
Chapter 682: Black Shuttle

Throughout mid-May until the 21st, Zhong Cheng had been regularly getting up early and working late into the night.

He hadn't forgotten to get back to Lin Ju in Rong City, but he consistently believed that the latter was entirely focused on Yu Man and did not want to disturb him until the evening of the 21st.

The Typhoon was already prepared at the launch site in Qiongzhou, scheduled to launch at 14:00 the next afternoon. Due to its symbolic significance, there would be a small but high-level meet-and-greet after the launch, which all relevant personnel needed to attend.

Zhong Cheng had sent out invitations in advance, but had not received a reply by the previous evening, which he thought was odd.

However, he still believed Lin Ju must have simply overlooked it, as the message was sent through an assistant in Beijing and was definitely delivered. In any case, flying over from New Yuan would take less than an hour, so there would be plenty of time to come over the next day.