
You are just mine

Ichigo is sent to another world at the whim of a god, is this new world will discover many new things, his main search? Who would be the person to complete that hole in his heart, will have many obstacles in his way to achieve his happiness and understanding, he would give his life to find that person and protect her.

Hameryuutei · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1

I clarify that English is not my native language







Akon manages to free Ichigo from The Jail, the most powerful technique of Quilge Opie, however, it took longer than expected and that is why he could not prevent the destruction of a large part of Soul Society and the deaths of hundreds of soldiers including among they the Captain-General.




Ichigo manages to enter the Soul Society imposing his immense reiatsu the instant he set foot in it.





Before reaching his final opponent, Ichigo runs into a badly wounded Byakuya who gives him his supposed last will, asking him to save Soul Society from total destruction.





The battle

Ichigo throws his Zampakuto at Yhwach, striking right in front of him in a threatening manner.

Ichigo quickly appears taking his sword and staring at his opponent, the person who caused so much destruction and suffering to the Shinigami.

Yhwach watches Ichigo pick up his sword.

Should you take care of that nuisance? -Asked Haschwalth-

Yhwach keeps Haschwalth away.

How was Ichigo able to escape from Quilge's jail?

How much can you do with that weak body against me Ichigo?

Ichigo shows indifference towards Yhwach's words

Are you the leader of the organization that invaded Soul Society?

I am .. and I am not

Do not mess with me!! -Ichigo yelled angrily-

You are the man who turned Soul Society into rubble !!

Yhwach confirms to be the man who caused such destruction to Soul Society, after Ichigo releases an immense amount of reiatsu, while Yhwach observes such amount of power.

"Because despite everything you did there is no solution, the only way to solve this problem is by killing Ichigo" -said Haschwalth-

After that Ichigo throws himself with all his power against Yhwach attacking him with a gigantic Getsuga Tensho, creating a great explosion, however, Yhwach was able to resist such a powerful attack with only his side, and later he takes Ichigo from his hand and throws him to the ground with ease.

Ichigo tries to resist trying a blow with his hand to Yhwach's eye, but the attack is thwarted by Yhwach's hand, when blocking the blow, Yhwach takes his sword and buries it in Ichigo's neck, after that he states that he is still continuing with life and that they must take him to the palace to "revive" him and have him join their troops.

However, to Yhwach's surprise, Ichigo remains alive, managing to stop the sword that was about to kill him with one of the Quincy abilities, the Blut Vene. Yhwach observes the manifestation of the Blut in Ichigo stating that it is without a doubt the Blut Vene, after that he receives a direct hit from a Getsuga Tensho from Ichigo at a short distance.

After receiving the tremendous attack from the Substitute Shinigami.

"!! Your majesty!" - Haschwalth cried worried-

After that Yhwach manages to push away Ichigo's reiatsu with his sword and it is shown that he was badly injured by the latter's attack.

Yhwach claims it was his mistake, Ichigo wonders what his mistake was, wondering if surviving one of his attacks was his mistake.

Yhwach states that he did not mean that, and proceeds to attack him again, Ichigo manages to stop Yhwach's sword, however, it was not Yhwach's goal to cause damage to Ichigo with his sword, but to destroy a fraction of Ichigo's kosode. to see if what he actually saw was a Blut Vene.

Yhwach tells him that apparently what he saw was true, Ichigo asks him what he means while Yhwach tells him that he should have sent a random Arrancar to stop Ichigo instead of a Pure Quincy like Quilge.

Because sending Quilge caused "the memories" of his reiatsu to awaken, being in the Quilge Prison straining his reiatsu to such an extent that he was able to tear it apart and absorb the one that was there, caused that upon reaching his soul manages to awaken the reiatsu that was asleep inside from the root, after that he affirms that the Quilge jail only serves to dominate opponents and that he cannot imprison other Quincy.

After that Ichigo asks him what he means by the memories of his reiatsu, Yhwach tells him that he apparently doesn't know anything, not even about his mother. After that Yhwach prepares to take Ichigo away by force.

Ichigo yells at him that he is speaking to which Yhwach replies that he will tell him when they are in the Wandenreich palace.

Yhwach attacks Ichigo once more clashing swords with him, after that he takes his hair with his hand and proceeds to pierce him with his sword again stating that this time his Blut Vene will not save him even though he will use all his power.

The attack is interrupted by a large portal that was absorbing everything.

This is your end Yhwach -Ichigo shouted-

If I fall, you too.

Both power titans prepare to give their last attack, Yhwach no longer had time, and Ichigo had little energy left.

This coup decides everything - both opponents sentenced -









So death is completely black and ... -Ichigo commented without being able to see anything-

This is young Kurosaki - a strange being spoke-

Who's there? -Asked the Kurosaki-

They call me in many ways, the dragon god of domination, Hamer, the god of everything, my name is Hameryuutei boy.

And what does a god want with me?

Nothing, in particular, I just wanted to entertain myself for a while with another being, I offer you to live again, in another world.






