


Ahad came to pick Kanwal up earlier than he said. With teary eyes, she said farewell to her family. Still, within this short amount of time in the house, she managed to contact Maaz, he rushed over there to meet her. He also assured her that he had already found a suitable place for her family and his mother had had also managed to convince them. Hearing this from Maaz, Kanwal's nerves relaxed a bit, but the thought that she might not be able to see her family in the future saddened her.

Before getting into the car, Kanwal thought of asking Ahad to let her stay for a night. But watching him glaring at Maaz who went out to see her off, Kanwal kept her thoughts to herself and silently leave.

/"Why was your cousin there?/" Asked while driving home.

/"He came to visit./"

Ahad glanced at Kanwal for a brief moment before saying, /"He came to visit because you asked him to./"