
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

143rd Adversary: Moving On

Renacido. After the Capital Nebulous City was destroyed and the Jara Jungle was burned to the ground, a lot of Renacido's residents were worried about the future. That was until Layla Song had returned.

Currently, Layla was overseeing the reconstruction of Nebulous City with the Dwarf King Sirdrek beside her.

"The Don?"

"Still missing."

Layla answered. Sirdrek sighed.

"Well, I can't blame him for wanting to runaway. We faced a disaster after all."

"He didn't runaway. I'm sure that even now he's making moves to get back at our enemies and make Renacido stronger than before."

"I see. I guess you're right."

"….If we used most of the money in our funds how fast can the capital be rebuilt?"

"Hmm…..If we get enough workers and equipment, I would say a week or so."

"That's fast. That's perfect. We can't let the capital stay in shambles for too long. A capital is the face of a country, so we can't let our faces be smeared any longer."

"I gotta say, I'm impressed. Despite everything that happened, you're only looking forward."

"Of course. It's only by looking forward can we evolve. Miko is trying his best, so I can't be in the dumps. That would be disrespectful to those who gave their lives for our present and futures."

Layla clenched her fist. On her hand were two rings that belonged to the founding members of Renacido. One was hers and the other was Jason's.

"We can't afford to stay on our faces and do nothing."

Elsewhere, Oden was having his new limbs attached to his body by Gizmo.

"Thanks again, Kid."

"No problem. I was asked by Alec to do this while he cloned your missing limbs and to attach them to your body."

Gizmo said while tightening a metallic arm to Oden.

"I've connected your nerves, so you'll be able to use your magic abilities with this arm as if it was your real one."

"Really? You're really something. I can see why Miko hired you. You have some serious skills."

"I'm nothing compared to Alec and Kirika. They're the real stars. I'm just someone who was lucky enough to be taken in by their father, despite being from a family of servants."

Gizmo moved to working on Oden's legs.

"I heard you had a gloomy aura, looks like that's the truth."

Oden laughed.

"I heard Acacia was patched up as well and is recovering."

"She is. The only casualty was Jason. I think he's taking pride in that in the underworld."

"…..I can't tell if you're being thoughtful or just awkward."

"Awkward, trust me."

Gizmo stood up.

"Anyway, you guys should prepare for what's to come."

Oden noticed that the look in Gizmo's eyes were different from before. It was more cold and intense.

"You have far tougher battles to fight in the future."


In the capital there was a store that sold expensive and stylish clothing. Inside the store, all the employees were occupied attending to a group that suddenly came and booked the store.

"Madam, we've brought a new dress for you to try."

An employee waited at the door of one of the changing rooms. She had a beautiful purple dress in her hand. Behind her was a line of employees holding clothing items like dresses, boots, high heels, purses, handbags, etc.

"I see. I currently like this outfit."

The door opened and Tiamat stepped out in an outfit consisting of a street wear a yellow blouse, denim pants, and white heels.

"What do you think?"

"You're gorgeous. It's like a goddess is in front of me."

Tia laughed.

"Oh? This is a pretty dress."

She took the dress and held it up. The dress was bejeweled with beautifully polished stones, which made it very eye-catching.

"You guys have taste."

Tia took the dress and entered the changing room again.

"Like I said, I only want male clothes!"

On the other side of the store, Ishma was shouting at an employee who was holding a cute one piece in his hands.

"But Miss, you have such a beautiful face! It's a waste for you not to take advantage of that!"

The employee shouted.

"I'm the one buying here! Just give me what I want!"

"I will not! I refused to see such beauty go to waste!"

"Geh….What's wrong with this guy? He's so passionate."

Ishma looked disgusted.

"That just shows how much he's dedicated to his job."

Regis who was getting dressed not too far away, commented.

"It won't hurt to wear girly clothes every now and again. You are a girl after all. Also, you should try letting your hair grow out. You didn't have to cut it just because Miko cut his."

"It's just not my style. Besides, I like my hair short."

Ishma's black hair that had green endings was a bit shorter than shoulder length. It was styled to be swept back giving her a boyish look.

"Anyway, bring me what I asked for!"

"I refuse!"

While Ishma continued to butt heads with the passionate employee, Miko was looking at himself in the mirror. He was wearing an azure vest with a white long-sleeve dress shirt and black tie underneath, and a pair of pants and black boots. On his hands were a pair of black gloves with an azure dragon on it. He had a black coat over him and an azure trilby hat on his head.

"What do you think, Sir?"

"Not bad. I'll go with it."

Miko took off the hat. His hair was cut short and styled to be wavy with a few curls. His outfit along with his hairstyle gave off the impression that he was a very powerful man.

"When the others have chosen what they want, we'll leave."

"Thank you for your business."

The man who had helped Miko create his look bowed with gratitude.

"No problem. I heard you were the best designer in Dale, so I thought I would check you out. I gotta say, I'm impressed."

Miko started straightening himself in the mirror.

"Say, owner. A man of your reputation must've worked with a lot of famous people."

"Not at all."

"There's no need to be humble. I heard you meet with the wife of current president of Dale every month to present her with your new creations. You must be talented."

"I'm just lucky the First Lady likes my work."

Miko paused a bit while straightening his tie.

"Hey, do you think you can allow me to meet the First Lady?"

"Surely you jest."


Miko turned around and faced the owner with bright smile.

"I'm completely serious."

The smile on Miko's face looked and felt innocent, but the owner couldn't help but get an odd feeling from it.

"I'm sorry, sir. I don't have the authority to bring strangers with me."

"I see. Then forget it."

Miko backed down pretty easily as if it didn't matter. It made the owner wonder if he was actually joking.

(What's this feeling? I'm normally good at judging people, that's how I made it this far after all. But…I can't read this kid.)

"Owner, do you mind if I ask you a different question?"

Miko sat down on a seat that was near by. He crossed his legs and clasped his hands as he looked at the owner. The owner didn't know why but he felt like he was being judged.

"Hypothetically, if I was to offer you an opportunity to become the official designer for the royal family of a powerful empire, what would you be willing to exchange for it?"

The owner's eyes widened and his body started to trembled.

"Are you perhaps from a powerful family?"

"I said hypothetically. If I was, I wouldn't need your help to meet the First Lady."

Miko laughed a little bit.

(I'm being messed with.)

The owner's mood started to become sour.

"I don't know, but that would be a great honor so I would probably do anything for it."

Miko smiled when he heard that.


The owner didn't know why but the moment he saw Miko's smile a chill ran up his spine. It felt like he was caught in a trap.

"Then owner, I'd like to ask another question."

"G-Go ahead."

"If I asked you to kill the First Lady for the chance make that scenario a reality, what would you do?"


The owner started to step away from Miko.

"Calm down. This is just a harmless question."

"Why do you want to kill the First Lady? She's a good woman."

"I never said I did. I'm just curious how much greed is inside you. How far are you willing to go to move up in life. I'm just a little curious, that's all."

His tone, expression, and eyes looked innocent but the owner knew; this person was nothing but innocent. Even so, there was something about him that made the owner unable to turn away from him. The longer he looked in his eyes the more drawn in he became.


Without even thinking, the owner spoke.

"I would kill the First Lady for such an opportunity."

"Even though she's a good woman?"

The owner nodded silently. Miko looked at him for a while and then started laughing.

"There's no need to get so serious."

He stood up and wrapped his hand around the owner's neck.

"I wouldn't ask you to kill the First Lady, but it's good to know how far you're willing to go for your dreams. I like ruthlessly ambitious people."

He brought his mouth closer and whispered.

"Also, I'm sure there are people out there who would be grateful if you actually did what you said."

Miko then placed something in the owner's hand and then walked away.

"Have you guys picked what you wanted to buy? If so, we're leaving."


The owner slowly opened his hands and looked at what was placed in it.


His eyes widened at the sight of a huge piece of red diamond in his hand.

(A Blood Diamond?! This thing is worth a fortune! Yet, he handed it to me so easily!)

The owner turned around and looked at Miko. There he saw Miko leaving with the girls. As if he sensed the owner's gaze, Miko turned around a showed a bright smile.

"I hope we do business again in the future."

Miko left the store leaving the owner staring at the door.

(I see….I get it now.)

A bitter smile appeared on his face.

"I just met the devil himself."


After leaving the store, Miko and the girls were now walking down the street. They were carrying what they bought and obviously attracting a lot of attention.

"Why did you ask him to kill the First Lady? Will killing her benefit you in anyway?"

Tia asked.

"Nope, but it will throw the country into chaos."

"I don't think that owner will be able to do it. He's amateur."

Ishma said.

"I agree. He'll probably try to kill the First Lady by making her wear clothes laced with poison. However, the First Lady will definitely have someone around her that can detect poison, considering her position. He'll be caught and tortured. He'll then reveal that he was asked to by me, whose name he doesn't even know."

"What happens then?"

"He'll be killed and that's that."

"You mean, you just wanted him to die?"

"Nah, what I want is what comes with his death, Chaos. He'll die but Dale won't be at ease. The mastermind is still out there somewhere and who knows where and how he'll strike?"

"Wait, you're planning on destroying Dale aren't you?"

Miko laughed in response to Tia's question.

"In the past, I would, so I can't blame you for coming to that conclusion. After all, Dale and Aloe conspired with Tang and Dragon Storm. They deserve destruction from our point of view, but considering we were the ones who tried to destroy them first then its all square now."

Miko smiled.

"I have something far better planned for them. Destroying them would just be a waste. Besides, I'm not the same as I was before."

"I guess you're not."

They continued to walk for a while until Ishma suddenly looked sick.

"I feel like I'm gonna barf."

"Let's go in the alley so that you don't soil the streets."

Saying that they all went in an alley.


Soon after a group of men stopped and looked around before going into the alley themselves.


When they entered they saw Miko sitting on a dumpster in his brand new clothes. Sensing that something was wrong, the men turned around and tried to escape.

"Why the rush?"

There they saw Ishma and Regis blocking the path with their arms in blade forms.

"Scream or shout and you'll have to figure out how to eat without a tongue."

Miko said behind them.

"Go on, have a seat in front of him."

Tia commanded the men and they did what she asked.

"Now then, I take it that you all came here to rob us."

Miko spoke while looking at them all kneeling before him.

"N-No! This is all a big misunderstan-"

"Ah, don't worry. I'm not angry or anything."

Miko lifted his hand to stop their excuses.

"After all, I baited you all here. That's why we walked with our shopping bags and dressed in fancy clothes for all to see. You thought that since we're not driving, we're not big shots and might be some people who got lucky and got their hands on these clothes. For example, maybe rookie actors right?"

The men didn't answer but their bodies trembled.

"Only small time thieves would think that and actually try to rob us, but its thieves like you that I was interested in."

He jumped off the dumpster and caused the men to flinched. From their kneeling positions they looked into Miko's blue eyes. They shone in the dark alley looking down on them. These eyes gripped the thieves' hearts.

"It's lowlifes like you who are out in the streets the most. Which means the things you know are plentiful."

Miko showed a bright smile that made them quiver.

"You'll be sharing those things with me from now on."