
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

149th Adversary: Respective Situations

The leaders of the three branches granted Miko's requests by promising to not get involved in his battle with Tang, granting him Aeon for six months, and allowed him to enter the dangerous space known as the Ruined World.

"Damn, I can't believe I was turned over like an object."

Aeon complained. He was currently preparing to enter the Ruined World with Miko snd his group.

"Don't be like that. Your powers are very important for my growth."

Miko patted his shoulder and said. He was waiting on Aeon to prepare his things.

"Listen Miko, I can already guess what you want me to do. You want me to halt some your bodily functions like hunger and the need to sleep. That way you'll be able to train nonstop without the need to break, right? I wouldn't recommend-"

"What are you talking about? That would be stupid."


Aeon turned around and looked at Miko in shock.

"You mean that's not why you wanted to borrow me? I was certain that was the reason."

"I know. That's what Gramps was thinking too."

Miko showed a sly smile.

"But I never said that's why I wanted you."

"You tricked Gramps? That's impressive."

"I'm sure he's figured it out by now."

Miko laughed.

"To be honest, I considered doing it but I quickly tossed out the idea. After all, if I really did that I would only be destroying my body and I wouldn't be able to enjoy my strength. Well, Gramps is a monster so the reason he was okay with it was that he forgot normal people don't defy common sense like him. That's why I said he must've figured out the real reason I wanted to borrow you."

Aeon thought about it for a while and then looked like he came to a realization.

"You want me to train Sora, Hina, Ace again."


Aeon nodded.

"The branch leaders probably would've been against it since there's evidence that they're being manipulated by an unknown party, but if you made it look like it's you who needs me then I can train them."

Aeon smiled.

"You've gotten quite clever, Miko. I'm proud of you."

Aeon said while messing up Miko's hair.

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't treat me like a kid."

"Ah, my bad."

Aeon turned his attention back to packing what he needed.

"So other than the trio, who else is coming to the Ruined World?"

"My parents, the twins, Momo, and Kirika."

"Oh? I expected Alec to skip out but Luka isn't coming either?"

"She said that I should get stronger my way and she'll get stronger her way. I think she'll train under Joesph along with her apostles for the time being."

"Training under the strongest person in the empire huh? I guess even the Ruined World would lose to that."

Aeon picked up his bag and faced Miko.

"Well, let's go to this hellish world."


Grim Academy, the dorm for the Senior Division. Zora was in his room packing his things in a neat manner.

*Knock! Knock!*

He turned around and saw Kaido standing in his doorway.

"What do you want?"

Zora immediately became irritated when he saw Kaido.

"I heard that you were leaving the academy and came to see if it was true."

He looked around at the bags that were placed in a corner as well as the almost empty room.

"Looks Like I got my answer."

He said.

"Why are you leaving?"

"That's none of your business."

"So It has to do with Klaus after all."

Zora clicked his tongue.

"I only came here to keep Klaus in check. Now that he's graduated, I have no reason to remain here. That's the reason I was given."

"I don't think you kept him in check at all, to be honest."

"No one asked you for your opinion."

Kaido sighed.

"I'll be frank here, Zora. I really like you a lot. You're honorable, always thriving to become stronger, and has a warrior heart. Your only demeaning quality, which also make others misunderstand you, is your loyalty to Klaus. I know that he's your childhood friend but he'll drag you to hell if you don't let him go."

"Shut up. You think I don't know that already?"

Zora got even more irritated and approached Kaido.

"Do you know how many times I had to fight unnecessary battles because of Klaus? Do you know how many times that I had to break my own morale code for his sake?"

He poked Kaido's chest.

"Don't come in here and preach to me like you know everything. I only want to become the strongest dragon to repay Kylian and save him from his depressing life! But Klaus, he just wants to rule everything and he has forgotten the gratitude we had to Kylian! Even so, I can't abandon him no matter what he does!"

He looked Kaido in the eyes.

"I hate Klaus sometimes, but he's like a brother to me and the warriors of the Black Bone Tribe don't betray their brothers!"

He turned his back to Kaido.

"So stop wasting your breath. I won't betray my people's heritage and Klaus just to join you."

"Then, what if Klaus abandons the dream you share and even get in the way of it?"

Zora stopped.

"I don't know about your relationship with Kylian, but you said it yourself. Klaus has forgotten his gratitude. Doesn't that mean you acknowledged he might've given up on your dream? What will you do if that happens?"

Zora slowly turned around and faced Kaido.

"Then, he's no longer the brother I grew up with. If that ever happens then I'll grant him a warrior's mercy and kill him myself."

After saying that Zora ignored Kaido and continued to pack his things. Kaido scratched his head with a confused expression.

"I really can't understand your relationship."


Night Continent. Despite being the world's most dangerous continent, the Night Continent had many nations. Although, the rate they rise and fall are faster compared to nations on the other continents. Even on this continent, there existed long-lasting empires and countries. One of these countries was called the Vritra Empire.

As the name indicated, it's an empire built to honor the evil Asura King and sworn enemy of Indra, Vritra. The crown prince of this empire, as well as the current Proxy of Vritra himself, Klaus Vritra had returned to his nation. Contrary to what you would expect, Klaus didn't arrive with much fanfare. He instead arrived quietly with only the clothes on his back. He walked in the capital city of Ahi and didn't really draw any attention. He continued to walk until he arrived at a grand palace that stood at the center of the city.

"My prince, we're grateful for your safe return."

The guards at the gate bowed and welcomed Klaus. He nodded and walked into the palace yard. In the yard, there were dozens of statues of warriors scattered about. All of these statues had nameplates on them. From the nameplates one could see that these were all Klaus's ancestors. He entered the palace and walked until he came across a giant door with a serpentine dragon on it. He pushed opened the door and walked in.

Once he entered, he saw a huge throne that had gold dragons with green gems for eyes. On it, he saw someone sitting in an imposing manner with his right leg crossed and resting on his left one. Klaus walked up to the foot of the throne and kneeled and bowed his head.

"The crown prince greets the great emperor."

"You may rise."

A powerful and coarse voice answered his greeting. Klaus stood up and looked at the person in front of him. He was a brown-skinned muscular man. This man was dressed in green and gold Indian style garments with a thick necklace around his neck along with thick bracelets. He had shoulder length green hair, reptilian green eyes, and a handsome face. This was the emperor of this empire and Klaus's father, Emperor Ahi VI.

"My son, I've heard. You made Grim Academy your kingdom. I'm proud of you."

"Your words are too great for me. I indeed graduated as the top student, but there were some I was unable to defeat."

"Oh? Could it be that it was Hora's child?"

Klaus shook his head.

"I lost to Zora a few times but I have defeated him before. I'm talking about Tang Xian."

"Tang Xian? Ah, Fang's kid. I heard he caused quite an incident with the Dragna Clan."

Ahi nodded.

"It's understandable why he would be a difficult opponent. From what I heard he's pretty intelligent as well as possessing his father's martial art talent."

Klaus gritted his teeth. His father made it sound like he had no chance of defeating Tang.

"I promise to defeat him and bring you honor."

"Mhm. If you're that willing then I won't stop you."

Klaus clenched his fists at his father's words.

(You still don't take me seriously after all these years, you shitty father?!)

He roared in his head.

"By the way, Klaus. I heard that Vidal won his ranking tournament as well."

"Yes. He was spectacular. I'm very proud of my little brother."

Vidal was the name of the kid who made it to the top 4 of the junior division ranking tournament along with Tessa, Kristen, and Remi. He was one of Klaus's Apostles.

"I see. It's good that he's doing great."

Ahi had a happy expression as he thought about his other son.

(Great? I'm the proxy here! I'm the one who graduated as #1 and yet…!"

He clenched his fists so hard that his fingernails dug into his skin and caused his hand to bleed.

(And Yet, you've never looked that happy when talking to me! Is it because I'm the child of your second wife while Vidal is the child of your first?! I worked so hard yet you've never seemed happy for me! Do you hate my mother and I that much?!)

"Hm? What's wrong, Klaus? You look tense."

"….It's nothing. I just got excited recalling my battles at the academy."

"I see. It looks like it was a fun experience for you."


After talking with his father for a while Klaus left the throne room and was walking down the halls. All the servants avoided him when they saw the demon like expression on his face.

(Calm down, Klaus.)

A voice rung in his head.

"I can't calm down, Vritra! That son of a bitch is still looking down on me! All he cares about is Vidal and my older sister! He doesn't think much of me because of my mother!"

He started grinding his teeth with tears at the edge of his eyes.

"I'll make him acknowledge me even if it kills him! Until then I can't act like a prince here! I must make the whole world acknowledge my superiority and then he'll be forced to look me in the eye!"

A sinister green aura started leaking out of his body.

"Before that, there's some grudges that needs to be settled."

At that moment, a person wearing a tiger-like mask appeared in front of him.

"My prince, your orders."

"Tell the Rakshasa Squad to prepare for a future battle."

"Our prey?"

Klaus showed a demon-like expression.

"Dragon Storm and Renacido."

"Your wish is our command."

The person disappeared leaving Klaus alone. After a while he finally calm down and looked at the ceiling.

"….I'm sorry, Zora. I'm grateful towards Kylian and honestly wanted to repay him, but I have something more important than our promise."

His eyes started glowing as if they were about to ignite.

"I'm gonna avenge my mother by making that man acknowledge me even if I'm no longer a dragon!"

He started walking again with a determined look on his face.

"If a dragon isn't enough then I'll become an Asura!"