - they sucked out happiness and made you relive your worst memories. His mist probably wouldn't work the same way. And if it didn't drive the Dementor away, he'd be stuck there helpless, trapped in memories of green light and his mother's screams. The thought made his stomach twist. He really, really didn't want to die because of a flashback.

He needed to learn more about the Patronus Charm. Even if he couldn't cast it yet without a wand, maybe understanding how it worked would help somehow? Harry couldn't accept being as helpless as he'd been in the courtyard, nearly smashing into the ground because of a memory. He wasn't some scared little rabbit or mouse, and he refused to become one.

Movement caught his eye, and Harry spotted Madam Rakepick leaning against the wall ahead. Her expensive dragon-scale outfit somehow managed to look both casual and intimidating at the same time.

She smiled down at him. "Good evening, Mr. Potter," she said pleasantly.

Harry blinked in surprise at seeing the famous Curse-Breaker. "Good evening, Madam Rakepick," he replied politely.

"I was hoping to run into you actually," Rakepick said warmly, pushing off from the wall. "I've been hearing quite impressive things about your adventures. The way you helped deal with that nasty ice curse? Very clever use of fire magic."

"Thank you," Harry said carefully, keeping his answer short. Just because Grandpa had hired her didn't mean he needed to tell her everything right away.

"Not very talkative, are you?" Rakepick observed with a slight smile. "Smart. In my line of work, being cautious often means staying alive." She paused thoughtfully. "I've also heard whispers that you might have been involved with that Fear Vault business as well? The one that created that fascinating Still Lake?"

Harry looked at her for a long moment. She seemed genuinely interested, and Grandpa had specifically brought her here to investigate the vaults...

"Charlotte and I found it," he admitted slowly. "Things got pretty bad near the end though."

"Yes, I heard about that," Rakepick's voice softened with genuine concern. "Those scars your friend has now... they're from dark magic, aren't they? That's not something that should happen to anyone, let alone someone so young."

Harry shifted uncomfortably, guilt creeping back in. "Yeah. Madam Pomfrey said they won't ever go away completely."

"I've seen similar cases during my work," Rakepick said quietly. "While the scars themselves might be permanent, there are ways to reduce their effects. I could look into some safer healing methods, if you'd like?"

That caught Harry's attention. "You know how to help with cursed scars?"

"I've learned a few tricks over the years," Rakepick nodded. "When you deal with as many curses as I do, you pick up ways to handle the aftermath too." She knelt down to his eye level. "That's actually why I wanted to talk to you. You and your friends are clever, but some of these curses... they can kill you before you even realize what's happening."

Harry tensed slightly, but she continued, "How about this - if you find any clues about the other vaults, come to me first? I've been dealing with deadly curses for years. I know how to spot the really dangerous ones, and how to deal with them safely."

"Would you take me with you?" Harry asked, warming up to the idea. "I don't feel right if I don't help put a stop to them."

"Of course!" Rakepick patted his shoulder. "You've already shown good instincts for curse-breaking. Quick thinking, creative problem-solving, and you're not afraid to try new approaches. Those are exactly the qualities a curse-breaker needs."

She stood back up, brushing off her dragon-scale pants. "Plus, this way your friend won't end up with any more cursed scars. Everyone wins, right?"

Harry nodded quickly. "That would be amazing," he said with growing enthusiasm. "I've read so much about the kinds of adventures people like you and the great Gilderoy Lockhart go on, but reading isn't the same as actually doing it. And Grandpa - I mean, Professor Dumbledore - hired you specifically, so you must be really good at it!"

Rakepick laughed and ruffled his hair, making it even messier than usual. "You're an interesting kid, Potter. Most children your age would be scared of curses, not excited to learn about breaking them." She straightened up and adjusted her red waistcoat. "But for now, go enjoy yourself. There'll be plenty of time for curse-breaking lessons later. And no need to worry about informing Miss Whitewood, I've already been in contact with her and offered her some training."

"Thanks Madam Rakepick!" Harry said, genuinely excited now about learning from a real curse-breaker. He watched her walk away, thinking that Grandpa really did know how to pick the best people – all... almost all of the professors at Hogwarts were amazing, and now a famous curse-breaker who actually wanted to help them solve the Cursed Vault mysteries properly!

The thought of Tonks and Charlotte practicing the Patronus Charm suddenly popped into his head. He'd almost forgotten! Harry transformed into an eagle and quickly took off through the castle corridors. The familiar rush of air under his wings helped clear his mind as he soared through the open windows and over the path to Hogsmeade.

Beating his wings back as he landed in front of the Three Broomsticks, Harry changed back and pushed open the heavy wooden door. The pub was packed with students enjoying their weekend, their chatter filling the warm air. He spotted Tonks's bright purple hair at a corner table where she sat with Charlotte, both of them hunched over what looked like a book.

"Hi!" Harry called out as he approached their table. "Can I join you? I know I can't cast the Patronus Charm yet, but maybe I could learn how it works? That way I'll be ready when I get my wand!"

Tonks and Charlotte shared a glance before Tonks shrugged. "Sure, why not? But let's find somewhere quieter - bit too noisy in here to focus properly."

Harry followed them out of the inn, noticing Merula heading towards their now-empty table. The afternoon sun was warm on his face as they walked past the edge of the village, finding a nice grassy spot away from the busy streets.

"Right then," Tonks said, pulling out her wand. "The Patronus Charm is all about happy memories. The happiest you can think of. You focus on that feeling, let it fill you up completely, then say 'Expecto Patronum'."

She demonstrated, and the silver rabbit burst forth again, hopping around them playfully before fading away. "See? Simple enough in theory, but it takes most people ages to get it right because of the memory and focus required."

"Oh!" Harry piped up. "I've seen the professors use those to send messages! Aunt Min's is a cat, and Grandpa's is a phoenix."

Tonks blinked in surprise. "Wait, they can carry messages? I didn't know that. Have to try that out later."

Charlotte stepped forward, gripping her wand tightly. "Mind if I give it a try now?"

When Tonks nodded, Charlotte closed her eyes, taking slow breaths. "Expecto Patronum!"

Nothing happened. Charlotte's shoulders slumped slightly. "Need a better memory, I guess..."

She went still, clearly searching through her memories. After a couple minutes, she raised her wand again. "Expecto Patronum!"

This time, silvery mist flowed from her wand tip, hanging in the air like morning fog.

"Bloody hell!" Tonks's hair shifted to bright yellow in her excitement. "That's incredible! It took me a whole two weeks to get even that much mist. What memory did you use?"

Charlotte smiled slightly, her eyes distant. "I thought about the Ice Vault, when we finally broke through. Right at that moment, I heard Jacob's voice in my head. It was the first time I'd heard him since he disappeared."

"What?" Harry leaned forward, confused. "I didn't hear anything back then. What did he say?"

Charlotte sighed, running a hand through her hair. "He told me I had to find the other vaults and his 'room'. And..." She frowned, looking troubled. "He said I couldn't let 'her' get there first."

"Her?" Harry asked.

"I don't know," Charlotte admitted. "But that's why I can't stop looking for the vaults. They must be connected to where Jacob is." She gripped her wand tighter. "Even with the Dementors and everything else, I have to keep trying. He's my brother."

Tonks placed a hand on Charlotte's shoulder. "Well, that explains why you're so good at this. That's a really powerful memory - hearing your brother for the first time in years, knowing he's alive somewhere."

Harry watched them, thinking about the memory he'd experienced earlier with the Dementor. He'd heard his mother's voice for the first time too, but it wasn't a happy memory at all. He wondered what it would be like to hear from someone you loved and know they were still out there, waiting to be found.

"We'll help you," Harry said firmly. "Right, Tonks?"

"Course we will," Tonks nodded, then shifted her stance. "But for now, let's keep practicing. If you're sure this memory of Jacob is strong enough, then it's just a matter of getting the focus and practice down."

Charlotte smiled gratefully. "Thanks, both of you. I'd like to try again-"

"Wait," Tonks cut her off, staring at something behind them. "Is that... Tulip?"

Harry turned to look where Tonks was pointing. A Ravenclaw student with striking red hair and black eyebrows was walking toward the Forbidden Forest in a very strange manner.

"Tulip!" Tonks called out, worry clear in her voice. "What are you doing?"

The girl didn't respond or even slow down, continuing her steady walk toward the treeline.

"I'll check," Harry said quickly, transforming and flapping his wings to go and intercept the Ravenclaw student, landing and changing back to human form right in front of her. That's when he noticed her eyes were closed.

"You're not supposed to go into the Forbidden Forest," Harry said, trying to sound firm despite his confusion. "It's out of bounds for students..."

Tulip didn't acknowledge him at all, walking straight ahead. Harry had to quickly step aside to avoid being walked through.

"Her eyes are closed!" he called back to Tonks and Charlotte, who were running over. "She's not responding to anything!"

Tonks reached them first, grabbing Tulip's shoulders and turning her around. "Merlin's beard, she really is sleeping," Tonks muttered, then started gently shaking her friend. "Tulip! Wake up!"

The red-haired girl's eyes fluttered, and she made some unintelligible sounds. "Wha... where'm I?" she slurred, clearly disoriented.

"Tulip? How did you get all the way out here?" Tonks asked, keeping her hands on the girl's shoulders to steady her.

"I was... studying... library..." Tulip mumbled, her head drooping forward before jerking back up. Her eyes kept trying to close despite her obvious attempts to stay awake.

"She's sleep-walking," Charlotte said, moving closer to help support Tulip's other side. "My cousin used to do this sometimes. We need to get her inside before she hurts herself."

Harry watched as Tulip's head lolled to the side again. Something felt wrong about this. His Hero's Journal was giving him a gentle mental nudge, suggesting this wasn't just regular sleepwalking. But before he could say anything, Tonks was already taking charge of the situation.

"Right, I'm taking her to the Hospital Wing," Tonks declared, shifting to better support Tulip's weight. "Madam Pomfrey needs to check this out. You two can keep practicing if you want - just remember Charlotte, focus with your whole being on your happiest memory and say the incantation clearly."

"But-" Harry started to protest, wanting to point out that this seemed suspicious with everything else happening lately.

"No buts," Tonks cut him off, already starting to guide Tulip back toward the castle. "If something's wrong, Madam Pomfrey will figure it out."

He watched as Tonks carefully led the still-drowsy Tulip away, leaving him alone with Charlotte.

"Think this is connected to the vaults somehow?" Charlotte asked quietly once Tonks was away.

"Has to be," Harry replied, though he couldn't exactly tell her about the Hero's Journal. "First the Dementor, now this? Something weird is definitely happening."