
You are mine or not

A story of insane person turning into a delicate person going to fall in love learning to love every moment learning to live now that’s how Emerald is she is going to move on got to live with her love and struggle to stay together.

STBboss · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs

New changes in life part 5

They sleep close to each other being quiet and calm.

The next morning when Emerald opens her eyes to the sharp alarms voice set by Blake she wakes up completely and sits straight rubs her eyes to open her eyes more and next second when she looks beside her she gets to see a handsome naked hunk sleeping next to her while wrapping his hands around her.

She screams as high as an alert bell on which Blake opens his eyes and as he opens his eyes he turns into a female again.

She looks at Emerald who looks as pale as a lemon. Blake suddenly gets up and hugs Emerald telling her to calm down and that Blake will explain everything.

Emerald listens to Blake while she explains with silence and patience.

Blake: I don't know what this is but when I take a nap I turn into a man and the moment I open my eyes I turn back to a woman. I don't know how to control this but I met a person who said if someone falls in love with me they can help me to manage my changing body syndrome.

Emerald: but you said you loved someone dead. At that time did you manage this disease or not?

Blake: I said I loved her its meaning is she never loved me. I will say she did not even know that I loved her and also she is not dead but I consider her dead because she is married.

Emerald: you suffered all these years and loved her yet she doesn't know you loved her. What a shame such a cool and brilliant personality got out of her hand.

Blake: I will be taking my leave it's time for my jogging and work out so see you after a while.

Emerald: I will join you in jogging but after that, I will go take bath and then I will dress up so I can go to school.

Blake: come on then dress up in your sportswear and let's go.

Blake and Emerald dress up themselves and goes for jogging in between jogging Emerald comes back home and takes a bath while she takes a bath Blake comes back home and enters the room. As she enters the room she sees Emerald nowhere she feels like she will take a bath now and she enters the bathroom Emerald starts screaming as she moves to run outside Blake catches her tightly looking at her normally as if it doesn't matter if they are naked or dressed up.

Blake: c…ca…calm down sweetheart I am a girl and you are a girl too. I am not a pervert that I will molest you or something like that. So calm down and go wash properly. It will happen every day so you will react like this every day? hm????

Emerald: this will not happen from tomorrow you live in this master bedroom I will like to change the room and I don't ...

Blake puts a finger on her lips and hugs her to calm her down.

Blake: darling I am not going to give you permission of moving out to another room. I am a deep sleeper what if I am not waking up even after you scream which has the frequency to wake up everyone but not me and the thief or robber or whatever take advantage of you or kidnap you I can't take the risk.

Emerald: then make some rules so this will not happen.

Blake: I can accept rules but if they are a win-win situation for both of us.

Emerald: I agree but we are getting late.

Blake loosens her grip around Emerald and lets her go to take bath and starts taking bath herself as well when both get out of the bathroom and dressed themselves Blake rushes towards the kitchen to make breakfast involving Emerald in making breakfast. Both of them make the best breakfast together and eat it together after breakfast Emerald washes all the dirty or used utensils they used for making and putting food in utensils and after washing them she goes back to the room sprinkles the perfume on herself and comes out of the room saying I am ready to go Blake.

Blake looks at her and tells her to not wear a skirt after today. Then they leave Blake first drops her at her school's main gate and then Blake goes to her company and starts working.

In the afternoon she looks at the time and thinks about lunchtime and if Emerald would've eaten or not she buys 2 lunch boxes from a lunch stop and then drives towards Emerald's school.

But before lunchtime at the time when Emerald entered her school she get to know that it is a girl's school and as soon as she enters the room her homeroom teacher grabs her hand and take Emerald to the staff room and tells her to be sited on the chair and discusses somethings then tells her about the rules and the notes.

Her homeroom teacher gives her the notes of the classes she missed and after that, they leave the staff room and move toward the classroom.

The teacher tells her to stand outside until she calls her. Emerald awaits outside and enters the classroom as the teacher calls her name. All students look at her with an aw and chat with each other that how pretty this girl is. Emerald introduces herself and gets seated on the chair next to the window. All the classes take place and during lunch time she gets surrounded by girls asking several questions while she tries to respond to them one by one she hears a knock on a door.