
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
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153 Chs

33rd Adversary: Miko’s Obession

After Miko had knocked Ace out, Sora and Hina took him away and bid them farewell. While watching them leave, Miko started to think that they had too much free time for famous people. The next day, Momo decided Miko should put his training on hold. The reason wasn't given, but Miko didn't seem to care as long as he gets to slack off.

He was currently sitting under a tree with his eyes closed.

"I can't really get him sometimes."

Momo was watching him sleep. Beside her, Tia spoke.

"Do you mean the way he has an insatiable desire for strength, but slacks off whenever he gets the chance?"


"Well, I think Miko realizes he's walking on a path to self-destruction, hence he does his best to restrain himself. It's just he's been meeting strange people after the other, who can light a fire of passion in him."

"So he's purposely being lazy to hold himself back?"

"Nah. He's mostly doing it because he really is lazy. It's just that being lazy actually works out better for him."

"…I see."

Momo sighed.

"I really don't know what to do with him. This all started because I reminded him what defeat tasted like."

"I don't think that was a bad decision though. Miko will change as he grows. The more people he meets and connects with, the more he'll grow and mature."

Tia smiled.

"There will be a time when you'll realize he no longer needs you to guide him."

For some reason, Momo felt a pain in her heart.

"Hey, what's with the long face?"

Tia brought her face closer to Momo's and asked with a teasing smile.

"Don't worry. I doubt Miko would ever throw you to the side. You're an important part of his life. He owes you his life after all."

She wrapped her arms around Momo's shoulder.

"Besides, him no longer needing you to guide him means he can finally walk side by side with you. At that point, you might not be his teacher, but it gives you the opportunity to become someone more special to him."

Momo had a confused face, which fit her childish appearance perfectly.

"Don't worry. You'll understand over time."

Tia laughed.

"But it looks like you're still a child yourself. I blame it on Nero for sheltering you for so long."

Tia laughed again when she saw Momo's clueless expression. Meanwhile, Miko was in his own thoughts.

(I thought my physique would always give me an advantage over others, but that doesn't seem to be the case.)

He remembered his hard battle with Ace's brawler character. There was a time he was overpowered and could only rely on speed. This tactic itself wasn't bad, but it wasn't absolute.

(Ace was able to boost his speed and overwhelm me again. If I hadn't experienced Sora's speed beforehand, I don't think I could've reacted that quickly…Looks like I need a technique that boosts my physical prowess to a new level.)

This was the idea he came up with after racking in his brain.

(But I don't think it's easy creating a technique like that…Well, I'm sure I can think of one in the future.)

He opened his eyes and looked at Momo and Tia who were talking with each other.

"They seem pretty close."

He sat up.

"Surprisingly, they made the last month much more enjoyable than I expected it to be."

He stood up and stretched his body. At that moment, he saw the scene of Tia and Momo turning their back on him and leaving him behind. This image only last for a second, but it caused the smile on Miko's face to drop.

"I guess it's possible. After all, we're just too different."

He started to walk towards them. As he got closer to them a smile slowly emerged on his face.

"Even if that's true and they do leave me eventually like everyone else, I'll just enjoy my current days with them."

He whispered.

He then stood in front of the two and said-

"Ladies, would you like to go for a stroll?"

At Miko's proposal, the three of them went on a stroll…..in a different country in the empire.

They arrived in a country called Lushun. It was one of the most beautiful of the countries that made up the empire. It was close to the top of the Silver Continent and had its own beaches; unlike the capital that was surrounded by other subjugated countries.

The three of them arrived on a beach that was crowded with people trying to enjoy themselves.

"The sea!"

Seeing the sea, Tia looked like she returned to her natural habitat and dived into the water immediately without even changing.

"She really is a sea dragon."

Momo watched her swim around happily.

"What are you going to do?"

She asked Miko. He was already under an umbrella laying on a blanket and drinking an ice-cold beverage.

"I'm gonna relax here. I'll catch up with you later."

"I see. Then I'll join Tia."

Momo went into the sea and started to swim with Tia. Miko saw Momo tie a rope on Tia and stood on a board. At Momo's signal, Tia dove underwater. Momo, who was holding on to the rope, was pulled. Before long Miko saw the two disappear into the horizon.


He silently put on his shades and lay on his blanket.

"Hey, can I get a popsicle?"

"Sure. That will be a copper coin."

That's when he heard a familiar voice.

"Thanks for your patronage."

He lifted his shades and saw Darry, who had a cooler strapped in front of him.

"Any cold popsicles, sir?"

He smiled at Miko after noticing him.

"Are you following me around or something?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Why? I've been meeting you every time I separate from the others. There's no way we could meet three times in a row without one of us making it happen."

Miko glared at Darry.

"Well, your argument is logical and correct."

Darry threw away the cooler.

"Our first two meetings were coincidental, but this one isn't so much."

"Why are you following me?"

"Because I couldn't leave you alone."

"…Despite how I look, I'm straight. So I can't return your feelings."

Miko wore a disgusted face.

"Hahaha! I didn't mean it like that. I meant I was concerned about what you're about to become."


Miko looked confused.

"The last time we met, you gave off the vibe that you were cornered. Not by anyone, but by yourself."

"What nonsense. I'm not cornered. Even if I was, what does that have to do with you?"

"Nothing. However, you reminded me of someone close to me. They ended up self-destructing in the worst way possible. They don't even know who they are anymore."

Darry's eyes softened.

"I heard a lot about you before we met. What I heard and the real thing doesn't match, so I figured you're trying to change or something like that."

"Enough. I don't need to listen to your crap."

Miko stood up

(Maybe I took the wrong approach?)

Darry thought when he saw that Miko was about to leave.

"Then, I won't preach to you. After all, it's not really my thing either."

He spoke to Miko's back and was ignored. He smiled and then said-

"Then how about a fight?"


Miko stopped.

"I could tell since we last met that you wanted to test yourself against me."

Darry spread his arms.

"How about now? I'm willing to give you the chance."

He watched as Miko turned around.

"I'm listening."

A few minutes later, the two moved to a different location that had fewer people. Because of his connection with Tia, Miko wasn't worried about an ambush because Momo would be alerted right away, and then she could easily lock down the entire beach. As such, he came with Darry with peace of mind. In fact, he had the feeling Darry was underestimating him. If that were true, then he won't be able to set up a trap that's capable of harming Miko.

"Man, you actually stuck around because I offered to fight you. It's like a child being baited with candy."

Darry burst out laughing.

"Well, at least now I know what is cornering you."

"Are you going to fight or not?"

Miko took a fighting pose.

"Well, if you're so eager let's start."

Darry started walking towards him. His pace wasn't fast at all, it was casual. He walked towards Miko with a smile, as if he was going to talk with a friend.


He disappeared from where he stood.


Miko felt a blow to the back of his neck, and everything became blurry after that. He fell onto one knee with his body trembling.

"What's cornering you is your insatiable hunger for strength."

Darry stood behind Miko while smiling. He watched as Miko started to struggle to his feet.

"This desire is what causes you to push yourself and be stubborn."


He chopped the back of Miko's neck again. Once again Miko's vision faded and he fell onto both knees.

"This desire prevents you from backing down, even when the opponent is far out of your league."

He spoke as Miko started to struggle again.

"This will lead to your downfall."

He swept Miko off his feet after he finally stood up. Miko fell on his back and was forced to look up into the sky. Even so, he flipped over on his stomach and started to force himself up again.


He roared as he activated his Dragon Rage. He sprung to his feet and threw a punch. Darry evaded it by stepping back. The aura around Miko molded into 3 pairs of fists. He pounced at Darry firing a barrage of punches at him.

"This desire will also bring destruction to those around you because you'll be too blinded by it to see they're suffering from just being around you."

Darry spoke as he avoided the aura fists, and moved closer to Miko. He avoided Miko's real fists and lifted him off the ground with a kick to the stomach.


Miko groaned in pain and released his claws. He slashed at Darry's face. Darry lifted his hand and a light flashed.


Miko was blown back with his body covered in burns. He crashed into a huge rock and leaned against it.

"Miko, why do you seek strength?"

Darry approached him.

"….Shut up."

Miko mumbled.

"Is it for acceptance?"

Darry continued to speak.

"Is it to protect yourself and those around you?"

"….Shut up!"

"Or do you think if you're strong no one will dare leave you?"

"I said shut up!"

Miko roared and leaped at Darry.

"You're too short-tempered."

Darry's fist collided with Miko's face.


However, Miko wasn't knocked back as expected.

"You talk too much!"

Miko stretch his hand out and grabbed Darry's face.

"Dragon Shot!"


The sound of a dragon's roar accompanied by a loud explosion echoed out. Darry was blown back almost a hundred meters covered in wounds and smoke emitting from his body. Just as his body was about to hit the floor, he came to life and landed on his feet. He looked at Miko with a cold glare.


However, that glare disappeared when he looked at Miko.

Half of his body looked unrecognizable. It was covered by a thick darkness that made one half look like that of a beast. He had claws, a horn, and a demonic blood-colored eye.

"The reason I desire strength? Even I don't know anymore."

Miko was breathing heavily.

"But I know there will be times where I'll wish I was stronger. To reduce the number of times like that, I need to become as strong as I can."

Darry saw Miko's other half start to calm down. After a while, he started to clap.

"Amazing. I can tell that was from your heart."

He was grinning.

"That's right. A man should always be free. The you just now looked like he was finally free from his restrictions."

"Again, you say things I don't understand."

Miko mumbled.

"Hey, Miko. I feel like I can learn some stuff from you, and I think you can learn a lot from me."

Darry stretched his hand out towards Miko.

"How about we become friends? I'll even help you get stronger."

In response to Darry's proposal.

"Nope. You're too creepy."

He turned around and left.


Darry was left there with his hand still extended and his mouth open.

Legends say he stayed like that for three whole days.