
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

54th Adversary: Nebulous’s Orgin

Miko suddenly found himself floating in a white space. He didn't know where he was or why he was there. All he knew was that he was just defeated by Nebulous.

"Am I dead?"

He immediately discarded the idea.

"According to Tia, when Proxies dies they are transported to the Graveyard of Immortals, also called the Void Realm. This doesn't fit the description she gave about the Void Realm, which should be a gray world filled with ruins."

There were no ruins in sight. It was purely a blank space.

"My name is Nebulous."


He heard a familiar voice echo in the blank space.


He looked around and the space wasn't blank again. There was something that looked like an oval-shaped portal, not too far away from him.

"Did it come from there?"

He floated towards the portal and stared into it. He couldn't see that clearly, but he saw Darry's or Nebulous face inside it.

"What is this?"

(It's a pathway to the answers you seek.)

A new voice echoed in the space.

"Who's there?!"

He started to look around, but he couldn't see anything other than him and the portal.

(Who I am will be made clear to you soon. More importantly, don't you want to understand the person in that portal? I'm currently giving you the chance to do just that.)

The voice sounded relaxed and arrogant as if talking to Miko was the same as talking to a child.

"You're the one who brought me here?"

(Yes, and no. It's your power, I just borrowed it for a bit.)

"My power? Wait, could it be I'm scanning Nebulous's soul?"

The voice didn't answer. Miko took that as confirmation.

"Then, this portal will connect me to Nebulous soul….."

Miko looked behind him.

"I'll deal with you later."

Without saying anything more, Miko jumped into the portal. The space was silent for a while until the voice resounded again.

(What a whimsical brat. He didn't even consider that the portal was a trap.)

It started laughing.

(He's a diamond in the rough, but still a diamond. After a little polishing, his true form will be realized. That's why going into that portal is essential. He'll come back out a bit more polished.)

A smirk could be heard.

Meanwhile, after entering the portal, Miko found himself floating in front of a castle. He looked at his body. He was semi-transparent.

(For some reason, I don't think I'll be able to interact with anyone in this world.)

He looked around a bit.

"This is….the Flameheart Residence? It looks different but this should be it."

"Young Master, please wait!"

He heard a woman's frantic voice. He looked down and saw a group of servants chasing after a teen. He had messy shoulder-length black hair, emerald eyes, slim build, and a ruffian look on his face.


The teen walked, ignoring the servants desperately chasing after him, while grumbling. Miko descended to the ground to get a better look.

"Young Master, you can't just skip your classes at the academy. The Master won't be happy."

Said one of the servants. He was a dignified-looking elderly man with a head of grey hair. He was dressed in a black and white tuxedo and had a sword on his hip. Unlike the other servants, he didn't look flustered in the least.

"Jeffery, I don't need to go because I'm a part of one of the royal clans, right? So I'll stay home and kick back all day."

"That's where you're wrong, Young Master. You're the heir to the Flameheart Clan. You can't just kick back all day. You need to go to the academy, build relationships, and gain contacts with the future leaders of this continent."

"Lord Jeffery, the Young Master is already asleep."

One of the maids whispered in Jeffery's ears. Jeffery kept a dignified expression and walked up to the teen who lean onto a tree with his eyes closed and drool flowing from his mouth.

"Wake up, you fricking brat!"

He punched the teen so hard in the stomach that the tree snapped in two from the impact.


The teen wailed on the ground holding his stomach.

"Lord Jefferey really is amazing. He's the only servant that isn't afraid to hit members of the main family. You remembered when he slapped one of the elders for talking back to him?"

"Yeah. That was scary."

The servants started to mumble. Miko watched the teen on the ground. He then looked at Jeffery.

"So this is the rumored servant from hell, Jeffery. He's famous even in our clan. He's as merciless as I heard."

Jefferey grabbed the teen by the collar and started to drag him.

"I'm bringing you to your father before I kill you."

Jeffery still looked like a dignified gentleman despite what he was doing and saying.

"From Jeffery to the Master. Poor Master Darius."

The servants scattered seemingly to carry out their daily tasks.

"Hm? Darius?"

After they left Miko recalled the name the teen was called. He found it familiar and started to wonder where he heard it before.

"Darius….Darius Flameheart….Heir….."

He suddenly looked like he had remembered something. He immediately chased after them. At that moment, the scenery shifted and Miko was in a different location.

"Looks like the sequence of events are following Darry….Darius' memories."

He looked around and saw that he was inside a room. From one look he could see it was a huge office. In the office, Darius was sitting on a chair looking at the person who sat behind the desk. He was tall, a bit muscular, and dressed in a dark vest suit. He had tall hair that was tied into one with a black ribbon. His hair was emerald and black near the ends.

Miko recognized him. In fact, he met him countless times before.

(Leader of the Flameheart Clan, Darwin Flameheart.)

"Yo, Pops. It's a nice day, isn't it?"

Darius spoke with a nervous expression.

"Yes, it's a nice day. So why aren't you in school enjoying the nice weather?"

"Straight to the point as always."

Darius mumbled.

"I was just thinking that I'm 16 years old already, it's about time I start spending my time learning how to run a clan rather than going to the academy."

"I see. Then do you want me to show you what happens to those who lie to the Clan Head?"

Darwin showed a scary smile.

"No, no, no. I'm still a novice here. How about we start off with something less painful, I mean complicated. Hahaha…"

Darius laughed nervously. Darwin sighed in return.

"You know, the Song Family daughter must be lonely without you. How can you treat a friend like that?"

"Layla is fine. She knows how I am. Besides, I feel stifled at the academy."

He started to slouch in the chair.

"There are too many rules, and everyone there's too occupied with keeping up appearances to truly enjoy life. For an advocate of freedom like myself, that place is a prison. I'm told when to move from class to class, I'm told when to eat, I have to ask to take a shit, and sleeping is prohibited no matter how tired I am. That place is a hellhole and whoever thought up the idea of school is an evil bastard."

"I get where you're coming from, but the academy and society as a whole needs rules to function. Order is the key to peace."

"If that's the case, then me who hates order must have an affinity for chaos."

Miko, who was listening to their conversation, resonated with Darius's views more than Darwin's. Darwin sighed and held his head as if he was having a headache. He was about to say something, but a knock came from his door.

"Come in."

Once he gave his permission, the door opened and someone walked. Miko's eyes peeled open. It was a girl around 10 years old. She had black hair that turned emerald near the end. She had a doll-like face and an angelic smile.


He looked at the girl from head to toe and then noticed her eye color.


The girl had the same eye color as Darwin and Darius.

"Luka's was red…Also this should be over two decades ago. Luka wasn't born back then. So this must be…"

"What is it, Lisa?"

Darwin spoke to the girl.

"As I thought, it's her mother."

Miko mumbled.

"Father, I think you're wasting your time. This idiot won't listen to what you say, I recommend we turn him over to Jeffery."

Darius got up and grabbed Lisa by her cheeks and started to pinch them.

"That's big brother to you, you cheeky brat!"

"Ow ow ow!"

Lisa tried to break free, but Darius was determined to punish her. Darwin ignored the two and started doing some paperwork.

"My lord, I'm sorry for intruding."

Jeffery opened the door and looked at the siblings. They were seated and looking well-behaved. Darwin was shocked to see his children fearing Jeffery more than him.

"What is it?"

"The emperor said he's coming over to discuss something with you."

"Nero? Did he say what it was?"

Jeffery shook his head.

"I see. Well, he probably just wanted to mess around."

Darwin looked at his children.

"You two can go now. Oh, Darius if you skip school again, I'll break your legs."

He smiled and waved as they left.

"Remember, Daddy loves you."

The scene changed again.

"Hmm….So Darry or Nebulous was the missing Flameheart Heir I heard about as a kid? But how did he go missing and become such an unstable Crime God?"

Miko muttered as he looked around. They were once again in the yard of the Flameheart residence.

"In the end, he still didn't go to the academy huh?"

Darius was sleeping in a tree as if it was natural. It reminded Miko of what he used to do to avoid work….well, he still does it from time to time. He was starting to see why Nebulous said that Miko was a younger version of himself.

"Keh, there he is slacking off again."

Miko heard some mumblings and turned to see some servants whispering among themselves.

"Why is someone like that the future of this clan? He's irresponsible, lazy, wild, and nothing like a noble."

"Shh! He might hear us."

"He's not going to do anything anyway. He's a coward too."

"Yeah. I heard he ran away from every challenge at the academy. He won't even get angry when someone disrespects the clan's name."

"Does he have no pride?"

"I hate people like him. Born with a golden spoon in their mouth and intend to suck on that spoon all their lives, not even considering obtaining a spoon of their own."

Miko frowned. He was reminded of how people would talk behind his back when he was at the royal palace. He looked toward Darius and saw that he was awake. He was merely ignoring the servants.

"Those idiots forget who writes their cheques."

He laughed.


Miko and Darius suddenly heard a shout. They looked and saw the servants trembling while they were looking at something.

"Praises to his Imperial Majesty!"

They got on their knees and shouted. They were all drenched in cold sweat. It was obvious the person they were bowing to had heard their gossip. They were praying that they didn't anger them.

"Imperial Majesty?"

Miko frowned. He saw someone walk past the kneeling servants and treated them as if they didn't exist. Miko could get a clear look at them. Seeing the person was like looking in the mirror. They looked identical except for their hair color. This person had purple and azure hair. He was the emperor of Dragna Emperor, one of the five joint leaders of the Dragna clan, and Miko and Momo's grandfather, Gamiko "Nero" Dragna.

"Why are you so scared? I haven't said or done anything to you, have I?"

Nero's voice was like a hammer slamming down on their hearts. They didn't dare to move or breathe. The man that just past them was by all definitions abnormal. There was no way to guess what he would do.

"Well, suit yourself."

Nero shrugged and ignored them. He walked towards the tree Darius was in. The moment he did, Darius jumped down the tree and landed in front of him.


"Yo, Brat. I heard you're still giving your old man trouble. Good job."

The two locked their arms from the front and grinned as they greeted the other.

"I think he might kill me one day though."

"Well, it's possible."

The two laughed.

"You're ignoring conflict as always I see."

Nero indicted with his eyes. Darius looked at the kneeling servants and laughed.

"The words of those beneath me mean nothing. Besides, conflict will only restrict my freedom. They're not worth my time, much less my freedom."

The servants' faces reddened.

"Your words don't fit the heir of a clan like this, though."

"Being an heir by itself is also stifling."

"Then, why not leave the clan? Then you'll be free of all responsibilities and can do whatever you like."

"Is that really something the emperor should be saying?"

"Hey, I hate responsibilities too you know? I've been trying to quit being Emperor for a long time now. I even passed some stupid laws to make a point."

"Ah, my father told me about them. Hey, did you really pass a law that ordered everyone to walk around in bikinis on Fridays?"

"Yup. But I got rid of it when I saw a granny in a string bikini."

Nero's body shook as he recalled the memory.

"Anyway, I know where you're coming from. That's why I lent you that book, Path to Liberty."

"Thanks again. That book really opened my eyes. I felt like a modern-day slave being forced to work by society, and that book showed me that there was hope."

"I'm glad you like it. But Darius, if you truly feel stifled here why not take a breather from everything and spread your wings? You're at the age you can do stupid things and blame it on youth. Don't waste it being unhappy."

"So the old man is the one who made Darius the way he was? He just loves causing trouble, doesn't he?"

Miko mumbled while listening to their conversation.

"Take a break huh?"

The scenery suddenly changed again. This time, Darius was before a group of people sitting on a platform.

"Is this a trial?"

Miko looked and realized that they were inside a courtroom. He looked at Darius and realized that he was older. He looked like he was approaching his 20s.

"Darius, you have broken too many of the clan rules. As such, a proper punishment must be given."

Darwin and some others were sitting on the platform acting as judges.

"Darius, you are hereby banished from the Flameheart Clan with immediate effect."

Darwin had a painful expression on his face.

"Banished? For what? I didn't get to see it."

Miko was puzzled.

"Could it be I'm only seeing memories Darius finds important?"

Miko asked after seeing the joyful expression on Darius's face. He looked like this verdict was the best thing to ever happen to him. The scenery changed again. This time Darius was seen leaving the Flameheart residence.


Behind him, a teenage Lisa came running to chase after him. She was however stopped by Jeffery.

"Stop, Lady Lisa. That man is no longer your brother."

"What are you saying, Jeffery?!"

She pushed past him and chased after Darius. Darius stopped and looked at her with a smile. Seeing that, she also smiled and kept running. That's when Darius disappeared from her sight and reappeared in front of her.

"The last thing I need is a brat like you following me around."


He slammed his fist in her stomach and sent her flying back. Jeffery quickly moved and caught her. Lisa coughed in his arms with a painful expression.


Her vision was blurry as she saw her brother turn his back on her and walked away. She stretched her hand towards him before passing out in Jeffery's arms. Jeffery looked at her and then at the departing Darius.

"Stupid brat."

He turned around and brought Lisa back into their residence.


Miko who watched the whole thing had a complicated expression on his face. He floated in front of Darius.

"I knew it."

He sighed at the crying expression on Darius's face.

"You're really an idiot….Although, I'm not one to talk."

"Yo, that's not the face I expected from someone who just got his freedom."

Nero suddenly appeared in front of Darius.

"You instead look like someone who threw everything away."

He didn't have his usual smile on his face. He actually looked upset.

"It doesn't look like you're here to congratulate me."

Darius wiped the tears that were gathering in his eyes.

"Why would I? I know I told you that a break would be good, but I never said you should throw everything away. I meant for you to take a vacation, not a permanent leave."

"I know."

"Really? Then why have you been acting like a fool these last couple of years? Despite hating conflict, you started getting into fights for the simplest things. You started stealing things you didn't need, and even went around causing mindless destruction. In the end, you got expelled from the academy, forcing your clan to expel you as well, so that you don't tarnish their reputation."

Nero's eyes sharpened.

"Darius, what were you thinking?"

"You should already know, right? I wanted to leave my stifling life behind. I wanted to leave the life where everything is decided for me. I want to be just Darius."

Darius smiled.

"Don't we all want that kind of freedom?"

"…True. Even I want to flirt with my other five wives without Kimiko getting angry. But you don't see me throwing her away, do you?"

Nero poked Darius's chest.

"The troubles you had were normal, it's just that most people put up with them. Those that make the choice you made will live a life of isolation and destruction. Take it from someone who did the same thing years ago. Walking this path will destroy you."


This scene reminded Miko of when Nero stopped him from turning the world against him. Seeing it from a third person's point of view is something different though. It made him think.

"Even so, it's already too late."

"Do you mean you punching your sister?"

"You already know we Flamehearts are beings that live for love. Once we fall for something, we'll devote our whole lives to it. Hence, we'll love those close to us to death and would do anything for them."

"Of course. That's why a lot of people are afraid to get involved with your clan. You guys are too passionate, and that passion can destroy those it's aimed at."

Darius nodded.

"It isn't just how we handle love, we deal with hate the same way. Once we hate you, we'll hate you for eternity in most cases."

"I already know. You made her hate you to prevent her from chasing after you. But there's one thing that I don't get. Why throw everything away, even your beloved sister, for freedom?"

"You don't get it? I said it earlier, once we fall for something we'll devote our entire lives to it."

"Don't tell me…."

Darius smiled.

"I've fallen in love with the concept of freedom. Hence, I'll live my entire life unrestrained by anything. I'll become the freest thing in the world."

Nero showed a bitter smile.

"…Seriously, you Flamehearts are something else. You're all freaking insane."

The scene changed again. This time Miko was in the streets. He looked around and remembered the dirty streets and the crude buildings.

"This is Gael. This was the place Nebulous originated."

He saw two people sitting across from each other in a bar. They were Darius and a younger Layla Song.

"I heard that you were banished."

Layla was sipping her drink through a swirly straw.

"Yeah. Some stuff happened. It doesn't matter anyway now. I'm free."

"Free huh?"

Layla stirred the ice in her cup with a bored expression.

"Hey, Darius. What am I to you?"

"What's with the strange question?"

"I just wanted to know, am I a burden to you? Will you throw me aside like you did everyone else?"

"Is that how you see me?"

"Do you blame me? The current you is weird. You're throwing away everything you hold dear for a superficial thing like Freedom. I can't help but wonder if I'm next."

"Do you want to be thrown away?"

"Of course not. I am your girlfriend after all."

"When did that happen?"

"Just now."

Layla smiled.

"You have nothing but the clothes on your back, surely you wouldn't pass up the offer of having a sugar mama. But don't worry, you can do whatever you want. I don't own you."

She pointed the straw at him.

"It's just that it would make me happy if you show me a bit of love every once in a while."

"Well, I guess that doesn't seem all that bad."

"See? I'm a reasonable woman."

"Yet, you're here with a homeless guy like me."

"While you are homeless and broke, and maybe a little weird in the head, you're still the guy Layla Song loves."

She stood up and poke his forehead with the straw.

"My love is comparable to you Flamehearts. So, you better not underestimate it."

Darius looked at her with a surprised expression for a bit, before showing her a smile.

"I'll take note of it in my heart."

The scene changed again. This time Miko was in the streets. Beside him, Darius was walking with a smile on his face. Since his appearance didn't change, Miko figured that it was still the same day.

"Hey, you."

Some guys blocked Darius' path.

"You're sure smiling a lot. It kinda makes me curious. What got you so happy?"

The men started to surround Darius with vile expressions.

"Oh, you guys want to know?"

Darius kept smiling.

"How about I tell you?"

The scene skipped.

"And then she said that she loves me regardless. When I heard that I couldn't help but be happy."

Darius was happily telling his story to the same group of men. The only difference was that they all had lumps on their heads and a few missing teeth. There was also a broken nose here and there.

"That was a great story, Boss. I'm jealous."

The men praised Darius with nervous expressions.

"You are, aren't you?"

Darius burst out laughing. He wrapped his arms around two of the men's shoulders.

"By the way, I'm new to the area. I hope you guys can help me adapt."

The scene changed again. Darius was once again with Layla, but this time they were in a bed under the covers. Miko could tell that they were naked.

"I heard you have a gang now."

Layla was resting her head on Darius' chest.

"Yeah, some guys started following me around calling themselves my underlings. I didn't really care, so I let them. Next thing I knew, people started picking fights with me for no reason. I crushed them, and somehow their territory was turned over to me. This repeated a couple of times, and now people are calling me a Crime Lord. I gained a lot of privileges, so I decided to let it happen. I'm using an alias though."

"I heard. But Darry, huh? Your nickname as a kid. How simpleminded."

She laughed.

"Hey, it was the first thing that popped up in my head."

Layla lifted her head and looked him in the eyes.

"Darius, you may didn't intend for it to happen but you're now considered a big shot in Gael. There will be a lot of people out to get you, and your freedom will be restricted."

"Don't worry, no matter what happens I will always do whatever I want."

He wrapped his arms around her and dragged her closer.

"So don't worry."

"You don't get it, Darius."

Layla buried her face in his chest.

"You just don't get it."


Miko silently observed the scene.

"Darius was too naïve. If this goes how I expect it to go, then-"

The scene changed. They were now in the streets again. Everything around Miko was on fire and Darius was laying on the ground heavily injured.

"I thought so."

Miko looked in front of him and saw a tall imposing figure staring down at Darius. Because it was late at night and flames and smoke was everywhere, Miko couldn't see the face. Even so, Miko instantly recognized the person.


Miko's and Darius' voices overlapped as they stared at the figure with hatred.

"Was that all you got, Darius Flameheart?"

Krow's voice made all who heard it feel insignificant before him.

"I heard you were gaining quite the influence. That's why I thought you would be the perfect pawn. My link to this country's dark side. But you actually rejected my kindness? You're as much as a fool I heard you were."

"I work for no one! I'm my own man!"

Darius screamed.

"What a strong will. I thought you would submit if I defeated you and slaughtered your men, but you're still willing to defy me."

Krow paused for a bit as if he was pondering something.

"Interesting. This just makes me want you more. Having a strong-willed underling is far better than a thousand puppets that respond to your every command. That being said, you don't seem like the type to bend before superior strength."

He took something from behind him.

"However, I think this will do just fine."

What Krow took from behind him was a chained-up and gagged Layla.

"Krow, you bastard!"

Darius roared like a beast and struggled to his feet. Blood gushed from his wounds as he started to walk toward Krow.

"Good, that's good. Show me your strong will."

Krow seemed entertained by Darius' efforts. Layla, on the other hand, started struggling to break free.

"You two really are made for each."

Krow let her go and she started crawling toward Darius. Because her limbs were bounded, she used her face to drag herself closer to him. Darius also tried his best to reach her.

"Let me tell you something, Darius. I approached that woman long before you caught my eye. She had also rejected me, saying that she'll only belong to one man. I was interested to see who that person was, and that's how I found you. So in a way, she's the one who led me toward you."

"Shut up! I'm gonna kill you!"

Darius' blood made a trail as he struggled to walk. While Layla's face had started to peel away. Even so, the two still tried to reach the other.

"You know, when that woman realized she was going to be a bargaining chip to use against you, she immediately slit her throat."


Darius finally stopped. He looked at Layla who was crying as she crawled towards him.

"I was completely caught off guard. She would have died if I hadn't acted swiftly. To think she would prefer to die than be a burden to you. Such level of devotion is only comparable to the Flamehearts."

Miko finally realized why Layla never feared him killing her. It wasn't confidence in her own skills, but she just didn't mind dying for Darius.

"Now then."

Krow popped up between the two. He stepped on Layla's head.

"Let's cut to the chase here, Darius."

He looked at a dazed Darius.

"Work for me and I'll let you two go. Oppose me, and I'll kill her. I won't kill you. After all, death would only relieve you. But if I kill her, your Flameheart blood will make it so that you suffer for the rest of your days. After all, for you Flamehearts losing a loved one is worse than death itself."

He stretched his hand out to Darius.

"Your freedom or the woman you love? It's your choice."

Darius froze in place. He no longer moved or breathed. It was like he had died.

"Darius, forget me! Don't give him what he wants!"

Layla shouted after having her muzzle removed by Krow.

"A Darius who isn't free isn't the Darius I know!"

"True. That's why you must choose. Will her Darius die or will she die?"


Blood silently flowed from Darius's eyes.


Layla was frightened to see him crying tears of blood.

"Calm down. This is just how the Flamehearts react to killing a loved one. They cry tears of blood to show their endless grief and lose their minds shortly after. They're an interesting bunch, to say the least."

Krow laughed.

"The question is who he's grieving for? You Or himself?"

Darius dropped to his knees with a blank expression. Miko's vision started to turn red watching him. He wiped his eyes and realized that blood was flowing from his eyes.

"Darius' emotions are starting to affect me? That means his memories are starting to influence my personality."

Even after realizing what was happening, he continued to watch the scene before him. He felt it was his duty to see it through to the end.

"I'll work for you. I'll be your subordinate."

Darius spoke after a long time.


Layla wailed.

"Great. Then I want you to take over the Crime world for the entire empire, but I want you to stay hidden like a shadowy figure. That way you won't be traced back to me."

"Yes, Lord Krow."

Darius spoke with a monotone voice and a deadpan expression. Seeing him like that, Layla couldn't stop crying.

"Also, Darry is too obvious. So let me grant you a name fitting of your new role."

Krow spoke the name that put the last nail in the coffin for Darius.

"From now on, you'll be called Nebulous."

Darius nodded silently.

"Yes, Lord Krow."