
Chapter 4: A New Journey

Max is leaving tomorrow so he's in his room packing his things. Suddenly his phone chimes.

"Don't forget your underwear. You always forget to pack them when we're going on a trip. You can't borrow mine when you're in Thailand"

Rohan texted in the group chat.

"Ewww! Boys are so gross" Nadia replied.

Max smiles reading these senseless conversations. He doesn't borrow Rohan's underwear though. It's good that Rohan reminded him because this time he did forget to stuff them inside the suitcase.

All the bags are ready. He's good to go for tomorrow. He sits down on his bed and looks around his room for one last time. After tomorrow morning, he won't see this room for two years. His eyes fall on the poster which is taped to his wall. The poster is actually the cover of his most favorite book. The cover of the book "Autoboyography" is his favorite book cover to date.

The cover is very colorful and two guys are standing on top of a book holding hands, looking at a very beautiful place. On the left side of his bed is his study table where he studied less and slept in more. His bookshelf, filled with his favorite BL fiction. He also enjoys non-BL's but that doesn't happen very often. He stands up and touches all the books on the shelf imprinting his fingerprints one last time.

Whenever he read a book and loved it he would always go to sleep hugging the copy. He thought he would give away his books but these books are his prize possessions. Giving away books is like giving a part of your heart. Especially when it's your favorite.

He told his mom to take care of books and also forbade her from giving them away. After all, when he had no one these books were always by his side. Even when he was struggling with his sexuality, these books didn't abandon him. He takes out the hardcover copy of the book "Autoboyography" by Christina Lauren and smiles at it. His mom enters the room and says,

"can I come in?"

Without looking at her Max says,

"You're already in, mom"

" Everything packed? Want me to check if you forgot something?"

"No, thanks, mom. Everything is there. No need to worry"

His mom sits on his bed and asks him to sit beside her.

Max lies down on her lap and closes his eyes. His mom pats his hair as she says,

"you're all grown up. You don't need me anymore to take care of you"

her voice is so soft as if she's whispering. She sighs and says,

"From tomorrow no one would rush into the house like a tornado and yell "Mom! I'm hungry!" anymore"

Max is just lying there and listening to his mom. He knows she will be sad when he's gone. But he also knows she's very strong.

"From tomorrow, no one would yell at me to take off my shoes before entering the house either," he says.

"Wash your hands before eating anything, ok? You forget the world when you're hungry" she says.

Her eyes are already filled with tears. She sniffs and then kisses Max's forehead.

"What am I going to do without you, Monir?" She says.

"What am I going to do without you, mom?"

"You'll do good. You're my brave boy" She wipes off the tears.

"You too, mom. You're my superhero"

His eyes are filled with tears as well. The reason he's not opening his eyes is because he's afraid that if he sees his mom's crying face he'd end up crying as well. Then there would be a flood in his room. Because both can't stop crying once they start.

Max's dad enters just then.

"You two are such cry babies. Stop the melodrama already" he says.

Max gets up and finally opens his eyes stopping the tears from falling.

His mom stands up and slaps her husband's hand.

"Why did you have to come and ruin the moment?"

She says

"He's leaving tomorrow morning. Can't I just spend a few moments with my own son in peace?"

"Right," the husband says "He's my son too. Don't you think I deserve that too?"

And they are fighting over their beloved offspring. Max can't help but laugh at his parents. All grown up yet fighting like little kids. That's what happens when you marry your best friend from school.

A call from Rohan interrupts the sweet and sour moment. Max asks the couple to leave his room and fight in the kitchen. They were still arguing while leaving.

"Hello. Something wrong?" Max says.

"We're outside your house. Come down"

Before he could open his mouth to ask why Rohan already hung up on him.

"What are you guys doing here?"

He asks Rohan and Nadia who can't seem to stop giggling.

"What do you mean? Stop talking and just come with us" Nadia says.

She shows are her teeth.

Rohan also shows his bright teeth.

"It's 11 PM. People tend to sleep at this time"

Rohan and Nadia look at each other. Rohan scratches the back of his head and Nadia bites her nails. They both look like idiots right now. Max really loves these idiots.

"Fine. What's the plan?" He says.

"Just come with us," Nadia says

"Are you trying to beat me up so I don't go abroad?"

Max steps away as he says so.

"That's a nice idea. We should do it" Nadia says making an evil face.


Nadia and Rohan were holding hands on the way. Max smirks at them and says,


Nadia slaps his hand at this.

"So much love in the air. I think I'm gonna be sick" he says.

"Well," Nadia says "you'll be holding some gu..... girl's hands someday too, right?"

She curses under her breath. She almost outed Max. Max was scared too. He thought Rohan must have suspected something. But Rohan was just smiling at Nadia and didn't know what those two were talking about.

"So" Nadia breaks the silence. "It's late. So they didn't let us inside any classroom of the school so we made the arrangements for your farewell party on the football field"

"Farewell party!"

Max screams. He's so loud that Rohan comes back to his consciousness. Nadia bites her tongue. She revealed the classified information.

As the three enter the football field, a banner with "SEE YOU NEVER, ASSHOLE" falls in front of them. Then a bunch of people screams


And spread confetti. One guy was so excited that he burst the balloon he was holding.

Max pretends like he's really surprised. Like he didn't know Nadia already ruined it.

"Oh my God! Thank you so much, guys. I hope not to see you too" He sounds sarcastic. And mimics crying.

"Stop. You're exaggerating" Rohan says "What surprise? Nadia already spilled the beans"

Nadia tries to hide her face with her hands and then hides behind Max.

"Damn you, Nadia," says Ruby "I'm not telling you any secrets anymore. Who knows you'll end up telling the entire town about them" she adds.

"Seriously, you guys," Max says "I'm touched. The banner. Whose idea was this?"

"It was Nadia's idea"

Rohan points to her.

"You" Max frowns. Nadia pinches his back and runs and Max chases after her cursing. Cats and dogs these two.

They have also made a cake for Max.

"we'll definitely not miss you" is written beautifully on it.

"I'm touched again. Thanks" Max says.

He cut the cake and everyone jumped right into it. His school mates had brought him farewell gifts. They were all his good friends. Almost everyone from his class knew him. And he was friendly to everyone. A tall guy came to him and handed him a box wrapped in blue ribbons.

"Here. For you" he says.

His voice is so deep and calm Max wants to throw him on the bed and make love right away. This tall dude was none but his biggest crush to date. Sure he has other crushes as well most are Thai celebrities but this guy is real. Max never had the guts to approach him and tell him that he liked him. His hands are shaking as he takes the box from him.

"Thanks, Ayan," He says and clears his throat.

"Open it" Ayan insists referring to the box he gave to Max.

"Oh," Max says.

Max's face beams up with joy as he sees what's inside. His eyes are sparkling.

"How did you....?"

"I noticed you liked their several posts so I thought you wanted their products. I thought this would be the best gift for you. However, I don't understand why would you want a couple T shirts with the number 13 written in Thai on them" he says.

He's not looking at his crush when he says,

"you have no idea how much this means to me. I can't thank you enough"

Rohan is wondering why would these black and white T-shirts be so special? Only Nadia knows why. The T-shirts were the same jerseys his favorite characters wore in a series. Although not exactly the same but replica. T-shirts of Patrick and Josh.

"That's really thoughtful of you, Ayan," Nadia says. Inside she hates him.

"What's so special about the T-shirts?" Rohan asks.

"You wouldn't understand," Nadia says. Almost like an insult.

Max looks up and just when he's about to tell Ayan that how much this means to him, a girl from behind comes and holds Ayan's hands.

"You must be Max," she says "Here" she hands him a small box.

"Thanks," he says to her "I'm sorry but I don't think we've met"

"Oh," Ayan says "this is my girlfriend"

Who knew this sentence would be so hurting? Nadia knew what Max was feeling right now. She grabs him by his hands and moves away from other people.

"I have something to give you as well," she says.

Max is still looking at Ayan and his pretty girlfriend.

She snaps her finger so Max gives attention to her.

"Huh?" Max is still lost.

"Arg!" She frowns and just hands him a yellow bag.

He puts his hands inside and something feels like a doll. Dolls actually. There are two. His eyes widen as he sees what he's holding. And the yellow bag falls lifeless on the ground. His mouth is wide open like a tunnel. On the other side, Nadia is smiling so hard her cheeks hurt. Max starts yelling and jumping holding the dolls which Patrick gave to Josh in his hands. Everyone was curious. What did Nadia give him that made him jump and yell like a monkey? Even Rohan was unaware. Finally, he calmed down and looked embarrassed as everyone was staring at him.

Rohan came up and asked Nadia "what did you give him?" He's extremely curious this time. Nadia was surprised to see him like this. He's so cute when he's like that.

"I gave him dolls" she simply says.

Max is happy receiving dolls? Does he play with dolls? He's wondering. I gave him the new book from his favorite author yet he didn't show any appreciation and she gives a doll and he's jumping out of joy?

"I wanted to be the one who gives you the best gift ever," she says to Max "But that Ayan outdid himself" she smirks.

"Try again next time when I return," he says teasing her.

Rohan is still lost. What the hell is happening here?

"It's late. You have a flight to catch tomorrow. Let's get you home" Nadia says.

Max says goodbye and thanks everyone for this lovely farewell party. He says to them that he's going to miss everyone. Nadia, Rohan, and Max carry the gifts he's received and head home. On the way, they all talk about the beautiful days they've spent together. Nadia stops and looks at Max.

"Thank you so much, Max," she says.

"Why are you thanking me? I should be the one thanking you for everything"

"No," she says "before I met you two, my life was so dull. And I was living yet I was lifeless. Then you helped me find the right person for me" she gets close to Rohan.

She can't hold his hand because they are holding the bags of gifts. But she puts her head on his chest and goes back to Max again.

"I can't thank you enough" Max's eyes softens and he smiles.

"Take care of my best buddy while I'm gone, will you?" He says. Nadia smiles back. "I most definitely will"

Rohan is standing there witnessing the sweetness that's all around. He's smiling as well.

"Take care of yourself as well" Rohan finally says words.

"No one's going to love you more than us. Always remember that"

he says trying to kick Max. A life without friends is like the sea without water.


Max returns home at around 1:30 am. His parents have gone to sleep. Nadia and Rohan helped him with the gifts and returned home. He's standing there facing the door. He looks around his house. So dark and calm. 17 years in this house. Why is leaving a place so hard? Is it because of leaving the people you love or because of the fear that the people would forget about you eventually? Maybe it's both. He sits on the couch and looks at the big TV. He's watched cartoons with his mom lying on this very same couch as a kid. I'm going to miss this place so much. After roaming around the house for a bit taking the scent inside, he goes to his parents' room. Even though it's dark yet he can see their sleeping faces because of the light coming from the hall. Seeing their peaceful face soothes his eyes. Even though the husband's and the wife's eyes were closed, they weren't actually sleeping. They knew Max was standing at the door so they stayed like that. When Max left the room both hugged each other to sleep. Tomorrow morning starts a new journey for all of them.