
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

46th Adversary: Layla Song

The Summit Of The Gods.

Tia and Ouroboros were still sitting across from each in Ouroboros' domain. Tia had a perplexed look on her face, while Ouroboros looked normal.

"What you've just told me, that's the true nature of Nebulous?"

Ouroboros nodded.

"I know that you wouldn't check stuff like this out because it would spoil the fun. However, the situation is delicate, so I needed to spoil you."

"Ha…Haha…Hahahaha! Well, isn't this rich?!"

Tia suddenly burst out laughing.

"This isn't a laughing matter, Tia."

"How can I not laugh after hearing something like that? If what you said is the truth, then the universe really loves to fuck me over."

She shook her head.

"I'm only upset because things might not go my way, but Miko is the one who really got the short end of the stick."

"Do you think he can defeat Nebulous?"

"That's impossible. It would go against his morals, which is equivalent to killing a part of himself."

Tia lay on the table in front of her.

"You know, Boros. Everyone thinks Miko is a special existence, including myself. But after hearing what you said and thinking about what's to come, I realized that he's still a child. Which means that certain things can break him mentally."

She sighed.

"It's like the world is against him or something."

Tia suddenly looked like she realized something.

"Boros, you know that Miko is an Irregular right?"

"Well, I've had my suspicions."

"Liar. You were keeping tabs on him all this time, so you must be certain."

Tia sat up.

"I think that I've figured out what Miko's Irregular Title is, as well as his Irregularity."

"Really? Even I couldn't figure it out."

Ouroboros answered with a surprised tone.

"If it's what I think it is, then everything makes sense now."

Dragna City.

After capturing Layla Song, Miko brought her and the trio back to the capital. They were currently in Momo's mansion, which was chosen because it was completely under Momo's control.

"I can't believe all that happened while I was away from you. Those damn Elders, they definitely separated us so that it would be easier to kill you."

Momo was enraged. After she was reunited with Miko, he informed her of everything that happened with Nebulous.

"Don't blame them, Momo. I asked for their help. Although, I merely used them to help me get away from their boss."

Layla spoke to her while bounded to a chair in front of them. Momo looked at her and frowned.

"But to think that you were Nebulous, Layla."

"It's been a long time. How you've been Momo?"

"You know her?"

Miko asked Momo.

"Yeah, but shouldn't you too Miko? After all, you've met her a few times yourself."

"I did?"

"You're wasting your time, Momo. He won't remember."

Layla suddenly cut in. She looked at Miko and spoke.

"When we met his eyes were always staring into somewhere distant. The him of that time didn't recognize anyone around him. So him not remembering me is natural."

"You met her when you were still attending the academy."

When Momo said that, Miko immediately understood what Layla meant. It was true that he didn't recognize the world around him. That was because he was too absorbed in getting stronger so people could acknowledge him to care about others.

"She's from the Song Family, a family of former royalty that dates back several millennia ago. Before Gael was a part of the empire, they were the ruling family. After it was conquered by the then Emperor, they assimilated into the empire as politicians. You can say that Gael is rightfully theirs."

Momo explained.

"Layla was the eldest daughter of the Song Family."

"Then she's a noble."

Momo nodded.

"I thought you died with the rest of your family during the White Devil Incident."


Hina flinched.

(If she lost her family because of me, then I can finally understand why she harasses me whenever she got the chance.)

Hina looked at Layla and noticed that she was smiling at her. It was a creepy smile, which made Hina feel uncomfortable. Layla looked back Momo.

"I wasn't in town when it happened, but I took the chance to disappear from this world."

"And became Nebulous?"

Miko approached her.

"What are you talking about? Nebulous existed for over a decade now. Coufal was destroyed eight years ago. I simply used that chance to erase my existence, so that I could work more effectively as Nebulous."

Miko clicked his tongue when he heard her answer.

"You trying to trick me to reveal inconsistencies in my identity as Nebulous is a waste of time. I told you, I'm Nebulous."

"You don't think she's Nebulous?"

Momo asked.

"I don't know, but something's fishy."

"Is that why you haven't tortured her for information because you don't want to torture an innocent person?"

"Now, Momo. Calling me an innocent person is a bit of a stretch."

Layla interrupted again.

"Besides, even if I'm not Nebulous, that still doesn't change the fact that I might possess some really valuable information."

"You're really trying to appeal your worth. Are you that afraid of Krow?"

Layla didn't answer Miko's question and just kept a smile on her face.

"Momo, can't you cast a truth spell and have her spill everything she knows?"

"That's impossible. While I have spells like the one you asked for, they wouldn't work on her because of a skill she possesses. Spell Interjection."

"What's that?"

"A skill that allows Spell Masters to disrupt a spell. I remember hearing that she learned it when growing up. Although, I can use a high-level spell that can't be stopped with just Spell Interjection, those spells would destroy her mind. We can't do that because of her status as a noble."

"It's illegal to severely harm or kill aristocrats, even for royalty unless permitted by the royal court. Breaking that law is punishable by death, huh? Which means that I can't use my powers to hijack her mind."

"Not like you could in the first place. You forgot what Gramps told you? You must avoid hijacking the minds of those who have strong personalities. There's a high chance of your own personality being influenced by theirs, and their memories might flow in your mind as well. If that happens, it would be like you fused with that person, which is dangerous."

"I know, I know. That's why I didn't do it from the start."

Miko became annoyed. He looked at Layla again.

"We can't torture you because you're noble, we can't turn you over to the royal court because Krow's people are now in charge until gramps come back, we can't force you to talk through magic because it either won't work or is too dangerous…"

His gaze was very cold.

"The urge to kill you just keeps getting more and more intense."

"I don't know why you're making it difficult for yourself. All you need to do is ask me and I'll answer. Oh, but that's only if you believe what I say."

Layla replied. She looked at Hina again.

"For example, I can tell you how Hina is connected to the destruction of Coufal, why her grandmother was killed, and why her benefactor was killed as well."

Hina's face paled. She looked at Miko to see his reaction, only to see him with an uninterested look on his face.

"Hina can talk about those when she's ready. They have nothing to do with me and what I want."

Hina felt happy and guilty to hear Miko say that.

"I see. I just wanted to stir things up, but I guess didn't work."

Layla looked a bit disappointed, but Miko didn't care.

"So what do you want?"

"Everything. I want everything Nebulous has."

Layla was shocked to hear that.

"Aren't you being a little too greedy?"

"I don't think so. After all the trouble you caused me last night, I think it's fair I get everything. So I want you to start talking. Tell me how I can get everything, otherwise I'll make Ishma play with you. My crimes are already worth the death penalty, so killing you won't do much."

Ishma was by the side looking at Layla like she was a brand-new toy, she was eager to play with.

"Well, I don't want that."

Layla wore a frown for the first time.

"Ok, I'll talk."

Later in the day, everyone except Layla and Ishma, and Regis who were keeping a watch on her, gathered in another spot in the magical space that existed in Momo's mansion.

"What do you think, Momo?"

Miko asked.

"I think she's Nebulous. The information that she shared is something only someone at the top of their organization could possess. Also, Layla was always talented when came to business management, politics, and negotiations. These are some of the most important talents you would need to reach the top of the crime world."

"But what about combat strength? She doesn't seem all that strong. Although individual strength isn't always important, it's essential in certain situations."

"About that, she seems to have some very powerful people protecting her from the shadows. We kinda ran into one at her base. She probably left them behind so that she could turn herself over to you."

Sora said.

"I see. By the way, how did you escape the base? And how did you find us?"

Miko asked.

"There was no one there when we tried to escape. We also saw footage of you fighting in Mainz displayed on the monitors. We hurried there knowing that we might be playing in her hands. We didn't expect that she would surrender though. We thought that she was going there to end you."

"She really had everything under control."

Miko really felt irritated with Layla.

"She said her base was in the town next to Mainz, Drex. Is that the truth?"

"Yeah. It's an abandoned warehouse."

"I don't like the fact that all of her close guards are unaccounted for. They might be up to something."

Miko mumbled.


Hina walked up to him.

"There's something I need to tell you."

"Is it about what Layla said?"

Hina nodded.

"Alright, go ahead."

Hina nodded. She began to tell her story. She talked about her powers, how they work, the terrible mistake she made as a child, her beloved grandmother, and the fate she suffered. She told Miko everything. Miko quietly listened without interrupting her for a second, no matter how long she took. After she was finally done, he stood there quietly as if thinking about everything he heard.

"So the reason why Layla is harassing you is because you're indirectly responsible for her family's demise?"

"I think so."

"And you think that your grandmother and benefactor were killed because of your powers?"

"That's what Layla is implying."

"I see…that's some useful information, but I can see why you hid it. In fact, you would be an idiot to reveal everything to me that easily."

"You're not mad or disgusted by what I've done?"

Miko looked confused when he heard that.

"Why would I? Because you killed some strangers? I'm not that emotional or compassionate to care about the death of some strangers. Also, I might be a prince, but the chances of me inheriting the throne are zero, so I feel no obligation toward the citizens. Besides, what is the difference between what you did and what I did in the capital and Mainz? I'm worse because I purposely wreak havoc."

"I see. Thank you."

Hina smiled and nodded. She looked like a big weight was lifted off her shoulders.

"I've never heard of such abilities before. Are they Inborn Abilities?"

Momo asked.

"Yeah. My grandparents and parents were Inborn Ability users. I Inherited all their abilities and as a result, gain my own Inborn Ability."

Inborn Abilities are special abilities that randomly manifest in a person. The cause is unknown, but these abilities can be passed down to one's offspring. However, the offspring might not inherit them. It's purely up to chance. If they do, they are called a Second Generation Ability User.

"In the case where two Inborn Ability users reproduce, the offspring can either inherit one of these abilities, neither of them or both. But in your case, your father who was a Second Gen, had his mother's Ability dormant in his genes and had you with another Ability user. Meaning that you had three Inborn Abilities in your genes. For you to not only inherit all three but obtained your own from two abilities mixing together…."

Momo looked at Hina funny.

"I can't tell if you're blessed or cursed."

Hina laughed awkwardly in response.


Miko looked at her seriously and asked a question that was on his mind the whole time.

"Did you ever find out what happened to this Darry guy?"