


Sitting in the Black Eagles private jet, Ahad glanced down at the city, which will soon disappear from his view. It was unlike him to change his mind about something and step back from the decision he once made. It took a great effort for him to do so, but he managed to stop himself, he had to. Abducting Kanwal from her house might satisfy his ego for the time being, but then what? Would he be able to hold himself back from approaching her? Or will he be able to control himself after knowing that she rejected him?

The answer was a big 'no'. Kanwal's presences near him would only provoke him and remind him of his one-sided feelings. Ahad fears that his stubbornness and anger won't bring any good and the fact that his and Kanwal's family are acquainted, made Ahad refrain himself.

Or maybe I just love her too much...

He thought.