
Chapter 241 Complaining

Less than five hundred meters north of Market street, there was a small community, not very large, consisting of just seven or eight buildings, each looking rather old.

Next to it was a courtyard, and the sign at the gate read "Sanjiang City Water Conservancy Bureau."

Entering, one found an office building of only four stories.

Two guards stood outside the door, uniformed in black, resembling the security uniforms worn by those under the Security Bureau.

Each held a long gun in their arms, standing tall and looking quite spirited.

If one looked into the courtyard, they could see individuals dressed identically every twenty steps or so, extending right up to the office building directly opposite the gate.

"Beep beep beep—"

A dark black SUV charged towards them like an enraged rhino.

Upon sighting it, the two guards at the gate didn't utter a word before pulling their shotguns from over their shoulders, watching tensely as the car that seemed about to crash into the gate.