
Young Adversary- Mythology Battle Series

A Mythology battle story where Gods, Demons, Beasts, and Heroes of every myth and legend select Warriors called Proxies to fight in their name in a war to decide who will become the ruler of the world after the old one stepped down! Fellow Miko as he's forced to join this war in order for him and everyone cares about to survive! Witness how far he's willing to go to be the last one standing!

KodyakCombs · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
153 Chs

115th Adversary: To The Academy!




Layla was inside her office with Jason silently looking at the person in front of them. The person had good looks or did have good looks. The problem is that person currently has a swollen face, so their good looks were nowhere to be found.


This person, Miko sat in front of them acting as if nothing was out of place as he sat in an imposing manner.

"So….Are you going to tell us what happened?"

Layla asked.



"Because it's embarrassing."

"And yet, you're sitting here with a proud look on your face?.... Wait, does that even qualify as a face anymore?"

Layla looked honestly confused.

"So you talked back to your mother and got obliterated?"

Jason said while looking at his phone.

"Who told you that?!"

Jason showed Miko his phone which was playing a video.

"Kristen just sent me the link to the video. And Tessa sent me screenshots."

"I'm gonna kill them later!"

Miko grumbled.

"You talked back to the Murder Princess? Are you stupid?"

"That's the same thing I said to her."

Layla burst out laughing when she saw Miko frowning. She stretched her hand out and a magic circle appeared on Miko's face. The swelling on Miko's face went down after a few seconds and started looking like himself again.


She sat back in her chair with a smile.

"But I'm curious, what did your mother want you to do for you to respond as you did?"

"She wants me to go back to the academy."

"Academy? You mean Grim Academy? I forgot you're only 17, and that you should be attending the academy."

Layla thought about it for a while.

"Why don't you go? It seems fun."

"Why would I go to the academy? I'm already the leader of my own country and already have great teachers. Teachers many would pay an infinite amount to have. What is there for me to gain by going there?"


Layla replied immediately.

"You're fortunate to be born in a powerhouse like the Dragna Clan that automatically gains you a lot of connections, but none of those connections are yours. There's no respect for you other than your backing. As such, you need to make relations of your own and gain your own connections. And what better place to gain those connections than a prestigious institution like Grim Academy?"

"….You gotta point."

Layla nodded.

"Not to mention the fact your enemies number in the millions, maybe even billions because of recent events. Having a few more allies won't hurt."

"So you're saying that I should go?"

"I'm saying there's no harm checking it out."

"And Renacido?"

"I can manage it."

She smiled.

"After all, I'm your partner."


"Still not convinced?"

"That's not it. I just remembered I never actually graduated from the Junior Division. I was locked up in the Demon Nest and was busy with everything that was going on."

"Oh. Well, I'm sure you'll be able to enter the senior division just fine. I mean you're royalty after all. I think there's a rule that exempts you from mandatory graduation in order to advance to a higher division."


"I'm surprised you never knew that. You really didn't pay attention in school did you?"

"I had the record for falling asleep in the most classes."

"Why do you look so proud?"

Layla laughed.

"Well, I'm sure Lady Sasha is handling everything…..Say, why don't you bring Hina and the boys with you?"

"Bring them?"

"Yeah. They barely make the age requirement but I think it would be good for them to experience the academy."

"I guess you're right."

Miko nodded.

"I'll talk it over with them. Also, I'll need to pay Luka a visit as well. There's a high chance I'll go to the academy with her and my siblings after all."

Miko stood up.

"Thanks, Layla. I'm glad I came to you with this."

"Weren't you just looking for a place to hang out while you avoided your mother?"

Jason asked.

"Quiet you!"

Miko bid them farewell and left the office.

"Is it really okay to let him go?"

Jason asked Layla. She responded with a nod.

"It's true that Miko is the main reason why Renacido has grown this influential, but we can't tie him down to this place. He'll eventually need to travel the world and face some of the world's most powerful. We can't be his anchors, so we need to learn to survive without him."

She smiled.

"We can't say we believe in freedom if our leader isn't free himself."

"You really care about him, huh?"

"Of course. He's my reason for living after all."

After thinking about it some more Layla shook her head and a bright smile appeared on her face.

"I just wanna see him happy, I guess."

Lushun, Flameheart Residence.

"You're going back to the academy?"

Luka asked in surprise. She was with her mother Lisa, sitting in the garden.

"Yeah, my mother wants me to go."

"I think it's a good idea. You're still a teen so you need to have teenage experiences."

Lisa said.

"Lulu and you can dominate the academy as husband and wife."

"Mother, you're getting ahead of yourself again."

Luka put on a serious expression.

"Listen, Miko. I'm glad you're returning to the academy, but I think I need to inform you that the academy is different from when you were there."

"How so?"

"It all started when I entered the Senior Division of the academy. Geniuses started popping up one after the other. It's not like they came out of nowhere, they were already there. It's just that everyone blooms at their own pace."

"You mean that a lot of late bloomers appeared? That's interesting. So the academy became more competitive then?"

Luka nodded.

"And the competition is fierce. Students have started dying on a regular basis. The teachers can't stop it because all murders are committed within the academy's rules."

"Oh? I suddenly feel more interested. But it feels like there's more that you're not telling me about. No matter how much of a late bloomer they are, I find it hard to believe that someone who took so long to discover their talent can keep up with you. So tell me Luka."

He showed a wide grin.

"Who is it that's making you so tense? It can't be a late bloomer so it must be an upperclassman or a transfer student."

"It's both."


"It's both. The ones I'm concerned about aren't one person but four. The Four Dragons Stars."

"Four Dragon Stars? They're dragons?"

Luka nodded.

"Four dragon proxies."

She began listing them.

"Klaus, Zora , Kaido, and Tang. These four are undoubtedly the four strongest students in the academy. Especially with those like Krul dropping out of the academy."

"Then do you believe that you'll have problems beating them even with Joesph's training?"

"I should be on equal footing now since they were miles ahead of me before I came back."

Luka's answer came as a surprise to Miko.

"They sound like four monsters."

"They are."

"Then I've set my target."


Miko nodded.

"I'll try to befriend them and if I fail I'll destroy them."


"Hahaha! That sounds like a great goal."

Lisa said with a laugh.

"Mama, these four are very dangerous with incredible backgrounds!"

"So what? It's the same for Miko and you. It's times like this when you should stick with your future husband Luka."

"She's right you know."

Miko added.

"We'll dominate the academy and come back stronger and closer than before."

He laughed.

"Besides, Hina and the others are coming as well. They're pretty strong now, you know. It'll be five of us versus the four of them."

"You seem set on fighting them."

Luka sighed.

"Fine. I was planning on conquering the academy soon or later anyway."

She smiled.

"Let's do it."

The two clasped their hands together.

"If the two of us team up, there's no stopping us."

Lisa has a huge smile on her face as she watched the two become closer.



Miko had gathered the trio to talk to them about going to the academy with him.

"Yeah. Since I'm going I was wondering if you guys were interested?"

"Academy huh?"

Sora started thinking about it with a serious expression.

"I wanna go!"

That's when Hina jumped up and shouted.

"I've never been to school before, so I've always wanted to try it!"

Her eyes were sparkling with excitement.

"I wanna go too. There's a chance I might meet some influential women there. I'm searching for a sugar mama!"

Ace declared his shameless ambition with pride.

"What about you, Sora?"

Miko's asked.

"If these two are going then I'm naturally going as well, but….How are we gonna get in?"

"Leave that to me."

Sasha walked in and said. For some reason, Miko's back straighten when he saw her.

"I made some calls at the academy and pull some strings and made it so that you all will be able to attend as Miko's companions."


"Royalty can bring up 5 servants with them to the academy for their safety. You'll be posing as my servants."

Miko explained.

"I see. Royalty have all kinds of privilege huh?"

"Well, the academy was created by the collective work of over 20 different countries over a thousand years ago. These countries' rulers are treated as founding fathers because of this."

Sasha explained.

"Also everything will be provided for you, so you don't really need to bring that much luggage."

Hina looked at Miko.

"What about our duties here?"

"Leave everything to me."

Layla walked in with a smile on her face.

"I've already lined up your replacements so feel free to enjoy yourselves."


Hina smiled and thanked Layla.

"Oh, by the way. Momo is going with you."

Sasha suddenly said.

"Mama, I know she looks like a kid but isn't that pushing it?"


Miko was hit on the back of the head. He turned around and saw Momo dressed in a suit in her child form.

"I'm going as a teacher, moron. People shouldn't target you for a while but we can't say for sure, so I'm going there to protect you."

"I see…..But wouldn't it make more sense if you had taken your adult for while acting as a teacher?"

"Yes, Momo. Your adult form is breathtaking."

Ace looked at her with anticipation.

"Shut it. I'm staying in this form."

Ace deflated like a balloon.

"So when are we going?"

"Tomorrow should be fine."

Sasha replied.

"I already talked with Lisa and she said Luka is available to leave tomorrow as well. So you all can go together."

Later that night, everyone who was going to Grim Academy gathered at the base along with Sasha and Leon, who was supposed to see them off the next day.

"What?! You're being bullied at the academy?!"

That's when Miko suddenly flew up in a fit of rage. The reason was because of something Tessa said.

"I'm glad that big bro is coming back to the academy. There have been some people who've been picking a fight with us for a while now. It would be great if you could beat them up."

Miko's blood began to boil.

"How dare they pick on my cute little brother and sister! This is war!"

He was trying to march out of the room when Luka stopped him.

"What are you going to do?"

"Nothing much. I'm just gonna drop a couple of atomic bombs on the academy."

"You know that you can't do that."

"Right, I wasn't thinking."

Luka became relieved and released him. That's when Miko took out his phone and dialed a number.

"Yo, Alec. Did you and Gizmo ever finish that bomb you were talking about? You know the one that causes people to melt? Oh, you did?! Great! I'm gonna need a dozen!"

"Calm down, idiot!"

Momo took away his phone.

"Alec cancel that order."

She hung up the phone.

"Are you planning to cause an international incident?"

"It wouldn't be my first."

Miko replied with a straight face.

"There's something seriously wrong with your head."

Momo looked at Tessa who seemed to enjoy Miko's reaction.

"Tell us what happened?"

"I don't know. Some guys from the senior division just started picking fights with us."

"Of course, we made sure to kick their asses. But they're pretty annoying."

Kristen added.

"Don't worry, my brother and sister. Your honorable brother will handle this like an adult."

Miko put on a noble expression before saying-

"Hina, make a list of the best places to bury dead bodies near the academy!"

"How is that handling it like an adult?"

"Shut up! Every adult knows that the best way to solve your problems is to bury them!"

"…It's no use. He's not listening the reason."

Luka sighed and looked at Sasha and Leon.

"Can't you say something to him?"

"I think you're right."

Leon stood up.


Miko looked at his father who had a serious expression on his face.

And then-

"Always aim for the head. It's a sure kill."

He gave Miko a thumbs up.

"Of course."

Miko replied with a thumbs up.


His body flinched when Sasha called his name.

"It's fine if you want to defend your siblings's honor and protect them, but don't go overboard. Think of the situation you're in."

"Yes, Mama."

Sasha smiled when she saw Miko being obedient. But inside his head-

(I'm gonna burn that place to the ground if anyone hurts my cute little brother and sister.)