
Like What?

I recommend my wife?"

"Because many of these people would jump in the fire if you asked them to do it!" I exclaim. ", it's like using your power to control their decision."

"Were they dissatisfied with the service you offered?" he fires back at me.

His question makes me pause. "No. But how do I know if that was genuine?"

"Trust me, it was genuine. If it wasn't, news of how much my wife sucks would have reached me by now."

"You're not getting my point!" I snap at him.

He stares me down. "These people had a legitimate need for an interior designer. I steered them in the right direction and they are satisfied. That's all there is to it. Some people would have simply said thank you."


"Enough already Emmy!" he exclaims. "You're giving me a damn headache going on and on about this. I've got things on my mind right now and can't deal with this crap from you right now.