
You Are My Precious

Amy was waiting for 10 minutes at the station for him to come. They were not in touch for 6months after the graduation....she was wearing a green top with golden design on it and black trousers. "wow, you look nice"...he came talking.he was wearing a magenta coloured shirt with a light purple half blazer and blue jeans..he was charming and so gorgeous. Amy's heart was beating so first that she can hear.. she was confused why this was happening to her.... Where she didn't know same thing was happening to him by looking at her. she was gorgeous.look in her eye was innocent. Both were happy...but their happiness was different. Amy was happy that she met with her best friend after 6months whereas her best friend Was happy to meet his secret lover whome he had crush for the first time and also the last..... want to know their sweet love story... then please read my story....I would love to share my story with you my dear readers ❤️❤️

eugeneamy · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Think me as your Pillow

Amy was afraid to sleep alone in an unknown room. So when Luke came she was happy. but still it was little akward for her because they both were going to share the same room. she asked "what's up with your friend. I thought he was not going to come today."

Luke said as he was angry with him "he suddenly come with his girlfriend all drunk. I just don't know what to do. he is really going to get beaten in morning."

As Amy was sleepy and she had office in the morning so she was a little worried. Luke understand that by her expression so he said "you can sleep in the bed. I will sleep in the ground. I will arrange my beddings. don't worry. "

As it was winter so the ground was cold. and Luke didn't had so many beddings so Amy was worried. she told regretting, "I am really sorry I shouldn't have come here. I have put you in a difficult position. it's cold and you have to suffer for me. I m really regretting."

Luke felt ache in his heart as he replied,"it's alright I can sleep here it's not a big deal. and don't say like that I m really happy that you trust me so much and came to my place. you can rely on me. I am always here for you. please don't regret."

Amy said "then please sleep in the bed or otherwise I will feel burdened. I can't see you suffer for me. "

Luke was surprised but he had no choice but to agreed. so went up to the bed. It was really very a situation for him that he was going to share the bed not only the shore room with the girl he loved for 2years secretly. It will be impossible for him control his feelings anymore. how he was going to stop his beating heart. how he was going to stop his mind. Luke was so nervous at that moment. but still he laid beside her in the same bed.

Amy was also nervous to share bed with a boy. but still she cheerfully told him , "Lu my sleeping habit is very bad don't mind if I kick you or hug you in my sleep. just think of me as your pillow. I will also think you as my pillow." then she closed her eyes. she wanted to sleep but she was confused why her heart was beating so hard like it will come out of her chest. but suddenly Luke hug her tightly laughing "ha ha good night my pillow. you are really so soft pillow. I like it."

Amy closed her eyes. but suddenly she felt that Luke kissed her on her forehead. then kissed her on her cheeks. he was kissing her sweetly on all over her faces. his kisses were soft and sensual. he poured all his love in his kisses. Amy couldn't understand why Luke was kissing her suddenly but she liked it. and she didn't stop him. and Luke take that as yes.

Amy thought to herself 'not the lips please not the lips' but Luke peck on her lips and said "see I am so brave." and laughed out loud. but stop immediately when he felt her lips on his cheek. Amy just returned his kisses by kissing him on the cheek. and that melt his heart. he was so happy. he thought that one day Amy will fall in love with him because he loved her so much and his love was pure and innocent. he loved her like crazy but he will made her crazy for him too. after the thought he hug her. Amy burried her face on his chest and closed her eyes. she loved the smell of his body. it was a sweet scent to her.

it was not long Amy was sleeping so peacefully. She was tired and in Luke's embrace she felt secure so it didn't take so time for her to sleep.