
You Can't Hide Your Heart, My Emporer

What if you weren't meant to exist in this world? What if the person you know yourself to be, isn't you at all? Meiyi was a happy young lady. She was born in a loving family and had a caring boyfriend. But the day after her twenty-third birthday, that dream started to shatter. Meiyi now had unimaginable headaches that would never end. And that wasn't all - she started feeling the emotions of those around her. A psychiatrist gave her pills that "would help", but it didn't completely solve the problem, and Meiyi doesn't know what is wrong with her. Life threatening accidents happened too often to be a coincidence, and it made her wonder if she was even meant to exist in this world. After being saved multiple times by a mysterious man dressed in black, with long dark hair and an otherworldly beauty, Meiyi decided that she needed answers, and this man was going to give them to her. Even if it means traveling into a different world and being forgotten by everyone she loved. Was Meiyi really born in the wrong world? If she was, who was she really? And who was this mysterious man that kept saving her life? Will her new life bring back a love as old as time?

Pikachew · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

Chapter 15 - Peach Blossom

A warmth crept up my cheeks. I didn't know how to respond. Lijun wanted to read my mind? Why?

Lijun cleared his throat and changed the subject. "The last time we met... In the forest. You had a severe headache. You said that you have been experiencing those headaches for quite some time. Have you been having any headaches since you came here?"

"No," I answered, glad to be talking about something that didn't have to do with him reading my mind. "It could be because I took my medication shortly before I left my house and you brought me to this world. It might still not have warn off."

Lijun raised an eyebrow, "I thought you said no medicine you took helped for the pain?"

I wondered if I had to tell him everything. I would have to tell him that the pills I took was because they thought I was psychotic. I would have to tell him about the fact that I could sense the emotions of those around me. I would have to see him look at me like they all did - like I was crazy and pityful for being so.

I was saved from having to explain by Yiming barging into the room and stomping towards a seat and plunging into it, like a little kid throwing a tantrum. A group of servants followed him into the dining room, each carrying plates with delicious looking food. They placed the dishes on the table and swiftly left the room afterward.

"Please, eat to your heart's content," Lijun said. He looked at Yiming, who was still sulking about always being ordered around. Lijun smiled and slided a big plate of small strawberry puddings towards Yiming. "Come on, stop acting like an infant. Have some of your favorite puddings."

Yiming looked extremely tempted by the deserts. I giggled and decided to help the situation a bit.

"Come on, Captain. You know that His Majesty holds you in very high regard. He only orders you around because he trusts you the most out of everyone here in this palace," I said, smiling sweetly.

Yiming looked at Lijun through his lashes, "Is that true?"

Lijun smirked, brilliant white teeth flashing, "Of course."

Yiming dropped his childish act and grinned from ear to ear like a puppy. "Okay then. I'll accept your peace offering!" He pulled the plate of puddings towards himself and dug in immediately.

Lijun and I shared a glance and laughed, before digging in.

"Ah! That hit the spot!" Yiming exclaimed as he stretched his arms and rubbed his bloated stomach. I ate a lot myself. But Lijun seemed to pick at his food though. He only ate a bit of meat and munched halfway through a steamed bun. The rest of the time he watched us eat. I wondered why he didn't have an appetite, but decided not to ask him about it. He seemed rather exhausted.

"You still need to answer my question from earlier," Lijun said. Yiming looked at each of us, confused.

I had hoped that Lijun forgot about it. I fidgeted awkwardly with my hands. "Oh, uhm. The pills I took back home were... special."

"Pills? What pills? Are you ill?" Yiming asked with eyes wide as saucers.

I shook my head vigorously and waved my hands. "No, no! Not at all. I just get frequent headaches."

Yiming sighed in relief. "Whew. You had me worried there for a second. But do you know the cause of your headaches?"

I glanced at Lijun, who seemed to want to ask the same question. I didn't know exactly myself. I only knew that usually when I experience headaches, I soon start being overwhelmed by emotions that aren't my own. I wonder if I could find the answers I want in this world. I will have to do some investigating later.

"I... don't know," I tell them. Yiming scratched his chin in thought.

Lijun leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest. "How often do you experience them?"

"When I don't take my medication, they never stop," I said. But then again... that time in the woods where Lijun told me to focus on his voice... they did stop. I looked up at Lijun. "Except that time in the woods where you told me to focus on your voice, your Majesty."

"Hmm. I did not know if it would work, I merely suggested you try it and see if it helped. I find it helpful to focus on something specific when I have my own migraines," Lijun stated.

"Do you know who would be very helpful in finding the cause of your headaches?" Yiming asked with a sly smirk. I shrugged and shook my head.

Yiming mimicked opening a book with his hands. "Who spends all of his days reading?"

My eye twitched. "I am not asking that jerk to help me find the cause of my headaches."

Yiming patted my shoulder. "Aww come on! Pretty boy Attendant Weixian has a lot of medical knowledge. He passed the medical exams with flying colors; he is a qualified doctor!" Yiming's face held a look of understanding as he continued, "Look, I understand you don't like him. I mean he gets on my nerves too, with every breath he takes. But I have to reluctantly admit that if anyone can help you, it's him."

I sighed and crossed my arms, "No way. I'll figure it out myself."

Yiming shrugged, "Fine, suit yourself."

"In the meantime... If you experience any of those headaches, you come straight to me," Lijun said, looking serious. His eyes reflected a stern determination, one that one shouldn't argue against. "And if you can't move, you call Yiming or anyone near you to take you to me."

I nodded slowly. "Okay." I hoped, however, that I could get them under control myself. Next time I get a headache, I will try to focus on something specific, like Lijun said earlier.

Yiming started talking about something to do with a nearby town struggling with something, but I zoned out as he continued to speak.

My eyes caught a little peach blossom that blew in through the open window. It landed softly on the ground.

My mind took me back to a long time ago, when Kai and I had just started dating. We went on our first trip alone as a couple, and we went to a countryside town far from the city. We went there because they had the most beautiful peach blossom trees and old houses with circular windows, much like the ones in Lijun's palace.

We stayed in a little house that was surrounded by peach blossom trees. It was so peaceful there, and one of the fondest memories of Kai I had.

The first night was so awkward because we had to share a room and we had never slept in the same bed before. Our room had a big round window facing a peach blossom tree. Kai offered to sleep on the floor, but I told him that it wasn't necessary - he could sleep in the bed with me.

He stood still as statue by the window, eyes wide and cheeks the color of roses. It was such a beautiful and cute expression.

A peach blossom blew in from the darkness outside and landed on his shoulder, which made him jump and yelp in shock.

I burst out laughing so hard, I fell off the bed, and that made Kai laugh with me as he checked if I was okay.

In the end, both of us fell asleep in each other's arms, on the floor, covered in peach blossoms.

"YOOHOO! Meiyi?" Yiming waved a hand in front of my face. "Anyone in there?"

I blinked, noticing my wet lashes. I quickly wiped my eyes. "Uh... Sorry."

"Why are you crying, girlie?" Yiming asked with a cocked eyebrow. "You looked like your mind travelled somewhere far across time."

"I... was just reminded of someone. That's all," I awkwardly responded.

Lijun frowned.

Yiming pouted, "Aw don't tell me it's about that lover of yours that you left behind..."

Left behind. Those words stung. But Yiming wasn't wrong. I did leave Kai behind. Even though he didn't even remember my existence.

"Lover is a weird word. Don't use it again. In my world we barely even use it anymore; it's ancient," I replied, trying to drive the attention away from the pain in my heart.

Yiming raised his brows, "Well, alright then. What do you guys call your lovers then?"

"We just call them our boyfriend or girlfriend, or a significant other. Or our partner. There are many words for them."

Lijun rolled his eyes at Yiming, then glanced at me. "Here we have many words as well. This bafoon-" he pointed at Yiming- "just doesn't know how to use the better sounding ones."

Yiming stuck out his tongue at Lijun.

I was glad that the attention shifted away from me having to talk about my world and everything I left behind. I needed to focus on where I was now, and I had to focus on figuring out who I was.

Maybe later... in time... I could ask Lijun to take me back to my world, just to see for myself if Kai, my family and friends are really doing okay.

It was getting late and Lijun asked Yiming to escort me back to my room. Before I left, I picked up the peach blossom that blew in earlier, and held it tightly in my hand.