
23. Fireworks

A/N: I have to post this a day early, but happy Fourth of July everyone! And for those of you who aren't American, happy Day-Where-Americans-Eat-Junk-Food-And-Blow-Things-Up!

"Halfway happy" was not a phrase that Mike had come to like. "Halfway happy" usually meant he still kind of got what he wanted, but there was something significant missing that he was convinced would ruin everything. Usually, what that meant was he still got time with El, it's just that it wouldn't be everything he had hoped for. . .

Like tomorrow night, for example. It's July 3rd and Mike is standing outside in the sweltering heat, begging Hopper to let El go watch the fireworks that they shoot off at the quarry in honor of their country's birthday. And, as usual, Hopper's response is a firm, cold "no" and he pins him with how exposed she would be and how everyone watching the fireworks would be too distracted to notice if a bunch of government people showed up and tried to take her. Mike fires back with the fact that it will be dark and his parents would be there, along with the rest of the party and he even tries inviting Hopper himself to come along with him, but the chief's mind was made up. El is not allowed to go to the quarry to watch Fourth of July fireworks and that was final.

She's just as mad about his decision as Mike is, but before she can throw yell at him about it, her eyes flit to the roof of the cabin and she has a realization. Much to his dismay, she tugs him out of earshot of her adoptive father.

He's fuming as they walk further away from Hopper, muttering under his breath how stupid it is that she can't experience one of the best celebrations of the year. Yes, there will be plenty of fireworks to come in her lifetime and it's not like this is the only opportunity for her to see them, but, like many things these days, these are her first. Ever. Deep down, he knows that the decision is ultimately to keep El safe and away from prying eyes and he respects that as it matches his own need to make sure she's protected. Still, he can't help the annoyance that creeps up into him and it's only when El gazes up at him that he feels it start to dissolve.

"The quarry's that way, right?" she asks quietly, pointing over his shoulder with one hand, the other lightly gripping his forearm. He turns around and glances in that direction, picturing the location of the quarry in his head. "Yeah. Yeah, it's actually somewhat close to here," he responds, turning back to face her and lifts his eyebrows when he sees a small smile creeping onto her lips. "Why?" "If I sit up on the roof, do you think I can see them?" Realization dawns on him and he slowly nods. "You definitely could. You can see them from pretty much anywhere in Hawkins if you're high enough," he tells her, getting more excited by the second. Thank goodness, he doesn't think he would've lived if she didn't get to see any fireworks at all this year.

"How do you get up there?" he asks curiously, inspecting the cabin behind her. "Mike." Her soft voice holds a teasing tone when it pulls his attention back to her and his eyes widen when she suddenly is eye level with him. He looks down to see her feet hovering a few feet off the ground and he chuckles in shock. "Right. That," he says in disbelief, reaching over to take her hand as they walk back to Hopper. As he threads their fingers together, he mumbles, "You're so cool," and she blushes in response, squeezing his hand.

The chief has no problem with their "halfway happy" plan, as El calls it and Mike squelches the twist in his stomach at her choice of words. "So, I'll be over here at about eight tomorrow, does that work?" he says, turning back to her and she furrows her brow. "You'll be here?" she questions and gestures in the direction of the quarry. "But wouldn't you rather go..."

He cuts her off before she can go any further. "Of course I'm gonna come watch fireworks with you, you'd think I'd let you be alone?" She still looks disbelieving and tries again, saying, "But the Party...you'd have a better time with—" He doesn't let that sentence get very far either. "I've seen fireworks with them for at least ten years straight. This is really special for you and there's no way I'm gonna miss your first time seeing fireworks. Plus, I don't think I could stand it if I was off watching the same thing you were and knowing you were alone."

She finally gives in and breaks out in a brilliant grin that makes his insides flip. "Okay," she murmurs. "See you at eight." "See you at eight," he replies and wraps his arms around her, squeezing her tight before releasing her and mounting his bike. "I'll call you tonight, okay?" They never, ever part with a "goodbye". It hurts too much. And neither one can stand it if they don't know when they'll see the other next, so confirming the next time they'll have contact are always their parting words, to the relief of the pair. "Okay. Talk to you then," she says with a wave and he rides off, already looking forward to seeing her smiling face again.

El's already perched on top of the roof by the time he gets there the following night. She waves when he pulls up on his bike and he sends her a goofy grin back.

She watches as he ditches his bike under their porch, then glances up at her. "Ready?" she calls. "Ready," he responds and soon enough that familiar force wraps itself around his body, tugging him up, up, up and he struggles not to look down, knowing it would probably freak him out, until his feet land on the shingles of the cabin roof. Once he's up there, he finds she's brought everything they need up with her—plenty of blankets, a flashlight for when it gets so dark they won't be able to see and a plate of toasted Eggos that he knows won't last long. He accepts the waffle she holds out to him and settles down beside her. "Did you see the sunset?" he asks, taking a bite as she unrolls a blanket and promptly wraps it around first his shoulders then hers.

Nodding, she scoots over until she's pressed up against his side and his hand slips into hers effortlessly. "Pretty," she murmurs, referring to the colorful hues of orange and pink that had covered the sky just minutes ago. Now, the last hints of daylight are starting to slip away, creating a dark canvas that the burning colors of celebration will soon cover. "It made me think of you," he tells her softly and she rests her head on his shoulder in response without a moment's pause.

Really, he's always thinking of her, but majestic picture nature had painted as he biked through their small town to get to her cabin became even more special because he knew they were both watching it and anticipating their time tonight together.

As night descends across the town, they find themselves relaxing against each other in a comfortable silence, his thumb drawing lazy circles across the back of her hand. Soon it's just them and the sound of the crickets humming throughout the woods and Mike couldn't have been more content. He finds El's warmth is making him drowsy, but the split second Mike closes his eyes, the girl beside him gasps. "Firefly," she says simply, pointing to the single lightning bug that's fluttering toward them. He grins as she reaches her hand out, hoping to coax it to come closer, its glowing light dancing through the dark.

It's then that he realizes that they're everywhere and he points this out to her. He can see them wherever he looks, by the ground, in the trees, above them, they suddenly emerge for their lazy, nightly flight. She giggles as more start making their way toward the two and when one lands on her shoulder, she freezes in awe. "Why are they all coming for me?" she asks breathlessly as they take in the sight around them.

Mike doesn't think twice. "Maybe they just want to get closer to your beautiful face," he says, only partly regretting it the minute the words are out of his mouth. She sits up so she can look at him, scaring the firefly off her shoulder but she doesn't notice, because she's too busy giving him a look that's halfway between confused and flattered. He meets her gaze with raised eyebrows and her resolve breaks first as she grins and boops his nose with her finger. "Cheesy," she murmurs accusingly, but he can hear the adoration in her voice. "You're welcome," he replies, nudging her playfully and she giggles again, effectively making his stomach flip.

He's so busy admiring her smile when she laughs and the way her eyes crinkle that when they hear a boom in the distance, he could've sworn it was his own heart bursting with how much love he held for her. Which actually probably took the title of "The Cheesiest Thought He Had That Night" from the previous firefly comment.

But anyway. Fireworks.

Fireworks that catch El's attention immediately and she shoots to her feet as soon as the first one goes off. It doesn't even seem like she notices that she wobbles a little on the slanted roof, she's captivated by the blue and green fiery flower that just lit up the sky. And the pink one after that. And the red one after that.

Her mouth hangs open slightly and he can hear her awestruck gasps with each firework that bursts just above the treeline. He smiles and stands to join her, glad they are indeed visible from the cabin and she can get at least a sliver of the experience. Silently, he snakes his arms around her waist and holds her tight as they watch the display together. She sighs softly and melts into his embrace, the back of her head resting on his collarbone, her eyes trained on the fireworks, the reflections dancing across her warm brown orbs.

He thinks she's absolutely beautiful.

She thinks this is absolutely magical.

Fireworks are not a new concept for her. She had seen them on the television multiple times, mostly during the romantic climax of a soap opera when the couple would kiss and all of a sudden, fireworks would light up the sky for no good reason.

A small part of her is hoping for a mind-shattering, world-stopping, firework-inducing kiss, but she mostly is just so unbelievably happy to be here, in the arms of the one she loves most and watching the sky light up in celebration as the night air hums with crickets around them. And she honestly could watch them forever, each burst of color entrancing her as it rains down from the sky, only to give way to the next one. It's unpredictable, sparkly, creative and she loves it.

So when she can tell that the finale is starting, it makes her sad, but it's so spectacular that she quickly forgets about dreading them being over and is now holding her breath as the sky essentially explodes. She only barely registers Mike's arms tighten around her, but it's when the last firework fizzles out and she's left in awe that a thought occurs to her. Thinking twice about what she's saying is not a habit of hers, so she breaks the silence first.

"You're like a firework," she murmurs and she can feel him chuckle behind her. "How so?" he asks, a hint of laughter lacing his voice.

Even she'll admit that this is sappy, but hey, he started it. She rotates in his arms, locking her fingers behind his neck and he automatically starts swaying them ever so subtly, as if they're right back at the Snow Ball six months ago.

"You always light up the darkness. And I didn't expect you, but when you showed up, everything was better," she tells him quietly.

Even though the sun dipped behind the horizon a few hours ago, she can still clearly see the blush that heats up his cheeks and she smiles sweetly. "Man, and I thought I was the cheesy one," he teases her as they continue to sway in each other's arms. Shrugging, she responds, "I like cheese," with as much of a straight face as she can handle, before leaning in and causing his chuckle to be lost in her mouth as she kisses him like she'd wanted to do since the beginning of the night.

Standing on a rooftop underneath the stars, it looks like something out of a movie as the young couple loses themselves in the other, letting the world fade out from around them.

It starts playful and she can feel his uncontrollable smile against her lips, but it quickly turns into something deeper as he pulls her closer and his lips part slightly as they move against hers in the most delicious way. In a bold move, he gently takes her bottom lip between his and the feeling is indescribable. Her brain is reduced to mush and all she can comprehend is him, her sweet, caring boy who gave up celebrating with his friends to wrap her in his arms as she experienced something new. In response, she lets out the tiniest gasp but doesn't move away, instead tilting her head just a little bit farther, letting her love for him overflow and adding yet another spark of passion to their kiss.

Really, since their lips connected, sparks have been flying. Some would even say there were so many that it could be mistaken for fireworks.