
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

59th Adversary: Under Arrest!

Silence covered the area. The chaotic and destructive battle had finally come to an end, and a winner had been decided. Yet, the winner didn't celebrate or shout out in joy. He silently stood in front of the man he defeated, looking proud despite traces of tears on his face.


Ishma and Regis walked up behind him. They stared at his back. It looked lonely.


A sigh reached their ears. Miko's body returned to its original form. He had countless wounds over him but still stood proudly. He turned around with a bright smile on his face.

"See? I told you that I would win."

The two looked at him silently. Seeing that, Miko started rubbing their heads playfully.

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

He stooped down and hug the two of them, which surprised them.

"I'm fine. After all, I have all of you here."

"Is he sick?"

Ishma mumbled after a while.

"You really are an idiot, you know."

Regis sighed.


To her surprise, Miko started laughing. She couldn't help but smile. Neither could Ishma. She smiled and shouted.

"Alright! We won our first war!"

Meanwhile, in Momo's mansion.

"Darius is dead. Miko killed him."

Tia turned to Layla and said.

"…..I see."

Layla smiled as tears gathered in her eyes.

"So he was finally able to become free again…."

The tears flowed down her cheeks uncontrollably.

"It was what he wanted, right? That's why he told you to turn yourself over to Miko. It was so that he could protect you from Krow when he died."

Layla nodded.

"When Darry told me about Miko with an excited expression, I couldn't help but think Miko was a lot similar to him. That's why they got along. But when Nebulous found out about him, Darius rarely showed himself and told me about a plan."

Layla wiped the tears from her eyes.

"A plan to entrust everything to Miko, someone who reminded him a lot of himself. He wanted to show Miko what he lacked, and what his future could be like if he continued down the path he was going."

"He wanted Miko to surpass him and do what he couldn't huh?"

Tia smiled.

"Well, he must've been happy when Miko did surpass him."

She looked at Layla.

"But what about you? You've lost the ones you loved and are left all alone. What kind of future do you see for yourself?"

"If you're wondering if I'm contemplating suicide, then yes I am."

"But you won't do it."

Layla nodded.

"Darius would be angry if I did something like that. Even though, he did something similar."


Layla smiled.

"For now, I'll just do what Darius asked me."

"Which is?"

"I'll help Miko reach the top."

At the same time, Ace, Sora, and Hina were all facing off against NoFace. There weren't that many wounds on them, but they were exhausted.

"Dammit! Just what is this guy?!"

Ace roared out in anger. He had used every one of the guns that were available to his Gunner Character, yet he couldn't leave a lasting mark on NoFace. He was beyond frustrated.


He dropped his SMG and cracked his fingers.

"Time for my finisher."

"Don't be stupid!"

Sora held on to him.

"Let me go! I'm gonna nuke this bastard!"

"You'll destroy too many properties with that. Are you trying to get executed?!"

"We're already gonna get executed, so why not?!"

The two started to argue. Hina stood at the side looking at NoFace as if she was thinking something.


That's when the previously quiet NoFace, looked like he noticed something.

"Looks like my job here is done."


The trio became confused.

"Nebulous is dead, Miko killed him."

"What? Miko won?!"

He nodded.

"My job was to serve as a warm-up and also prevent you three from interfering with the battle. Since it's been settled, my job here is done."

"Uncle Darry….."

A sad expression appeared on Hina's face. She soon returned to her previous state.

"I no longer have any reason to fight you three, so I'm taking my leave."

NoFace turned his back to them and started to walk away.


Hina stopped him.

"What is it?"

"Don't you feel frustrated? Your boss is dead! How can you just accept it?!"

"So what? You want me to go and avenge him?"


Hina backed down.

"I know of your history with the boss, so I'll let you in something."

NoFace turned and looked at her.

"Everything that happened today went as how he wanted it to. This includes his death."

"What? Nebulous planned his own death?"

"Ask your boss about that. I'm not in the mood to explain. He'll tell you what really happened to your guardian and some other stuff."

He turned back around and walked away.

"My role here is done, but we might meet again very soon. Well, that'll depend on your boss though."

NoFace disappeared into thin air.

"Seriously….What was that?"




"Momo, wake up."


Momo opened her eyes to find herself looking at the clear sky.

"What happened?"

She mumbled.

"You passed out from the wounds you received from Hector. You've only just woken up."

She heard a very familiar voice answer her. She looked to the side and saw who it was. This person was dressed in black jeans, purple and black sneakers, a purple top with black stars all over it, and a necklace with a star pendant around his neck.

This person looked almost identical to Miko, only a bit taller and with purple hair.

"Uncle Nova."

This was Gamiko Dragna Jr, more commonly known as Nova. He was Miko and Momo's uncle and a core member of the Dragna clan.

"Yo, you look cute even when beaten up, Momo. But you look the best when you're at full health."

Nova wore a casual smile. Momo checked her body. All of her wounds were patched up. But she also noticed something else.

"Oi. Why am I in a different set of clothes?"

"Your old ones were torn so I took the liberty of changing them."

"But why are there several suits of clothes over there?"

She pointed at a pile of clothes not far away from her.

"While I was changing your clothes, I couldn't decide what would look the best on you, so I made you try on a lot of clothes. But sadly, you looked great in anything you tried on, so I accidentally held a private fashion show with you as the model."

Nova took something out of his pocket.

"I have pictures if you want to see."

"I don't!"

Momo gritted her teeth.

"Who keeps a private photoshoot with someone who's unconscious?!"


Nova answered with such a natural tone, that Momo didn't know what to say after that.


She sighed and got up. She then remembered something and looked around.

"Where's Hector? I was fighting him before you came."

"Oh, him."

The smile fell from Nova's face. A dull look appeared in his eyes.

"Don't worry about him. He's being handled accordingly."

Momo gulped.

(I think it's better not to ask.)

She thought to herself.

"Oh, yeah! Miko!"

She suddenly remembered that Miko's situation was unknown to her.

"Uncle, we need to help him out!"

"Sure, but after I get these pics blown up and laminated."

"There's no time for that!"

"Fine, fine. I'll skip the lamination."


"Tsk. Miko owes me one for this."

Nova complained with a scowl.

"How can the way you treat your nieces and nephews be so different?"

Momo complained.

"I love Miko and all, I mean we have the same face, but I love my photos of Momo more."

"Uncle….I think you have your priorities wrong."

"Nah, I'm just someone that appreciates culture."

After that, the two started making their way to Miko.

"Are you really going to take his body back to his family?"

Regis asked Miko.

"Wouldn't that just anger them?"

"It would, but Darius always regretted how he parted with them. He wanted for them to bury him in the family plot with his mother."

Miko stooped down and was about to lift Darius' body.


He, however, stopped and silently stood up. The gentle look in his eyes had disappeared without a trace as he turned around.

"How can I help you?"

He and the girls were surrounded by a group of people wearing white uniforms. The uniforms had a dragon emerging out of the sea emblem on their chests. They were the country's law enforcement force.

One of the soldiers stepped out.

"By the judgment of the presiding elders of Dragna Clan, suspect Miko is hereby under arrest for several crimes ranging from destruction of property to attempted genocide."

"Genocide? Now that's a crime I haven't been charged with before."

Miko showed an amused smile in response to the soldier's declaration.

"Turn yourself in peacefully! This is your last chance!"

"Humph. You have no power to arrest me."

"I beg to differ."

A group of men dressed in white and gold robes descended from the sky.

"Miko, we have all right to arrest you and put you on trial."

Miko smiled when he saw the men.

"Elders, you don't normally want to talk to me, yet you want to put me in handcuffs? Aren't we missing some steps here? I'm not that cheap."


The elders were enraged by Miko's behavior.

"We are your elders, as such your superiors! You will obey us!"

"Superior? Since when did you fuckers decide that you're superior to me?"

Ishma and Regis entered a fighting stance. They were ready to go at any moment.

"Oh? You want to take us on? With your body like that?"

The elders looked at Miko with ridicule.

"You couldn't defeat one of us at full strength much less your current state."

"Hey, you never know until you try. Come at me, bro."

From start to finish Miko never showed an ounce of respect to any of the elders, this infuriated them to no end. They were getting ready to fight.

"Hold it."

That's when a purple light flashed between Miko and the elders. From it, Nova along with Momo and the trio, who he picked up along the way, appeared.

"There's no need to get physical. Right?"

Nova spoke with a smile on his face.

"Huh? The psycho's back."

Miko said when he saw Nova.


All who came after Miko took a step back and looked at Nova with fear. This included the elders as well.

"The Psycho of the Dragna clan, Chaos Emperor Nova."

A soldier muttered. He and his colleagues all looked like they wanted to run for their lives.

"Miko! Are you ok?!"

Hina and Momo quickly rushed to Miko after seeing how badly beaten he was.

"You're missing some teeth, your hands are busted up, and your face is a mess, I'm shocked you're even conscious."

Momo started examining Miko.

"I'm fine. I stopped feeling anything for some time now."

"I don't think that's a good sign, man."

Said Ace.

Miko smiled when he saw how concerned they were and laughed a little bit.


This caught Nova's eyes. He turned and looked at Darius' body and frowned. There was a hint of sadness in his eyes, but it didn't last long. Hina looked at the body with a tearful expression but the tears never came.

Nova faced the crowd again.

"Elders, leave Miko's punishment to me. I'm his uncle after all."


"Do you have a problem with that?"

Nova showed an amused smile.


Everyone who saw it and knew his character felt like that smile was a death sentence.

"We have a problem."

At that moment, a group of people wearing emerald robes appeared behind the Dragna elders. They had the insignia of a burning heart on their clothes.

"The Flameheart Clan."

Through Darius's memories, Miko recognized the man at the front. It was the servant from hell, Jeffrey.

"Nova, our clan has a problem with you taking Miko. He's the one who killed our heir."


Nova insisted.

"His blood still runs through our veins. No matter how much of a problem child he was…."

A furious expression appeared on Jeffery's face.

"He was still family!"

All the Flameheart members wore furious expressions. Their bloodlust couldn't be hidden. They wanted revenge.


Nova stepped forward and his smile turned into a grin.

"Then as Miko's family, I have the right to protect him."

Nova too looked like he was ready to fight. The Dragna elders cunningly got behind the Flameheart members. It looked like everyone wanted to fight Nova for Miko.


Two beams fell from the sky. One purple and the other crimson. They landed in front of Miko. They were a man and a woman.

"I dare one of you to touch my son!"

The woman who had a perfect figure, purple long hair, and blue eyes shouted. She would look beautiful if it wasn't for the demon-like expression on her face.

"I'll make you all swallow your genitals!"


Momo shouted in surprise. The woman was Miko's mother, Sasha Dragna.

"Murder Princess, this has nothing to do with you."

Jeffery stood out.

"And whose son do you think you're directing your bloodlust at? It has everything to do with me, you senile bastard!"

"You little brat!"

Jeffery started walking towards them.

"I'll send you to hell, old man!"

Sasha also approached him.

"Whew~. So this is what happens when two short-tempered people meet."

"Uncle, this isn't the time!"

Momo shouted at Nova.

"Don't worry."

Nova grinned.

"It's only going to get worse from here on out."


"So many big shots appeared just for one monster…."

One of the soldiers mumbled.

"You idiot!"

The ones around him looked at him in shock.



They flinched. The man who appeared with Sasha and was remaining silent suddenly spoke. He had crimson hair and eyes, a lean but well-toned body, and was dressed in black, gold, and red.

"Who are you calling a monster?"


The soldier and his comrades burst into flames and screamed in agony. They were quickly reduced to ash.

"Y-You! Leon Saevus, are you out of your mind?! Attacking Dragna forces?!"

One of the Dragna elders shouted.

"Outta my mind?"

Leon placed his hand on the side of his head and pushed it to creak his neck joints.

"You're the ones trying to kill my son! In my eyes, you're all hog shit!"

Leon's crimson eyes were like the flames of hell.

"Oh, Father's switch flipped. It'll only get worse from here."

Miko laughed.

"Seriously, man. At least show some concern."

Said Sora.

Sasha and Jeffery were standing face to face.

"As a show of respect towards your father, I'll let you go once."

Jeffery took a step closer to her.

"Out of the way, brat."

"Go roll in your grave, geezer."

The two simultaneously took a step back and clenched their fists. They were ready to throw them.


An imposing voice interrupts them. They looked up and saw a man in a white suit, with purple hair and a dignified face, floating in the air.

"Lord Krow!"

The Dragna elders were overjoyed to see Krow like he was their savior.


Hatred appeared in Miko's eyes as he stared at Krow.

"I'm here to announce the decision that was just made at the end of the annual meeting."

Krow's voice shook every corner of the city, which allowed every citizen to hear him clearly.

"Despite the countless crimes he's committed under the alias of Nebulous, Darius Flameheart's body is to be given to his clan so he can receive a proper burial."

The Flamehearts' rage started to appease after hearing the verdict of the three clans. They immediately moved to retrieve Darius's body, but not before glaring hatefully at Miko. He didn't mind their hatred, he instead glared at Krow. Krow was also glaring at him, but he had an amused look on his face. He then spoke-

"For the various crimes he committed in the absence of the three clans, as well as being an accomplice to the destruction of a section of the city, Gamiko Dragna the third aka Miko is to be imprisoned at the prison that houses the empire's vilest criminals, the Demon Nest!"


Miko's family and friends were immediately enraged.


Miko on the other hand calmly obeyed the order.


"Don't worry, Mother. I have a plan."

The soldiers fearfully walked past Sasha, Leon, and Nova and arrested Miko. Krow showed a small smile.

"You'll remain in solitary confinement until it's time for your trial. Is that alright with you?"

Miko nodded with a beastly grin.

"No problem."

Underground Wars Arc End!!!

Rookie Proxy Saga Ends!!!

Flameheart Resentment Arc Start!!!