
You Invaded The Parallel Ninja World

In the 20th year of the imperial calendar, the traveler Qianyu unified the ninja world and became the emperor of mankind. He launched an imperial expedition to other parallel worlds through the dragon vein. As the advance army, Runtu (Obito variant), Kakadong (Kakashi variant), and Zhihuo (Uchiha Shisui variant) came to the new ninja world. They found that this world seemed to be a bit confusing? Runtu: "What? In this world, my big Uchiha is gone? Which bastard did it! I want revenge!" Kakadong: "Oh my God, my father in this world actually committed suicide?" Zhihuo: "I thought the emperor was already a tyrant, but I didn't expect Konoha F4 in another world to be even more beastly!" Sasuke: "Destroy the tyranny of the Ninja Village! The world belongs to the Empire!" Qianyu: "I, a villain and tyrant, suddenly became a savior with the support of my peers?"

Buejessi · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

One Word Makes Sasuke Red And Warm!

Naruto asked in surprise: "Kakashi-sensei? Why are you here!"

After hearing this, Kakadong retorted almost instinctively: "My f**king name is Kaka..."

Before Kakadong finished speaking, he was pushed by Runtu next to him.

After coming back to his senses, Kakadong also realized that he was no longer in the original world, and no one in this world knew this story.

In other words, do these three brats in front of them know themselves in this world?

Thinking of this, Kakadong nodded solemnly and said: "Yes!"

As the saying goes, more words lead to more mistakes, so Kakadong chose to act aloof.

At this time, Runtu next to him condensed into a thread through Chakra, and whispered: "There is something wrong with this kid."

"Is this...Nine Tails Chakra?"

Kakadong also noticed something was wrong with Naruto.

Kakadong didn't expect that he would meet Nine Tails here.

Runtu said: "You first stabilize these three brats!"

Kakadong received it and asked expressionlessly: "Why are you three here?"

Naruto rubbed the back of his head and explained, "Didn't you tell me, teacher, that we should act separately? Aren't we here to gather information?"

Sasuke next to him squinted his eyes and looked at Kakadong and Runtu in front of him. The Kakashi teacher in front of him gave him a strange feeling of strangeness, while the black-haired guy next to him gave him an inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

In short, it is very contradictory.

But Sharingan didn't see any traces of Transformation Technique on Kakashi.

Sasuke calmly became alert.

Kakadong followed Naruto's words and asked, "So have you gotten any information?"

"Hey! Not yet!"

Naruto shook his head confidently.

Looking at Naruto in front of him, Kakadong finally remembered.

The guy in front of me should be a variation of the teacher's son.

Naruto from another world?

Kakadong suddenly realized in his heart.

The Naruto of the two worlds still has some similarities, but the Naruto of this world...

Why does it look a little frustrated?


He just looks too frustrated.

The Naruto of the original world, no! It should be said that Namikaze Naruto is much taller than the brat in front of him, and has a much better temperament.

The first is that Naruto in the original world does not have those messy beards on his face, and the second is the issue of temperament.

If the Naruto in the original world was a polite, gentle, sunny and handsome young man, then the Naruto in front of him was a reckless cub who looked very naughty.

"Why is there such a big difference between Naruto in the two worlds? Even if there is a big difference in body shape, there is such a big difference in temperament. How on earth can teachers in this world raise children!"

Kakadong thought depressedly.

After all, my teacher is also the director of the Imperial Post Office, and my mistress is from the Senju wealthy family. No matter how negligent the two of them are, they will not educate their children like this, right?

At this time, Sasuke, who had been silent next to him, suddenly asked coldly: "Teacher, who is this next to you?"

Kakadong, who was still thinking about how virtuous Naruto was in this world, casually replied: "He is my friend, his name is Runtu."

"Run Tu?"

Sasuke mused, quite sure he had never heard of that name.

As one of Uchiha's strongest combatants, even though Runtu was a little nervous, he finally discovered who the person in front of him was.

Uchiha Sasuke!

The youngest son of Uchiha Toyama, known as the trembling noble son in another world, is said to have Kage-level fighting ability before he was 12 years old.

More importantly, it is said that when Uchiha Sasuke was 8 years old, he awakened the blood inheritance inherited from his mother, which is the legendary Wood Style!

"Hmph! This guy Kakadong was recognized first. No, I can't be at a disadvantage!"

After the man's desire to win increased, Runtu said seriously: "Sasuke! I didn't expect to see you here. I just heard your father praise you as the number one genius in Uchiha two days ago."

Just as Runtu finished speaking, Naruto, who was still chirping, stopped talking for an instant. Even Haruno Sakura next to him looked at Runtu with wide eyes and anger.

Sasuke, who was still aloof at first, was silenced.

Sasuke's face suddenly turned red and even Sharingan was angry. Sasuke glared fiercely at Runtu who didn't know he had said the wrong thing.

"Isn't this guy too bad? Sasuke's father has been dead for so long, and he still makes fun of him. What's the difference between this and a slap in the face?"

Even Naruto, who has always liked pranks, felt that Runtu had gone too far, "How could this person be so bad and actually make fun of the dead!"

Naruto looked at Runtu with disdain, and Haruno Sakura next to him looked like a scumbag.


The angry Sasuke took action with hatred and shot Runtu directly in the waist with a shuriken.

Facing this sudden shuriken, Runtu caught the shuriken easily, and then looked at Sasuke in confusion.

What's going on with this kid?

I just said hello, why did I suddenly become so hot? Did I just say the wrong thing?

Runtu thought about what he just said and found that there seemed to be nothing wrong with his words?

After Naruto roared angrily, he raised his fist and rushed over.

"How can you make fun of Sasuke's father? Bastards who make fun of the dead, accept the justice of me, Naruto-sama!"

Runtu put his index finger on the opponent's head, and then looked at Kakadong next to him with a confused expression.

Did I just say the wrong thing?

Kakadong rolled his eyes for the last time speechlessly.


Even if this guy has strength, he is still a guy who fails more than succeeds.

You can talk nonsense when you don't understand anything. Now you are in trouble, right?

...ps: Sasuke and Naruto's mother in the Empire world are not characters in the original plot.