

Detective James on the other end of the phone was a skinny, muscular black man. His eyes brown colored and almond shaped. His nose was pointy and his lips were thin, but had just a little plumpness to them.

" I found your Amari Valdespee." He said with a deep sultry voice. I checked all over California, from the hospitals to the clinics. I found her in San Francisco. But When I asked the director of her where abouts, he said that she moved back to Florida and transferred to a hospital....." He searched through his notes before he continued " The hospital is named ' ORMC.' Do you know where that is?" He asked.

In shock and happy to hear that she moved back to Florida Dontae smiled widely. It was like the rain had stopped flooding his world and the sun came out to dry it. He answered " Yes! I know where it is!" You could hear his smile through the phone.

" She also moved with a few people." The detective said slowly and uncertain of Dontae's reaction.

" What?" Dontae heart stopped instantly. " Is she married? Does she have a boyfriend? Did she move back with some friends? WHAT?" He questioned anxiously.

" Negative. I don't know how to say this, because you weren't expecting it, but.... she has three toddlers."

The phone went silent for a few minutes. Dontae was stunned. He was speechless. The woman he loves for almost a decade has layed down with another man and gave birth to his kids? ' No, no, no, no, no, no, no. That couldn't happen... could it?' He couldn't believe that she was a mother. " Are you serious? They could be a friends kids who have moved down with her. Who is the father of these kids? Find that out and get back to me immediately." He said annoyed and hung up the phone.

He was angry and sad and couldn't pick which emotion to stick with.

Thoughts ran through his mind a million times a minute. ' Who the f*** defiled my woman? Why isn't he taking responsibility for his brats? Why the hell is she laying down with other men? I thought she loved me? Who the hell is he? I want to kill him.'

He called Timothy and asked him to meet him at Club Peacock.


Club Peacock is a gentleman's club that has naked dancers on the first floor, private dancers on the second floor and a VIP Bar on the third floor. It looked nice on the outside and inside, but it was a sleazy place. There was prostitution and drug deals happening in this place ten hours of every day.

Dontae was at the bar on the third floor when Timothy arrived. He had already begun drinking and was on his fourth shot of vodka.

" Hey slow down. Where's the party?" Timothy asked worried " What's going on and why did you want to meet here of all places?" He continued with his questioning.

" I just needed a change of scenery that's all." Dontae answered.

" No you didn't." Timothy said angrily. " This is not a good place for a person of your status. What if someone said you were dealing drugs, using drugs or buying prostitutes in this place? What would it do for your reputation? What type of reputation that would give your dad's business? What the hell is going on with you?" He continued while grabbed Dontae's shirt and jacked him up to his face.

" Man let me go. What's wrong with you?" Dontae said angrily pushing himself away from Timothy's clutches and then took his sixth shot of vodka. He motioned Timothy to sit down. " I called you here because I need a hangout buddy tonight." He finally said.

" We can hangout, but not in a place like this. Let me take you home." Timothy urged.

" Naw man. I'm good. Leave me alone. I'm just having a few drinks. Damn." Dontaes words began to slur.

" Alright." Timothy rolled his eyes and sighed. "What's really going on?"

" Today, I found out two things. One, that b**ch is coming back to the company next month. And two, Amari is back." He said while holding his eighth shot mid-air.

" Wow. Amari's back? That's good man. You should be happy."

" Yeah, you'd think, right?" He said before another shot. " She has three kids." He said after taking his tenth shot.

" WHAT?"

" Yeah, that's what I said."

" Are you okay? Did you speak to your therapist about this?"

" What do I need to speak to him about? My ex came back with baggage and totes?! Naw, I'm good."

" You need to speak to him to get those feelings out not bottle them up."

" That's why I have you, Markus and Antonio. What more do I need? All he's gonna do is give me drugs to suppress my feelings."

" Do you want to see her and talk to her?"

" I've been waiting for her for two years. I've dreamed of what I would do and say. How am I to act now or what should I say? Ah, kids! They're man's best friends!"

" Kids are not dogs."

" I know, but what am I supposed to say?"

Timothy sighed and put his hand on Dontae's shoulder " Listen man. You may not want to hear this, but maybe it's time for you to move on. She might be married already."

" Shes not and she doesn't have a boyfriend."

" It doesn't matter. Do you want to take care of another man's kids?"

" If it means being with her for the rest of my life, then yes. I will do anything to have her back in my life."

" Then find her and pursue her. I'm cheering for you! Dontae, fighting!" He laughed.

Dontae looked at him weird and began to laugh too " Thanks man!"

" Now, can we get the hell out of here? I'm not comfortable at all."

Taking his last shot " Yeah, take me home please?!"