
You Bettered me

I was just a normal girl who lived with her mother and had enough to make her have a better life but everything changed when I lost her in a car accident. I thought it was a game over for me, but someone I never thought will come and rescue me came and gave me a better life. Gave me a job, gave me a chance to build my life and become something even greater. Neither did I know that I was putting myself in danger, I was becoming a monster, my life was changing from better to worse. The guy I thought was my only saviour was the monster, the devil himself. He was supposed to be my one only my rescue. My shoulder to cry On. My ride or die. , I will only die with you. My, I will never leave you. My, I will have always be with you by your side, but everything changed. The love I had for him couldn't all to vanish. He lied to me and I fell right back to him. He cheated on me, I still chose to forgive him. He opened old wounds, made me insecure but I still went running back to his arms. Why can't I leave, why is it hard for me to leave him? I mean, he made me a monster. I did everything I can to fix our relationship but nothing is left for me. Why do I even try, why do I stay, why do I forgive him, why do I break myself, why do I destroy myself, why do I stay with him, why is it not so easy for me to just walk away. What is it about him that attracts me so deep to him even if he opens old wounds?

Una_Raywishi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 2

Jeffrey can't do this to me. How can he just tell me that tomorrow morning his leaving? I'm heartbroken because he didn't even bother to tell me when we still got time. He should have told me a long time ago.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for him that he stood up for himself and his doing something he cherishes for. I laid off going to American for him. I was leaving for America to study fashion design there But didn't go. I  didn't go because he asked me not to go, but now I see that I have been betrayed and took advantage of.

I  was so angry and didn't want to see or talk to my family. The moment I got home, I went straight to my bedroom, Played my favourite music by Sam Smith. He is one of the best singers in the whole world that I love the most. He comes me down when I'm feeling disgruntled and miserable. This is the time I need him the most.

"Una, I'm home!!" My mother called out loud but I don't bother myself to answer. A few seconds later, I hear footsteps coming towards my room, within seconds later my door opens out wide.

"Una, how many times did I call your name and where is Lisa? I have been calling you but you don't answer. What's wrong?" She says standing by the door.

"Jeffrey is leaving tomorrow mom. I know I didn't tell you that I and him have been seeing each other. He's going to London. How can he do this when he promised me that he will stay forever.  I know that he's going to do what he cares for and I acknowledge that one day he will make an incredible doctor. I'm happy for him. The thing that makes me mad the most is that he only told me today that he's leaving. I stayed for him mom, but he's leaving." I say with ties filled on my eyes.

"I get you, honey. All you have to do is to be happy for Jeffrey and set him free. Don't do it for him but yourself. If you do that, you will feel a lot much better okay. Although you didn't tell me that you were dating him, I understand. I found out a long time ago. Why didn't you tell me though?" My mother says and takes a seat next to me.

"I didn't tell you because I didn't want your friendships with his mother to alter. You guys have been friends since high school.  Mom, how can I forgive him after what he did to me?"

"Don't make this about you. I know you stayed for him, by not going to American. Don't think about this too much okay. You are only 19 and there is a lot you still have to accomplish okay. You will find someone better than Jeffrey okay. Be happy for him and move on. My friendship with Mary does not mean anything okay, my baby comes first honey, you should have known that in the first place. Come hug your mother." She says and gives me a bear hug.

"That boy does not deserve anyone like you and he will never get anyone so cute, amazing, smart and beautiful like you okay baby."

"I know mom," I answered while rolling my eyes.

"So what do you have to lose, because there are many boys you can still get. Those who will love you for who you are and not what you have."

"Thanks, mother, you are the best mother in the world," I said as I pulled for another hug.

My mother has always been there when I need her the most. I feel a lot better now that I have spoken to her.

All l have to do is to get ready for college. I am leaving next week Monday. Since Jeffrey won't be going anymore, it's like the plan of finding an apartment together is over. I will just have to live on the school campus with one of my friends. 

"Call me when you need me okay. Get some good sleep because tomorrow morning we will go do some shopping for your school staff together."


She said as she left my room. I went towards the switch, turned off the lights

and went straight to the bed.

"Una!!" Lisa said while turning on the lights.

"What do you want Lisa, turn on the lights!!" I got up and set up straight to take a good look at her while also throwing a pillow towards her.

"Sister, I want to let you know that am sorry about what I told mom the other day. I will never speak about Jeffrey anymore because I know that you are no longer together.

I was ear dropping when you we're talking to mom, and I'm sorry about that also. I  have a blueberry milkshake and chocolate muffins for you."

Lisa can be annoying sometimes but I was really happy that she apologized.

"Give me my food and get out of my room, don't turn off the lights okay. I still have to eat these amazing muffins."

"Love yeah," she said while closing the door.