

May 3rd 1993

Today is my first day of training with Flitwick.

I walk to the door and walk in to a dueling platform as usual I walk to one end and wait after awhile Flitwick comes out.

"Well Mr.Snow you are early well we can get started now if you want to."

I then say " Can we work on spell batting."

"Thats a very advanced technique and requires a lot of hand eye cordination are you sure you want to do it."

"Yes it will be very useful in my arsenal plus the only thing I need is this and spell speed and my transfiguation is at an acceptable level now so I not worried about that anymore

I actually plan on going to the under-18 this year instead of the under-16."

"That is very ambitous of you Mr.Snow you know it will be held in Russia this year under their rules instead of France right."

"I wasn't aware of that what is the difference."

"The russians allow more curse more deadly you could possibly die if you compete."

I just smile at that and say "I ain't scared to die professor."

He just looks at me and nods.

"Very well the spell batting process is simple you use your magic and rap it around the tip of your wand and create a pseudo-shield, a technique known as the Duelist's Shield."

"So sorta like a mini 'protego' should be easy enough for me to accomplish."I say flicking my wand into my hand and imaging a little protego on the tip of my wand and my magic responds and a little shield appears on it.

"Very good Mr.Snow now I will send a few stinging hexs at you and you try and dodge."

He then fires a stinging hex at me which I managed to bat away then another and I batted it away.

For the next hour I attempted to dodge his spells and only got two in every three but that was better than expected.

May 29nd 1993

I am currently disillusioned and waiting for Harry and Ron to make their way to the chamber of secrets with Lockheart so I could fight the Tom Riddle ghost I have no idea how it exists but I wanna get more life or death experience and this is a good way.

After 15 more minutes they arrive with a wandless lock heart after they open the chamber and toss lockheart down I make my disillusionment disapear.

"Going somewhere are we."I say making them all jump

"Bloody hell mate you scared the crap out of me."says Ron

"Where are you guys going."I ask

"Were going to fight the basilik."says Harry

"Ah so you guys figured out Slytherns monster have we."

"Yeah we have but how do you know."says Ron on the defensive with his wand

"Its actually pretty easy to figur out on that and cockatrice petrify things to that level oh and once we kill the beast we should sell it to Gringotts."

"What do you mean 'we'"says Harry

"Oh I thought I was going with you guys."

"You should stay here it too dangerous."says Ron

"You guys I could beat both of you blindfolded literally."I say blankly

"Ok you can come with and we will discuss the Gringotts thing."

"If you die we can share my toilet." Says Moaning Myrtle

We then one at a time went down the pipe and arrived were lockheart was.

"Right lets get a move on."I say

"Right."says Harry

"Right."says Ron

"R-Right."Says Lockheart

We start walking and come upon a shead snake skin in the tunnel then lockheart fell to the ground seemingly fainted.

"Hard to rely on this one."says Ron

Then lockheart jumps from the ground stealing Ron's wand.

"Alright end of adventure boys."I wouldn't have been more scared if he had a working wand occlumency protects from memory charms.

"You first Mr.Potter 'obliviate'." He then flys backwards as the spell backfires crashing into the roof of the cave luckily I was on the side with Harry when it colapsed.

"Ron Ron are you ok ."screams Harry

"Yeah i'll go back you two go after the basilik."

"Lets go Harry."I say hardening my face and tieing up my now sholder length hair.

We reach the entrance and Harry speaks in parseltounge to open it we then enter the chamber proper with snakes on either side of the room.

"Ginny."screams Harry running over to her body dropping his wand I just stand where I am.

"She can't hear you." My wand flys into my hand

Tom and Harry then begin the canon interaction like I wasn't there and then Tom reveals himself as Voldemort then fawks arrives and lands on Harrys shoulder and drops the sorting hat I then make my move readying a spell chain.

"This is what Dumbledore sends his defender! A songbird and an old hat! Do you feel brave, Harry Potter? Do you feel safe now?"

He then releases the basilisk and it goes after Harry he falls and Fawk comes in and gets rid of the eyes, such a shame they could have been worth so much money oh well.

I then walk up and stand across from Tom and

take my stance.

"Ah a mudblood duelist lets see what you have."

He then fires the entrail expelling curse a followed by a blood boiler and a withering curse I cast a mud wall that erupts from the ground and blocks it then crumbles away then I fire several piercing hexs followed by a expelliarmus he dodges out of way and bats them out of the way.

"You are good for mudblood but not good enough."He says firing a bigger deadly spell chain

"Your not so bad youself halfblood."I say casting avis to make them take the spell for me I then transfigur some wolves out of rock and send them to attack him but with swipe of his wand he kills them.

I then send a gout of fire at him with a cry of 'incendio' but he just uses water to block I turn the water into ice with 'Glacius' and send the chunk of ice hurling at him with my spare hand.

"Wandless magic guess i'll have to take you seriously."he then fires an 'Avada Kedavra'

I do the 'avis spell' and the birds die for me I then fire a 6 spell chain which were all shielded he then fired back at me with a chain of spells faster than before and more deadly but I dodge as I was dodging I was hit by a dark cutting curse which I recognised I immedately cast the counter curse to stop the curse from rotting my arm and then let it bleed out and cast 'reparo' on my arm which hurt badly but mended the wound.

"Hahaha you really are one of the strongest wizard to ever live but-" I am interupted by Harry running and a basilisk arriving.

Harry then arrives at the hat and receives the sword and gets bit and pushes the sword into the snakes mouth.

"Nooo " screams Riddle as he points Potters wand at him but I fire an 'expelliarmus' at the same time knocking the wand from his hand

I then summon the wand with my free hand.

"Kill the book Harry now."I scream

Fawks then arrives and heals Harry then charges for the book and stabs it twice with a basilik fang killing the book.

"Nooo"said a disappearing Tom Riddle

I wonder what magic Riddle used to make a book like that it was nowhere near the real Vodemort but its still stronger than me if it wasn't for Harry arriving I would have died.

Harry then makes his way over to Ginny and wakes her up.

"Harry it was me it was all me Mrs Norris I opened the chamber I didn't mean to Riddle made me."Says a frantic Ginny

I then walk over to them and they notice me finally.

"Who are you."says Ginny says a scared Ginny

"Snow,Jon Snow I helped rescue you."

"T-thank you snow."says Ginny

"Anyway lets get out of here."says Harry

Before that I walk over to the basilik and remove one of its fangs and conjure a holster and put in inside of it and grab the diary.

"Yeah we can go now." And then Fawks arrives and pheonix flys them out of the chamber

Walking to professor Mcgonagall's office was silent when we arrived at the door and they walk in I waited a moment to put up my occlumency shields.

When I arrived I was greeted to the sight of Mr.&Mrs Weasley hugging Ginny, Harry and Ron Mr.Weasley was scolding Ginny for the diary.

I walk over to professor Dumbledore with the diary in hand and give it to him he just looks at me in suprise at it.

"Mr.Snow what a pleasent suprise."says Dumbledore

"Yes it is I would like to know what you were thinking going down there." Says Mcgonagall

"Yes you boys have broken more than a dozen school rules and there is more than sufficient evidence to have you expelled."

"So we have no choice but to give you a special services to the school award." Say a twinkle eyed smiling Dumbledore

We all smile .

"Now I believe we are all due for a trip to the hospital wing."Says Dumbledore

"Actually I want to talk to Harry and the headmaster alone."I say

"Very well."says Dumbledore

The Weasleys and Professor Mcgonagall then leave for the hospital wing.

"Now that they are gone lets talk about the basilak corpse I propose we sell everything but the venom."I say

"I have enough money we should just leave it."Says Harry

"Oh Harry you can never have enough money and the weasleys could always use more money right."I say

"Right."say Harry

"So Headmaster will you contact gringotts to see about selling the basilak" I say

"Hmm I will my boy and try and get you the best deal but you will have to skin it yourself I'm afraid."Say Dumbledore

"I know a spell to be able to do so we will spit it three ways one goes to the weasleys one to me and one to Harry."

"But I dont wa-"I interupt Harry with "Nonsense Harry you will take your cut and like it."

"Ok."says Harry

We then get the specifics down and The Headmaster drafts a letter for Gringotts for us.

We then walk to the hospital wing and I sit on a chair and wait for madame Pompfrey to appear.

"And what is wrong with you."says Pompfrey

"I was struck on the arm with a withering cutting curse I stopped the withering but I am and I used a reparo to do an emergency repair on the cut."

"A reparo on flesh is not advisable but you did your best."Says Pompfrey as she uses a spell on my arm it.(I need to learn some healing magic)

"It'll leave a scar but it is ok otherwise."Says Pompfrey

Then I left and went back to the ravenclaw dorm to get some sleep and to diposite the basilik fang in my trunk which will be going in my vault at gringotts.