
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

119th Adversary: Rematch! Miko Vs Luka!

Senior Division combat fields.


Loud sounds echoed throughout the area as the students in the second year were sparring with each other. The field was five times the size of a football field and Hundreds of students were scattered across the field and sparring with each other.

While there were countless courses that the students could take, only one course was mandatory. Combat. Every student needed to know how to defend themselves, that was the rule of this academy. So while you could focus on learning various trades, you must also expect to conduct in combat.

In the Primary and Junior Divisions, one can advance a grade without being all that strong, but that was impossible for the Senior Division. More than anything, combat strength was the most important thing here. Only strong fighters are accepted in this division and only the strongest can graduate. Graduating from the senior division was a great honor because it proved you are strong and educated in warfare. Those who graduate have a higher chance of being accepted into the military of a world power, which would be like hitting the jackpot because of the fortunes and fame you'll receive.

Even if you don't graduate from the senior division, as long as you've studied a trade in the previous divisions and are certified you'll be seen as an ideal candidate for many trade companies and organizations. This academy didn't only produce great warriors and soldiers, but the future leaders of the Silver Continent.


Even so, there was one student who didn't seem the least interested in the sparring sections. Well, technically there were three. These three were naturally Miko, Ishma, and Regis. They were sitting under a tree relaxing while everyone else was fighting.

"Miko, I told you to join the class."

The combat instructor for his grade came up to him and frowned.

"Trust me, you don't want that."

Miko replied with a yawn.

"You're not getting special attention. Now go!"


Miko stood up and started walking towards the field.

"But don't come crying to me later."

He walked on the field and caught the attention of many nearby students.

"Miko's taking the field."

"I heard when he was in the Primary Division he was quite a monster. Looks like we get to see what he's made of."

Students stopped sparring and focused on him.

"Who's going to be my partner?"

He asked.


No one answered.

"Don't worry. If you're able to hurt me I won't ask my clan to avenge me. I'm not that much of a prick."

Miko knew that because of the recent actions of his clan in his honor, many people were afraid to offend or piss him off in any way.

"I'll fight you."

A muscular student who was nearly twice Miko's size stepped forward.


Miko only nodded in agreement, while the student took a fighting pose.

"Don't you want to know my name? It's a tradition to state your name before sparring."

"Introductions aren't necessary. Just come at me."

"Hmph! The arrogance of you royals disgusts me!"

He charged at Miko and threw a punch, Miko didn't move at all, that only made his opponent grin. That's when his fist started glowing a green color.

"He's using Beastly Vita. In this kind of spar, magic is forbidden, but Vita is allowed. In fact, the goal of this type of training is for you to train your Vita."

The teacher looked at Miko who was completely relaxed.

"Miko was always well-versed in Vita. Let's see if that's still the case."


To the teacher's surprise, Miko didn't move and allowed himself to be hit.

"Hahaha! That's what you get for being arrogant!"

The student laughed when his fist made Miko's head move to the side.

"Are you done?"


Without the student being able to stop it, Miko turned his head back to the front.

"Then, it's my turn."


Crushing sounds reached the ears of all those in the area.


The student fell on his knees and started vomiting blood nonstop.

Miko looked at his instructor.

"I told you that you would regret it."

"Medic! Get the medic!"

The instructor rushed to the injured student's side. Miko ignored him and looked at his other classmates.

"Anyone else wants to spar?"

"I would."

He saw Luka step out with a wide smile.

"Oh? Now this will be interesting."

Ishma said.

"A rematch, huh?"

"Yeah. This time my mind will be clear of all distractions. What do you say?"

Miko smiled.

"Let's do it."

"Attention! Attention! Unless you want to die in the crossfire I would advise that everyone else leaves the field. I repeat leave the field!"

Regis shouted in a megaphone while Ishma directed the students to leave the grounds. Quickly the two of them cleared the field leaving Miko and Luka alone.

"What do you say about a clash with pure Vita?"

Luka asked.

"Sounds good to me."

Miko took a fighting stance.

"I'm dying to see what Joesph taught you."

"Then open your eyes and take a look."

Luka also took a fighting stance.

"Now listen."

Ishma and Regis stood between the two dressed as referees.

"We want a nice clean fight. No hair pulling, no going for the eyes, groin, or throat, and no magic."

"Also remember this is merely a spar so don't get too carried away."

"If you two understand…"

They flew back.


Miko and Luka moved at the same time. Miko threw a kick. Luka ducked under it before aiming a palm strike at his chin. Miko bent his back and escaped the counter before leaping back. Luka chased after him with a flying kick. He punched out and his fist clashed with her feet.


The clash created strong gusts around them. Luka used Miko's fist as a foothold and leaped back with a flip. Miko attacked her before her feet touched the ground. She crossed her arms in front of her. She was forced back while mid-air and landed on the ground. She leaped back to avoid Miko's stomp which cracked open the earth. She rushed at him and struck him in the chest with a palm strike. He was forced to take at least a dozen steps back.

Luka put her hands on her hips and burst out laughing.

"How's that?! I'm the first one to get a real hit in."

"Lucky shot."

Miko dusted off his chest with a smile.

"W-Woah. Did you see that?"

"They were incredible."

The other students were in awe of Miko's and Luka's clash.

"Hey, can you guys fight more seriously? I am getting bored here."

Ishma said while eating some candy. She was treating this as entertainment.

"We were just going to do that."

Miko replied. His body started to give off a dark glow as he released his Vita.

"There it is."

Luka saw the bloodstained warrior appear behind Miko and smiled. Her body started giving off a golden glow.

"Oh? Heavenly Vita huh? The natural enemy of my Demonic Vita…Hm?"

Miko noticed something forming behind Luka. Before long, a female warrior wearing rugged armor and holding damaged weapons appeared behind her. She was covered in injuries but the will to fight was clear in her eyes.

"So this is the warrior in your heart? A warrior who continues to fight even when she's battered and bruised. I think it represents you perfectly."

"Wha?! Those two already unlocked their Battle Avatars, at their age?!"

The instructor was shocked by what he was seeing.

"Your tenacious warrior or my Asura….Let's see which path is superior!"

Miko shot forward like a black arrow. The Vita around him molded into a demon's head and let out a hellish roar. Luka stretched her hand to the side and her Vita formed a golden sword.


She swung that sword down the moment the demon was about to pounce at her.


Black and gold clashed as Luka's sword held back the Devil.


The devil roared and Luka was hit by a powerful shockwave that forced her into the air. Her Vita gathered at her back and formed golden wings which she used to float. She flicked her wrist and another golden sword appeared in her free hand. She dove towards Miko and swung both swords down. The swords clashed with the devil and caused golden sparks. The devil pushed back Luka again and charged at her. Luka swung her swords again and stopped its charge.

"Not bad."

The devil transformed back into Miko who was now wielding a black glaive. He swung the glaive and black waves rushed towards Luka. She crossed her swords in front of her to block them.


She couldn't and was forced back into the air. She used her wings to stop herself. She lifted her swords overhead and swung them down. Miko saw two golden arcs cutting toward him. He leaped to the side to avoid them and swung his glaive overhead and countered with his own black arc.


Luka cut through the arc with her swords. The two slashes she fired at Miko cut the field.

Miko smirked and gripped his glaive. The blade started deforming and hands started coming out of it. It was as if something was trapped in the blade and was trying to get out. In response, Luka's swords started tangling together like snakes before forming into something.

"Run rampant, Black Asura!"

Miko swung his glaive and a giant pitch-black Asura escaped from the glaive's blade and charged toward Luka in the sky.

"Overcome your limits, Golden Athena!"

In response, Luka's swords formed a giant golden female warrior which charged at the Asura.


The two beings collided and causing a deafening noise. A strange scene occurred in the sky as a radiating female warrior was clashing with a fierce Asura. The students and instructors alike were stunned and left speechless. The two beings clashed for a while before disappearing leaving Miko and Luka alone. Soon after the sound of a bell resounded in the area.

"Oh, it's lunchtime."

"Good, because I was getting hungry."

The two got rid of their vita and walked off the field where they head towards the cafeteria.

"I wonder what they have today."

"I'm surprised you're not concerned about what Momo is gonna do when she finds out you sent a classmate to the hospital."

"Ah, don't worry about that. She's used to me sending my classmates to the hospital."

Everyone looked at their retreating backs in awe. They wondered how could they be so casual after what they just did.

"In the end, neither went all out huh?"

"Well, it was a spar. They were just showing off what they learned."

That's when they heard Ishma and Regis's conversation while they also headed to the cafeteria.

"….They weren't serious…..And they were that strong?"

"Monsters, those two are monsters."

"They're leagues above us. Now I see why Miko is so arrogant. When you're that strong we look like mere children."

The students started getting dejected. That's when someone asked a serious question.

"I wonder how they match in comparison to the Dragon Stars?"

Could Miko and Luka be strong enough to compete with the strongest students in the academy? For their pride, the students decided to not think about it. However, someone else couldn't stop themselves from asking that question.

A couple of miles away from the combat field, someone was sitting on the roof fence of the 4th year building. This person was one of the reasons Miko came to this academy.

A member of the Dragon Stars, Kaido Khan.

"Those two are really strong. I don't think there's anyone in their grade that can last 10 seconds against them if they got serious."

"So this is where you were?"

He heard a voice come from behind and turned his head. There he saw a student wearing a similar uniform to his, the only difference was that he wasn't wearing a tie and was wearing a t-shirt underneath his blazer rather than a dress shirt. He was tall like Kaido, had bulging muscles, dark skin, short spiky black hair, beastly green eyes, and a scar on his right cheek.

"Did you watch their fight too, Zora?"

Kaido pointed in the combat field direction and asked.

"I saw some pieces."

"So what do you think? Do you think they can take us on?"

"What a foolish question. They're strong I'll admit that, but they are not on my radar."

Zora glared at Kaido.

"I'm only interested in tearing that mask off your face."

"I don't recall wearing a mask though."

Kaido spun around and jumped off the fence and back on the roof.

"Then what do you call that gentleman façade? When you just came here you were nothing but a beast. But look at you now, you've hidden your fangs."

"I'm not wearing a façade. It's just my boss taught me to show people common courtesy. even if you don't like them. People just misunderstood my behavior."

Kaido approached Zora.

"I only pick fights with people I like and acknowledge. Everyone else will only be kept at a distance."

"Ah, what did you say when you first came here?"

Zora smiled.

"Fighting is your way of getting to know someone because when people fight all masks will be stripped away. It's quite ironic don't you think?"

"Zora, if it's a fight you want I'm more than happy to oblige. After all, I love fighting you, Klaus, and Tang. But…"

He looked back towards the combat field.

"I'm currently doing some work for my boss."

He turned back and faced Zora.

"Can we do it after that?"

Kaido left after saying that. Left alone Zora looked in the combat field's direction as well.

"Can they take us on, huh?"

He turned and started to walk away.

"What nonsense. I'm the man who will surpass Kylian and become history's strongest dragon proxy. No one else."