
You And Me By Miss Phoebe A.D. Lipa

What would you do if you lived a lie??? How would you respond if the one person you love and trust betrayed you??? Well Kanzie an eighteen year old girl will give us a glimpse about the answers to those questions....

Phoebe_Lipa · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
18 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

~Kanzie's Point Of View~

By the time I got back to the house Mark was waiting for me at the door with a hand behind his back, I can't believe all that is mine, somehow he still makes my heart skip a beat. If you told sixteen year old Kanzie that she would find the love of her life while running away from her dad, she would definitely slap you and call you insane for making such a wild assumption.

"Where did you go?" He asks looking at me with one eyebrow arched.

"For a walk." I say with a smile

"Without me?!" He pouts

"Me time babe, what's behind you??" I say trying to take a look.

"Something." He says using his free hand to put space in-between us.

"I wanna see!!!" I pout like a six year old.

"Close your eyes first."

"They are closed." I say covering my eyes.

"Happy first day together!." he says using his free hand to remove my hands from my face.

"Happy what?" I say while smiling at the bouquet of white roses in front of me.

"Happy first day together." He says giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Is that even a thing???!" I laugh.

"Doesn't have to be, it could be our thing."

"Ouuuu you're one cheesey man Mark, but I don't have anything to give you." I pout

"It's okay, just keep smiling for me."

"Okay! okay! I have something, but first close your eyes!" I wait for him to close his before.

"They are...." I interrupt him with a kiss.

"Happy first day together babe."

~Mark's Point Of View~

After Fernando left I went to look for Kanzie by the beach but she wasn't there, it worries me that I don't know where she disappeared to, worst part is I can't call her to find out if she's okay. I walked to the market and this beautiful red head little girl approached me with three baskets of different bouquets of roses.

"Flowers sir?" she said with a wide smile

"They are beautiful just like you." I say gently rubbing her hair and she instantly giggles. "Could you help me pick a bouquet for my lady?" I asked.

"What is she like?" The little girl asked, I paused for a little while trying to find a way to answer that question as simple as I could, but truth be told, there's no simple say to describe Kanzie or how she makes me feel.

"She makes me smile without even trying, she has the most weird laugh but it's adorable, she's so beautiful and intelligent, she's so independent and strong willed, she has that glow that just makes the world look brighter. Her elegance and grace are beyond me." I smile feeling a little flustered and a little embarrassed because I'm mumbling all this to this tiny little girl who probably didn't understand most of it.

"My mama says White roses represent loyalty, purity and innocence. White is a graceful color that stands for purity and new beginning." I was stunned by how witty this young lady was. " I think white roses are perfect because it seems like you just started an interesting chapter." she smiled widely handing me the bouquet of white roses.

"Smart and adorable tell your mum I said she has an amazingly intelligent daughter." I dropped a hundred dollars bill not caring for the price and started heading back to the cabin.

I was hoping Kanzie would be back by the time I got home but alas she wasn't so I decided to wait for her outside. When I finally saw her walking towards me, looking a little tired but still elegant, my heart skipped a beat, I still can't believe she's mine.

"Close your eyes first." I said a little shaky

"They are closed." The way she said it was so cute and adorable.

"Happy first day together!" I remove her cute tiny hands from her eyes while holding up the bouquet with the other hand.

"Happy what?" She smiles at the bouquet of white roses.

"Happy first day together." I give her a gentle kiss on her cheek, honestly I want to make every moment we spend together memorable.

"Is that even a thing???!" She laughs and I bet my face was flushing with a bit of embarrassment.

"Doesn't have to be, it could be our thing." I say a tad bit too shy

"Ouuuu you're one cheesey man Mark, but I don't have anything to give you." I can tell she's a little sad about not having anything to give me.

"It's okay, just keep smiling for me.." I say trying to lighten up her mood.

"Okay okay, I have something for you but first close your eyes!" She says a little too excited, I'm worried

"They are..." Before I could even finish my sentence her lips are on mine.

"Happy first day together babe." She says with a smile.

Maybe it was the way she said it or that hot short kiss, whichever it was, it lead to my next move which was carrying her into my arms and taking her inside while kissing her with all the energy I could master. This woman right here is definitely my weakness, it's so hard to resist her and somehow I can never get enough of her.