
You & Me by Ravi Baghel


Ravi_Baghel_0859 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Ravi - Introduction

After finishing his work, the boy exits his office and heads to his apartment. Although he usually leaves the office late, today he departs on time, excited for his upcoming weekly off. However, he doesn't plan anything special; instead, he intends to recline on his bed, listening to music day and night, disconnecting from the outside world—an anticipation that excites him.

Meet Ravi, who dislikes people and loves solitary, enclosed spaces. You'll often find him at the office, as he is remarkably loyal to his work which transformed him into a different person but To discover the real him, you must wait for his week off, where his true personality emerges. Ravi fears talking and meeting people, and any place with a crowd. So, he closes his doors and windows, lying on his bed to sleep, listen to music, and watch movies. Ravi's reasons for being this way remain unknown to us all.