

Maria asks as we munch on lunch.

"There's someone who is stalking me," I begin then go on to explain to her about 'running' into Jack the times I have and the threatening messages he sent to him. 

"I'm not sure if I should believe I'm in any real danger or if he's just saying those things out of anger," I end.

"Never take those things lightly even if he's bluffing," she advises me. "It always pays to be safe than sorry."

"But if that's true," I argue. "He's had so many opportunities to harm me and he never did."

"Sounds like a psychopath if you ask me. What you need is to get yourself a gun."

"But I don't even know how to use one!"

"Then I'll teach you but you need to protect yourself, honey. It's our Second Amendment right."

"I don't know Maria."

  "Guess what. We'll go to the firing range and practice then when you feel comfortable, we can think about getting you a gun. How about that?"