
Youjo Senki: The Dacian Prince

After dying in an accident and having the famous Isekai, Adam finds himself in the body of the Crown Prince of the Grand Duchy of Dacia in the world of Youjo Senki. Now he's on a mission to strengthen the country, ensuring it can survive against The Empire and win the World War...as well as dealing with a certain extremely powerful and dangerous Loli. I Don't Own Anything.

PowerMan579 · Outros
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62 Chs

Chapter 45: All According to the Plan

3rd POV

At the Imperial Military Academy, Ferdinand Von Rotenburg, Tanya Degurechaff, Hans Von Zettour, and Kurt Von Rudersdorf, as well as extras from the Welcome Entourage, were walking through the halls of the Academy, with Zettour explaining about the Academy.

While Ferdinand was nodding his head and paying attention to everything at the Academy, he also paid attention to the little girl who was a few steps behind him, Tanya Degurechaff or as she would be known in the future as "The Devil of the Rhine".

Tanya seems to have noticed this, but decided to still maintain the facade of a sweet little military girl, while trying to evaluate Ferdinand's character.

"So, Your Imperial Highness Ferdinand, this is our tour of the Berlun Imperial Military Academy" Hans said after he finished explaining about the last room that was allowed by the Kaiser to show Ferdinand, who nodded.

"Thank you for satisfying my curiosity, Sir, I have to say, I am truly fascinated by the Academy and especially about the Imperial Army" Ferdinand said with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, Your Imperial Highness, It was an honor to show you around our Academy and we are really glad you enjoyed it." Kurt said in a respectful tone towards Ferdinand, but inside he was laughing with happiness, for him, the more Ferdinand was interested in the Empire, the more chances the Imperium would ally with them.

Little did he know that Ferdinand had no interest in allying with the Empire, at least involving the future war they would have against Legadonia and the Republic, but that does not mean that the Imperium would not be willing to ally with them against the Russian Federation.

Ferdinand knows Communists very well and if there's one thing they like to make noise about, it's how they're going to spread their Revolution all over the world and free the workers from the vile clutches of capitalism.

So if the Empire gets stuck in their war against the Republic and Legadonia, Ferdinand is 100% sure that the Communists will take advantage of this to attack the Empire, which can be leveraged to the Imperium's advantage.

A Second Modern Crusade, this time not to take some Holy Land, but to liberate the world from Communism, that was Ferdinand's dream.

While Ferdinand was leaving the Imperial Military Academy, he took advantage of the fact that everyone was distracted and spoke something quick in Tanya's ear, which was taken by surprise.

"See you, in the future, Reincarnated." Said Ferdinand with a smile on his face as he quickly put a paper inside her uniform pocket before continuing with Zettour and Rudersdorf.

Tanya stood still for a few seconds, her mind calculating what happened with wide eyes, before she turned serious and followed them, pretending that nothing happened.

'He's a reincarnate like me...or a damn Servant from Being X!' He thought Tanya seriously as he clenched his fists tightly, but soon the fists unclenched and he continued to maintain her facade.

When he arrived at the entrance of the Imperial Military Academy, Ferdinand shook hands with everyone in the Welcome Party with a smile on his face.

"It was nice meeting all of you gentlemen." Ferdinand said before shaking hands with Tanya, who had a stiff smile on her face.

"Especially you, Madame" Said Ferdinand with a bigger smile on his face, something that was not unnoticed by Zettour and Rudersdorf.

"I-It was a Pleasure, Your Imperial Highness" Tanya replied with a nervous tone, trying to stay calm.

Ferdinand nodded before following and heading to a car that was waiting for him and the two Brigadier Generals, who got in after Ferdinand

When the car left, only Tanya and the Welcome Entourage were left at the entrance to the Military Academy, with them giving the Military Salute until the car was out of sight.

Tanya Pov

'Shit, this escalated quickly' I thought as I went to my quarters, the higher-ups at the Academy let me and the rest of the Entourage rest for today for the work we had done.

When I arrived at my quarters, which I achieved thanks to a lot of hard work and recognition from my superiors, I closed the door and then took the paper that was in my uniform, it was folded up, so I had to do the irrational work of unfolding it carefully. so as not to tear it up, starting to read it.

"Hello Tanya Degurechaff, you may already know me, I'm Ferdinand Von Rotenburg, you're probably wondering who I really am, friend or foe? And to be honest, I consider myself a gray line.

I'm not associated with that worm that declares itself 'God', I'm just like you, a reincarnated comrade like you, just born in a more privileged position, hehe.

Anyway, know that I will be in the Empire for a long time before I finally travel the world again, so I will do my best to meet again and answer any questions or queries you may have.

You Imperial Highness, Ferdinand Von Rotenburg, Imperial Crown Prince of the Imperium Daciae and Royal Crown Prince of Jerusalem."

When I finished reading the paper, I took the lamp from the small table I had and quickly burned the letter.

"Ferdinad Von Rotenburg...we will see if you really are not associated with Being we met.

Hans Von Zettour POV

Everything was going well, Ferdinand Von Rotenburg was really enjoying his time at Capital Berlun, this really is a good thing for Fatherland.

But one thing that caught Kurt and I's attention was the interaction between the Dacian Prince and that little girl...what was her name? Ah, Tanya Degurechaff.

The interaction between the two had me wondering if the Prince was in any way interested in that little girl, if so this can be exploited by us to give us an advantage, using Tanya Degurechaff to make Ferdinand have an even higher opinion of the Empire.

I don't doubt that the boy just wants to make a friend or something, because even with all that impressive professionalism from the boy, children will still be children, wanting friends and playing.

And since Tanya Degurechaff was almost his equal (minus being a Noble), they must have found common ground for a possible friendship...quite beneficial to the Empire.

"I can already imagine what's going through your head, you want to use that little girl, correct?" Asked Kurt to me, we were walking through the corridors of the Imperial Palace, intending to inform His Imperial Majesty, Kaiser Friedrich VI, and informing him about everything that happened today.

"Yes" I just answer this to Kurt before we reach the entrance to the Kaiser's Office, which the doors are guarded by 2 Imperial Guards, who open the doors for us.

"Well, good luck convincing Your Imperial Majesty" Kurt said to me quietly in my ear before we walked into the office, the doors closing behind us.

Ferdinand pov

All according to plan, those 2 must have noticed the interaction between me and Tanya, they will probably talk about it to the Kaiser or the Chancellor, who will try to use it to their advantage to try to create a connection between me and Tanya, thus allowing the chance for me to meet him/her again.

I was now in a luxurious room at the Dacian Embassy, with Ambassador Vlad Croditier ensuring that all my wishes were obeyed quickly and efficiently.

Here I was safe, there were some Legionnaires, who treated me like Jesus Christ, like the Arbemanians, as well as some Imperial Guards who had come with me.

I was now lying on my bed, receiving a massage from a beautiful Dacian lady at the embassy, she was one of Ambassador Vlad's secretaries, I have to respect the man's taste.

Of course, I also had 2 Imperial Guards inside the room, to keep an eye on the masseuse and shoot her if she tried to assassinate me or something.

"Does Your Imperial Highness want me to apply more pressure to a specific area?" Asked the secretary to me while continuing to massage my back.

"Yes, Beautiful Lady, if possible apply more pressure to the middle of my back" I respond to her, with her being quick and then focusing on the middle of my back, putting a lot of pressure and causing a satisfying crack to come.