
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
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153 Chs

20th Adversary: Betrayal

"It looks like we have quite the situation on our hands."

Tiamat witnessed what happened between Miko and Ace with Momo at her side. She turned to Momo.

"If it was you, how would you respond? Would you continue with your assignment?"

"It depends. I definitely would if I had a grudge against the Black Spades. Since Miko doesn't, he finds himself in a delicate situation. Now that there's an unknown third party, him continuing the assignment could lead to making more enemies. One wrong step and both parties will be coming for his neck. This must be avoided especially when one of the parties is unknown."

"In other words, you would've abandoned the assignment?"


"Then, do you think your student will do the same?"



"If I'm being honest, curiosity. Too many things about this situation are unknown to him. From Hina to Ace and what's going on around them. He's not the type to ignore it. However, I don't know if he'll take a spectator position and watch everything unfold or enter the fray."

"Hmm…Why did Miko allow Ace to take the phone call?"

Tia smiled.

"If you consider that question, we can predict Miko's next action."

The Black Spade Gang. Originally, a small gang that was formed merely 3 years ago by some local thugs. The gang used to focus on small-time crimes like mugging, organized street fighting, and extortion. The gang's fate changed one year ago when they met a natural disaster in the form of a teenage boy.


The building that served as the gang's base crumbled. The members were laid out on the ground as the flaming rubble burned in front of them. The one closest to the rubble was a dark-skinned man. His black locks were stained with blood as he lifted his head.


Someone walked out of the smoke and stopped in front of him.

"Why did you attack us? What did we ever do to you?"

Ace stooped down in front of him.

"If you want a reason, it's because you guys barely made the requirements for me to enter the next stage."


"You see, there's a Boss Character that I want to defeat. However, I can't do it alone. This guy is a raid boss so I need a party."

(What is this kid talking about?)

"… It seems I've lost you. To keep it simple, I want to kill Nebulous but he has countless pawns that would block my path. So I want a crew that will keep his pawns occupied while I solo him."

"Kill Nebulous? Are you mad?!"

Ace sighed.

"That's what makes you people NPCs and not Players."

He stood up causing the man to look up.

"If you deem a game unbeatable without even attempting to clear it, you'll never win. In this game named Life, most people give up without truly giving it their all. Those people are NPCs that go along with the plot without being able to influence it in any way."

The light from the flames flickered in his eyes.

"Players are those who rise up to every challenge and fight to clear them. To them, there's nothing as an unbeatable game."

The man gritted his teeth.

"Then why did you pick us NPCs?! We're nothing special, right?! Why didn't you pick one of the top gangs?!"

"The top gangs are all under Nebulous's direct control. I needed a group that would sneak up and take his head. A group he probably didn't even know existed. Your gang meets the criteria. Not only that, you all specialize in brawls, something I do too."

Ace smirked.

"Zach "the Black Spade" Davis, I'll be taking your gang."

Present time.

Former leader of the Black Spades, Zach Davis was walking down the street with a phone in his hand.

"I did it. There's no turning back now. The Black Spades have officially betrayed Ace."

He repeatedly mumbled.

"What did you say?"

He recalled the first conversation he had with Ace after he took over his gang.

"I said I'm going to level you guys up. In order for me to take on Nebulous I need to make you into the strongest gang."

"Do you really think that's possible?"

"Why not? Yeah, you're weak, but that's not a bad thing."

He smiled.

"The best thing about low-level characters is that they're easy to level up."

Ace placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry. I'll make you into strong players who can always keep their heads high."


Zach stopped and stood in the streets.

(In the year that he led the gang, he has never mistreated us. Even though it's normal for defeated gangsters to be treated like slaves when their gang is taken over….In fact, we gained a lot physically and financially. Although Nebulous eventually found out about what Ace was planning, we were left alone. Other gangs were afraid to attack us because of his connection to Nebulous. We had money, we were growing stronger, and we were safe. At least for me, it was a dream come through.)

Or it was supposed to be.

Zach started walking again.

"Now that's it come to this, there can only be one outcome."

His eyes sharpened.

"Either Ace dies to the Blood Mace Gang or we'll die like the dirty traitors we are. There will be no room for compromise."

Meanwhile, Ace was running through the streets of Noir. The phone call he received earlier replayed in his head.

(Ace, the Black Spades have decided to replace you as our leader. From now on, we will be under the control of the Bloody Mace Gang. Our first assignment is to kill our former leader and everyone related to him….Show us no mercy because we won't.)

"The leader of the Bloody Mace Gang is Igor Rigoni. He was on my hitlist so I have no problem taking him on, but turning my crew against me and threatening my family? That's when it gets personal."

As for Igor-

"Boss, everything is ready."

He was leaving his base dressed in a black combat uniform.


He fastened the plated gloves on his hands.

"Alright, boys. It's Tuesday so you know what that means?"

He smirked.

"Gang war."

Meanwhile, Miko-


He was lifting a man by the throat.

"I simply asked what you knew about the Black Spades and you guys attacked."

Around him were dozens of bodies laying on the ground.

"I was already in a bad mood and you had to make it worse."

"I-I'm sorry….The Black Spades are a bit special so asking about them is—"

"I don't really care for your excuses. I only want information."

He drew the man's face closer to his.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

A few minutes later, the man's corpse was hanging out of a dumpster.

"So one of the biggest gangs in Gael has declared war on Ace for some reason….This puts me in a bind."

He leaned on the dumpster.

"Ace has been betrayed on top of that….I need to know more about this Igor Rigoni."

In his search for information, Miko ended up leaving a trail of corpses before he learned everything he wanted.

"What's with you people? I ask you a question and you either give me an attitude or attack me. Is it a sin to ask questions in this country?"

He kicked a corpse at his feet. Blood smeared his face and dripped from his claws.

"Anyway, let's review what I learned…Igor Rigoni, age unknown but speculated to be in his early 20s. A second-generation gangster who inherited a small gang from his father and later turned it into one of the strongest gangs in the country. He's notorious for his unreasonable pride, brutality, and ruthlessness. He's involved in every criminal activity out there from assassinations to human trafficking. His fighting style is unclear but it involves hand-to-hand combat. Most importantly, his gang is over a thousand strong…Ace has a difficult fight ahead of him."

(Now then, what should I do? I could ignore everything and give up on the assignment…)

However, that didn't sit well with Miko.

(I don't care about the Black Spades, but I'm curious about Ace and Hinami's backgrounds. I don't know the full extent of their powers but their skills are enough to draw my attention. If they're truly not affiliated with any of the Royal Clans or authorities in the empire, they could make great allies…or enemies. Either way, it would be a waste for them to die now. However, is it worth getting involved in this mess more than I already have?)

No matter what decision he made, Miko was taking a gamble. After pondering for a bit, a grin appeared on his face.

"…I guess I'm a gambling man."

"Come on, Come on. Answer the phone, Hina."

Ace was running through the streets with his phone at his ear.

"Tsk. She must've lost herself in her writing again."

Ace stopped running.


He silently surveyed the area. He was in one of the commercial areas in Noir. It was bustling with people. He smirked.

"I was the one who taught you how to blend into your surroundings. Do you really think you can ambush me?"

People started emerging from the crowds and surrounded Ace. They all wore bland attires that wouldn't stand out in a crowd. One of them stepped out. It was Zach.

"We weren't trying to ambush you. We were merely paying homage before we fight to the death."

"And I take it that it was your idea, Zach? After all, you're the only one here who didn't hate my guts, which is funny considering I took your gang from you."


"Silence, huh? Not that it matters, since I'm going to kill all of you NPCs here and now."

Zach's eyes narrowed.

"This is why everyone was quick to betray you…"

He mumbled under his breath.


He rushed towards Ace. The others did the same.

"Let's do this, Ace! Round 2!"

Ace charged at them.

"Come on, you traitors!"