
You are not in exile, you are clearly traveling!

【Exile + Farming + Spatial + System + Opening Up + No CP】 Just as she crossed over, she was tragically exiled, but fortunately, she had a spatial dimension at her disposal. Rob the house? Rob the air instead. Chen Xue immediately emptied out the Chen Family Estate, from the floor to the bed curtains, even the garden and lake were not spared. She even moved away the several thousand kilograms of food that her enemies had planted to frame her. When the enemies came to ransack the house. The enemy was dumbfounded, “Where are the things? The several thousand kilograms of supplies I secretly placed?” One of the household servants said, “Sir, apart from rat droppings, there’s nothing in the Chen Family residence.” A colleague remarked, “Sir Chen is so honest, there’s not a grain of food in the house, and even the family sleeps on the floor.” Chen Xue said, “My family is really poor, there’s not even a single grain of rice in the jar, we’re so poor we can’t even afford to cook.” So, everyone knew that there was a Mr. Chen in the capital who was struggling and penniless. Chen Xue’s Father: “Whoever says my family is struggling and penniless, I’ll take issue with them!” Chen Xue’s Mother: “It was our daughter who said it.” Chen Xue’s Father: “Ahem, well then, that’s okay.” Chen Xue said that exile was very difficult, not only enduring the wind, sun, rain, but also lacking sufficient food… The convicts and constables sneered, “Go on, we are the ones exiled, you’re practically on vacation.” Among the exiled group, the Chen family lay in the carriage, drinking tea, eating dried fruits, playing Go, leisurely cultivating vegetables in the spatial dimension, and when craving, exchanging snacks like spicy strips from the system, living quite contentedly.

Zephyrian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
133 Chs

Chapter 71 Humiliation

  Many people were a little shaken when they heard what Captain Sun said. After all, what he said was very reasonable. If you escape from the exile team, you will be beheaded.

  Moreover, although the team in exile has been bullied by the government officials, they really do not dare to kill themselves easily, and even protect them in some cases.

  After all, there is a quota for the number of people in the exile team. If the people sent to Nanman do not meet the quota, they, the government officials, will be punished.

  Therefore, if you stay in the exile team and still survive, if you leave the exile team, you will be wanted all over the world. Unless you hide in the deep mountains and old forests, you will be arrested as soon as you enter the city.

  But as Captain Sun said, there is no difference between hiding in the mountains and forests and being a savage.

  For a time, many people put down their weapons.

  Some people became anxious when they saw this scene. They had had enough of this anger and never wanted to experience this again.

  "Are you crazy? Do you think they will really let you go? They are just lying to you. After this matter is over, they will settle the score sooner or later." "

  And we have already reached this point. , Do you really want to give up? You only have this chance, if you miss it, you won't get it again."

  Everyone who was originally shaken by Captain Sun was shaken again, and many people picked up wooden sticks as weapons.

  But there are still some people who have been hesitant.


  When those people saw this, they didn't say much, but took the lead in killing Captain Sun and others.


  The government officials were a little scared, and Captain Sun had no time to care about whether the Chen family had escaped at this time. Saving his life was more important now.

  "Let's go back first!"


  Where can they go?

  These prisoners are simply crazy. Don't they know the consequences of escaping?

  If no one had encouraged and deceived them, there would never have been such a big fuss.

  "It must be the Chen family!"

  Captain Sun gritted his teeth and said, "It must be them. After they escaped, they left slaves behind to confuse their sight, and even tricked the prisoners into rioting in order to hold us back and create opportunities for them to escape."

  Others clicked I nodded, feeling very reasonable.

  Everyone yelled at the Chen family, and then retreated in despair. Facing the rioting prisoners, they were unable to stop them.


  "Kill the leader!"

  A man pointed at Captain Sun and shouted. Everyone knew about Captain Sun and knew that to capture the thief first, capture the king.

  When Captain Sun heard this, he narrowed his eyes and stared at the man. If eyes could kill, that man would have died countless times.

  "Get out of here!"

  Although the prisoners were shackled, there were many of them. They picked up stones and threw them at Captain Sun and others as hard as they could.


  A government official was hit in the head by a stone, and blood immediately flowed out. He quickly covered his head with his hands and gave up the attack.

  Seeing this, the prisoners immediately rushed up and hit the yamen servant with wooden sticks. The yamen servant was caught off guard and was hit on the head again, and he fell to the ground.

  The prisoners were immediately aroused and turned their targets to others. When the officers saw the death of their companions, they were shocked and angry, and felt as if a rabbit had died and a fox had died.


  The prisoners roared angrily, their roars reaching into the sky, and they swarmed up and killed Captain Sun and others.

  The fallen yamen officer was trampled mercilessly by the prisoners and turned into a pulp, which made Captain Sun and others feel chilled.

  "Captain, we can't stop it!"

  The other officers' faces showed fear. The death of their companions in front of them was a huge shock to them.

  Captain Sun was also a little afraid, not of the prisoners, but of their number.

  Too many ants kill an elephant!

  Captain Sun fled first, followed by the others.

  But the prisoners kept chasing him. Apparently, seeing the superior government servants who once bullied them, now running away like rats, made them feel very comfortable and even very happy.

  Compared with their happiness, Captain Sun and others looked very ugly. They had nowhere to hide.

  There were prisoners all around.

  "Shouldn't we be killed like this?"

  A timid government servant swallowed his saliva and said with a trembling voice.


  The other officials suddenly became anxious and said angrily.

  "We are government officials and they are prisoners, just like we are cats and they are mice..."

  However, they couldn't continue talking.

  After all, too many rats can kill a cat.

  "Captain, what should we do?"

  The government officials looked at Captain Sun one after another, hoping that he could come up with a way to save their lives.

  You ask me, who am I asking?

  Captain Sun was sweating profusely and no longer as calm as before. Although he had experienced prisoner riots before, they were not as big as this time.

  In the past, I could easily deceive and suppress the riots, but this time I couldn't, and I was surrounded by prisoners.

  He thought about all kinds of things, but found that none of them could get him out of the predicament, and he suddenly became frustrated.

  Is it possible that I am going to die here?


  If he could survive, he would never let these bastards from the Chen family go, he would definitely make them pay the price, and he would never let them die easily.

  "Hahaha, you can't run away!"

  The prisoners surrounded the government officials, very happy, but did not take action immediately. The prisoner who seemed to be the leader stepped forward and taunted.

  "You didn't expect that things would turn around!"

  "As long as you kneel down and kowtow to beg for mercy, maybe we will let you go." The man said, turning to look at the crowd, "Don't you think so!"

  "That's right ! !"

  "That's right, kowtow and beg for mercy, and we will let you go!"

  Seeing the opportunity to humiliate and retaliate against these government officials, the prisoners naturally would not let go of such a good opportunity, and started taunting them one after another.

  "Tsk, tsk, tsk, that's not enough, let them get under our crotch, and we will let them go."


  Everyone laughed.

  But the government officials dared not speak out in anger, and held the sword firmly in their hands. Any prisoner who dared to rush forward would be hacked to death mercilessly.

  "What are you thinking about?" The leading man looked at Captain Sun with squinted eyes, but thought in his heart, Master and the others should escape. I have delayed enough!

  After finishing dealing with these government servants, he can meet up with the master.

  Thinking of this, the man's face suddenly showed a ruthless expression, "If you haven't made a choice after calling me dozens of times, then don't blame us for being ruthless."







  Before the word could be spoken, everyone felt the ground shaking, like an earthquake, and their expressions suddenly changed.

  "What's going on?"

  "What's happening?"

  "No, look over there!"

  One prisoner pointed into the distance, suddenly frightened and frightened. The same was true for the others, their legs trembling.

  But Captain Sun and others looked overjoyed.