
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

124th Adversary: Sudden Chaos

It was a little past noon. Miko and his crew were heading toward the cafeteria after being released from their classes.

"Your siblings have a heated rivalry with one of Luka's Apostles?"

Hina was a bit surprised to hear this.

"Yeah. Apparently, he's the same age as them. They've been in the same classes from their time in the Primary Division. Over the years, they've both lost to him a few times. Since they both have adorably horrible personalities, they couldn't let it go and have been fighting whenever they meet."

"Can you use the words adorable and horrible together?"

Ace asked Sora, who didn't seem to know either.

"So won't it be a problem?"

"I don't see why. Rivalry is good for growth. Look at me and Luka."

"Then what if he and Tessa have a relationship like you and Luka's?"

Momo asked.

"I'll kill him."

"No hesitation huh? In that way, you're pretty similar to Gramps and Uncle Nova. I wonder if it's a curse that those named Gamiko share?"

"Now that I think about it, I remember my father mentioning Gramps tried to neuter him…."

"You're not going to neuter Luka's Apostle."

"Of course not, I'm not a savage. I'll just torture him until he's afraid of the female body."

"Tell me you're joking."

"Half joking."

Miko answered with a smile.

"By the way, are you going to join the upcoming tournament?"

"Of course. The only entertainment I've had since coming here is my sparring sessions with Luka and everyone here. There's no way I'm missing something like this."

Miko looked at his apostles.

"If we meet in the tournament we'll fight with no holding back. Otherwise, it won't be fun."

"I agree. If I'm going to win I need to feel the joy of overcoming a challenge."

Ace said.

"Why are you acting like it's natural you'll win?"

Sora asked.

"Because I'm certain to win."

"Now that's interesting. I hope you can keep that confidence if we meet."

Ace laughed in response to Miko.

"Why wouldn't I? It's not like you've beaten me before."

"I recall punching your head into the ground around 2 years or so ago."

"That doesn't count. I had let my guard down and you sucker-punched me. I was dominating the fight the entire time."

"Now I really want to meet you in the tournament. I'm gonna enjoy kicking your ass."

"I wonder how everyone would react if I beat the proxy I pledged my loyalty to?"

The two stopped and started glaring at each other.

"You wanna go right now?"

"How fun. I'm going to beat your ass in the name of all the employees who have a slave master of a boss."

"You two stop joking around. We have company."


Hearing Hina, the two turned around and saw two students approaching them. One was a graduating student while the other was in Ace and Sora's year.

"That's Zora and the one beside him looks like the #1 Student Klaus."

Sora said.

"Half of the dragon stars moving towards us?"

Miko smiled.

"How delightful."

He watched as Zora and Klaus walked in their direction. Zora seemed calm but Klaus looked agitated.

"This one is coming for trouble."

Miko placed his hands on Regis and Ishma who were on his waist. He noticed the two weren't the only ones approaching. He could feel dozens of presences sneaking up from all directions.

"When the opportunity arises go for the head."

He said to the others. Momo didn't object since she too sensed what was going to happen.

"You must be Miko."

The two approached and Klaus spoke.

"I am him. You're Klaus Ahi."

"I am him."

Klaus looked at Miko from head to toe and smirked.

"You don't seem like much."


Miko replied by drawing his swords.

"To be honest, I was going to slash you regardless of what your first words would be, but you just made this 1000 times easier."

"It seems no one informed you in my absence that I'm the king of this place."

A dangerous glint appeared in Klaus's eyes.

"And pointing swords at your king is punishable by law."


He looked behind Miko when he heard an exaggerated sigh. His eyes landed on Hina who looked disappointed.

"So this is the troupe we're going with? An arrogant young master who's bound to get his ass kicked by the MC?"

She placed a hand on her hip.

"Aren't you ashamed to pick such an overused character trait?"

Klaus looked at her and smiled.

"Kill the bitch."

Several students dressed in all white appeared from out of nowhere. They were all students in their last year. They all pounced at Hina at the same time.


Before they came a meter close to Hina all the students were blown back with an explosive sound. Ace and Sora stood in front of Hina.

"You bastards, who do you think you were going to attack?"

Said Sora.

"Take another step towards my sister and I'll skin you all alive."

Said Ace. They both wore enraged expressions on their faces.

"I take it these are your Apostles I heard about?"

Klaus didn't seem to care about the students who were blown away by Sora and Ace.

"Yeah. They're my closest friends."

The smile fell from Miko's face.

"Trying to harm them will only lead to your death."

"Such bold words."

Klaus walked towards him and stood face to face with him.

"I would like to see you back those words up."

"Klaus, are you really going to fight immediately after meeting him?"

Zora finally spoke up.

"Of course. From what you said, this one has gained some fame in my absence and now people are putting him on our level. That is an insult I can't accept."

Klaus glared at Miko.

"I refuse to accept someone weaker than me as my equal."

"Hina was right."

Miko smiled.

"Your mouth is going to result in me kicking your ass."

He swung his sword at Klaus's head. Klaus lifted his arm and blocked it with his hand which had become scaly. He smirked.

"As I said, you're nothing much."

Klaus slammed his palm into Miko's chest. There was a hand-shaped hole in his clothes. However, Klaus stopped smiling. He moved his hand and looked at Miko's smiling face.

"Did you do something?"

Miko hit him under the chin with the hilt of his sword and caused him to step back. Miko then thrust his swords at his face. Klaus avoided it by moving his head while countering with a punch. Miko pulled his head back and swung his head forward. His head clashed with the fist.

"Countering a punch with something like a headbutt. What a stupid way of fighting."

Klaus said. He stepped back and smiled. He saw blood flowing down Miko's forehead.


Miko licked the blood that flowed down to his cheek.

"I guess you can throw a decent punch if you try."

He put away his swords and put his fists up.

"I'm gonna enjoy messing up that pretty face of yours with my fists."

"Before that…"

Zora called out to Miko. Since he didn't seem hostile, Miko decided to hear him out for the time being.

"Answer me this, Miko. Do you intend to become the strongest dragon? Do you wish to surpass Kylian?"

"Kylian, the World Eater? What does this have to do with him?"

"Answer me, it's important. Depending on your answer I might have to consider you my enemy."

Miko paused for a bit and then smiled.

"My goal is to win this war and since he is considered one of the top dogs out there, then I must surpass him. That's my answer."

Zora looked at him for a bit and sighed.

"Tang, Klaus, Kaido and now you. The number of talented people threatening my goal just keeps growing."

The atmosphere around him suddenly had a drastic change. He gave off the feeling as if he was carnage itself.

"I acknowledge you as a huge obstacle in my way and a worthy opponent. As such I will have to crush you with everything I got."

"Oh? I like you. You're much better than this prick in front of me. Could we possibly be allies?"

"Not as long as you're an obstacle in my path."

Miko shook his head.

"How unfortunate but understandable."

A wild grin appeared on his face.

"This is what the War For Supremacy is all about. Only one can win!"

"I agree."

Klaus pointed at himself.

"And that person is me."

Meanwhile, Momo was watching everything play out. She decided to have Miko and his friends handle this by themselves. After all, they'll face situations and people like this countless times in the future.

"We're completely surrounded."

Ace said while looking around.

"Looks like Klaus has control over quite a number of students."

Sora could tell that more and more people were approaching.

"Hey, is that the Dragon Stars and Miko?"

Enemies weren't the only ones approaching. Students who were attracted by the commotion were beginning to show up. Soon Miko and the others were surrounded by majority of the student body.

"News sure spread fast."

Hina said.

"It'll be hard to tell who our enemies are now with this many people."

"It doesn't matter. Kill anyone that approaches with ill intentions."

Miko said to them.


An orange light dyed Ace's body and completely changed his appearance.

"Character Change: Brawler!"

Ace banged his fist together with a grin on his face.

"Anyone that runs up is gonna get mopped up!"

"You took the words out of my mouth."

Both sides geared for battle. Miko was the first to make his move. He rushed at Klaus and released his claws. He slashed at Klaus face and then avoided a kick from Zora. He jumped back and then stepped to side to avoid Klaus's attack. He threw a punch at Zora who was coming from his side.


Zora blocked his punch with his elbow and then hit him with a knee strike. Miko took the knee strike to the chest and stepped back. He ducked under a kick from Klaus before aiming a sweeping kick at his legs. Klaus jumped over it and aimed a stomp at his head. Miko rolled out of the way and crossed his arms in front of him.

He blocked Zora's kick, grabbed his leg, and slammed him to the ground. He sprung up kicked a charging Klaus in the chest forcing him a few steps back. Zora swept Miko off his feet with a sweeping kick from behind. Miko twisted his body, landed in a handstand and pushed himself in the air. Klaus jumped into the air after him. Miko twisted his body again and threw a punch at Klaus who replied with his own.


The force of the attacks colliding forced them away from each other.

Meanwhile the trio were in a larger battle.


Ace sent three students flying with a punch. He spun around and broke another's face with an elbow strike. He grabbed that person and used them like a club and swat away a few other students that were charging at him. He threw away the battered student and stepped in the face of another student.

Sora on the other hand was hitting students with fast palm strikes. He slammed his palm in students' chest, forcing the air out of them before ducking under a surprise attack from behind. He spun around while still stooping and flew up thrusting his palm upwards. His palm hit a student under the chin and shattered their teeth in their mouth. Sora kicked him to the side, stopped a blade with his hand, and then crushed a windpipe with another palm strike. He moved and started taking down students one after the other in quick sessions.

Hina on the other hand was wielding a giant flaming sword she created. She swung the sword down and a wave of flames blew away all near by enemies. She charged into the crowd swinging her sword. She slammed her sword in the side of three students and broke their bones while lighting their bodies on fire. She spun around and swat away a few students with her sword before stabbing it on the ground.



The ground exploded with a burst of flames and lit everyone around Hina on fire. There was intense battles every where.

"They're actually taking on half of the Dragom Stars and most of the seniors?!"

The crowd was excited by the sudden battle occurring before their eyes.

"Miko's taking on both Zora and Klaus by himself!"


Miko narrowly escaped a kick from Zora.

"I can't take too many of those."

He distanced himself again but Klaus was already charging towards him.


However before he could reach Miko, he was kicked in the side of his face and was blown away. He stopped himself and glared at the one who was bold enough to do such a thing.

"Two against one doesn't seem fair now does it?"

Luka placed her hand on her hip.

"How about letting me join?"

"Now that's my future wife for you."

Miko walked up to her and stood beside her.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

Several explosions occurred and dozens of students were blown away while crying in pain. Luka's Apostles appeared and walked up to Hina and others.

"The situation?"

Robin asked.

"Doesn't matter. Just beat anything that looks like an enemy."

Ace said before knocking out a student with a headbutt.

"Sounds easy enough."

Miko and Luka faced off against Zora and Klaus.

"So it's Luka. I was going after you next so this saves me the trouble."

Klaus said. The bulging veins in his head started pulsating.

"I'll make you pay for kicking me in the face!"

"I'm sorry. Your face looked like a doormat, so I couldn't help but wipe my shoe on it."

"You bitch!"

Miko pounced at Klaus and tried to claw his eyes out, but Klaus was able to hold him off.

"I guess you don't need your eyes if she looks like a bitch to you."

He spoke with a deep voice. Klaus forced him back and entered a fist fight with him. The two threw lightning fast punches which repeatedly collided with each other.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

Explosive sounds rung as flesh collided and cracks started appearing on the ground underneath them.


Meanwhile, Zora and Luka were staring each other down.

"Luka Flameheart, let me say this. I dislike unfairly talented people like you."

Zora suddenly rushed towards Luka.

"Which is why I'll destroy you without any hesitation!"

He threw a punch which gave Luka the illusion that a beast was charging towards her.


Despite her avoiding being hit, the force from the punch still sent her flying.

"He's fighting more intensely than he was against Miko!"

Luka barely had time to breath as Zora quickly cut the distance between them and threw another punch.


She clicked her tongue and faced the punch head on with a kick.


The power behind the punch travelled through her leg and it went numb. Even so, she gritted her teeth and slammed her other leg in Zora's face causing him to step to the side. She released her claws and slashed him across the chest.


But to her surprise, it felt like she was trying to cut steel. She saw black scales where she attacked.


Zora threw a punch at her head.

(I can't avoid it! Then…!)

She lifted an arm in front of her head. That arm started to bend before her eyes.


She roared and slammed her free fist in Zora's face.


Zora's head was flung back. She aimed another punch at him.


That's when she realized Zora's knee was raising upwards, while he got ready to catch her hand.

(He's going to break my arm!)

Alarms went off in Luka's head. As she was about to make a move, she felt someone grab her collar and draw her out of danger. While being thrown back she saw someone move to the front.


Kaido stepped forward and threw a punch at Zora who was caught off guard.


His fist hit Zora square in the face and sent him crashing into a building about 100 meters away.

"Whoa! It's Kaido!"

"Another Dragon Star!"

Kaido's appearance shocked the crowd.



Kaido was punched into a building behind him.

"Kaido, you son of a bitch! Are you siding with these brats?!"

Klaus roared. A large a piece of concrete was sent flying at him which he destroyed by simply swinging his arm.

Kaido emerged from the building and dusted himself off.

"I'm merely doing my job."

"Is that so?"

Zora popped up above Kaido with his leg up in the air. He swung it down with all of his strength.


Kaido was forced from the third floor he was on down to the ground floor by the ax kick. The building then collapsed on top of him.

"Infinite Strength!"

Zora turned around and saw Luka with the Ouroboros' symbol in her eyes. She threw a kick which he blocked with his arms.


His arms started bending. He was forced to the side with so much force he had to dig his feet in the ground to stop himself. Even then, his feet created a trail.

Luka landed in front of the crumbled building. Kaido emerged from the pile of concrete and stood next to her.

"You're on our side?"

"…You can say that."

"You son of a bitch."

Klaus growled.




Klaus was hit by a giant spinning sphere of flames which forced him into the ground.

"Ignoring me? Wrong move motherfucker!"

Miko laughed while making his attack stronger.

"D-Don't underestimate me!"

A burst of demonic power suddenly erupted and hit Miko and destroyed his attack. Miko distanced himself.

"Whew~. For a prick, he's no joke."

He drew his swords again.

"I guess I'll have to get serious."

Klaus looked at Miko with an enraged expression and then at Kaido. Everyone began eyeing each other waiting for someone to make the next move.

"Oh, what's this? Everyone's fighting?"

Suddenly a new voice reached everyone's ears. And then-


The world was dyed white. Everything was devoured by an enormous explosion. When it died down, whether it was those who were fighting or those who were merely spectating, everyone laid out on the ground knocked out with smoke coming from their bodies. Only one person was seen standing. This person was someone who was completely new to the chaotic battle, yet their appearance had ended it in an instant.

This person was wearing a full white uniform. He had azure hair like Miko, he was tall, lean, handsome with an air of mischievousness about him.

"Would you mind if I join?"

The student said, but no one answered him. No, someone did.


Momo who was watching from a far returned after seeing the enormous explosion earlier. She glared at the student with draconic eyes.

The student looked at her with widened eyes and then saw the ID she was a wearing.

"A teacher? You must be new."

He smiled.

"But since you're a teacher, I must show you respect."

The student saluted like a soldier and spoke-

"I'm Tang Xian. I'm one of the so-called Dragon Stars."

He started grinning.

"It's nice to meet you."