
New friend? (part two)

"Good morning Blake!"

"Hey, who was that?"

"You mean the girl I was talking to, she's a new transfer student."

"What's her name?"

"She's called, urm..."

I could see that he's getting suspicious

"Julie! Yeah, Julie.... Vermilion. Come on trust me, aren't we friends?"

*Bell rings*

Thank god, the bell was perfect timing. It was kinda getting awkward back there.

After two lesson, it was finally break! At break, I met up with Lorraine, to be honest i was getting excited. I couldn't wait for her to tell me the whole story!

It's a Wednesday today, so we won't be seeing Blake any time soon, because he had to clean up the library today, what a relif. Well at least not for break.

We had to multitask, so we would be on time for third period.

"Here's the story. So about six years ago, I got kidnapped, by these bunch of people. They took me to a different country and trained me, till i could defeat them, so i did. When I finally defeated them, six years has past already.

I assumed that, my family had thought the worse; they lost faith in me, thinking that I had already died, because it's been too long.

When i arrived, a generous couple decided to take me in as their own; that's how i ended up here."

"I'm so sorry, i never knew you had such a bad past."

"It's fine; besides they made me who I am today! Strong and healthy!"

"So Lorriane, when are you going to confess to Blake, about what happend and your identy?"