
You are mine or not

A story of insane person turning into a delicate person going to fall in love learning to love every moment learning to live now that’s how Emerald is she is going to move on got to live with her love and struggle to stay together.

STBboss · Fantasia
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39 Chs

Jey being my Savior

Blake: I was saved by Jey and he was there for me but I was being captured in the shock I was living a nightmare each day.

He stayed with me during those painful days doctor told him that I have no more days of life the wounds are too deep and the chances of my life were like zero percent.

Jey was getting more and more stressed by the passing of them each minute in the end!!!

Emerald cut in between

Emerald: Blake one minute I think so Louise is weeping maybe she is awake.

Blake waiting for them

Emerald: Blake she pooped I don't even know how to clean her!!! (being flustered and trying to call Blake for help)

Blake: let me come and help you.

Blake goes to the room to help her both try their hard and clean Louise in the end they both sighs with relief and Blake starts laughing Emerald chuckles with him to both moves to the washroom to wash their hands when Emerald washes her hands and Blake covers her from behind he washes his hands too Emerald turns around to wipe her hands and looks at Blake his body feels too close to her she feels this heat and tries to kiss him and she kisses his lower lip Blake has his hands trapped with water he washes his hands quickly and turn off the tap and grabs her from her waist they kiss passionately and all of a sudden Emerald remembers that Blake was telling her his story.

Emerald: baby let's go to the room I will change her dress Louise means I will dress her up( in a voice with a hurry to end this heat) and you will continue the story.

Blake feels heat but starts to take over it. He kisses Emerald on the cheek and nods to give her a symbol to move to the room.

Blake continues the story again

Emerald: so where were we?? Ah I remember papa was under stress

Blake: ahm yes he was like a father who is worried for his child and when he saw I am not opening my eyes he even felt dizzy himself. His legs were shaking and his friend was giving him shoulders at that time to stand properly.

The doctor told him about experiment one and that it went successful for the last patient how about trying it on me(Blake)??...

Jey asked him if it will save my(Blake's) life then do it by all means and to not stop until and unless they recover me completely.

Days went by and those doctors did everything to save me in the end the experiment went successful. When I opened my eyes I was in a boy's attire I stared at myself and I was going crazy that what happened to my body??!!!!!!

Jey: don't panic kid you are ok you have a life of two change into a boy when you want and change into a girl when you want but for that, you have to practice.

I was in shock first my parents were murdered and now my body has two forms how?? I was questioning myself and he told me to not worry about it everything will be fine.

To know more about "You are mine or not" read and wait for the next chapter Until then goodbye 🤗🤭🤭

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