
Chapter 144 Voyaging Around the World_1

The people inside the small room were struck dumb; they believed what they heard here was the future direction of New Yuan Aeronautics, and for that reason, they were rendered even more speechless.

At least from the present perspective, the unconventional capitalist Lin Ju and these exceedingly clever engineers had long since looked beyond the earth; even though they were still standing in front of them, their thoughts had already reached the starry sea.

They still didn't know the purpose of these crazy fellows, perhaps it really was just for the stars and the sea, but that made it all the more shocking.

The superior cracked a little joke, breaking the silence:

"Director Lin is the modern Wan Hu, huh? Wan Hu was an ancient man, but his yearning for the sky made him willing to risk his life to soar into the heavens in a chair, with science and technology merely making the chair safer.