
You're ours

Ariana_Day · Urbano
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4 Chs

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Ana's pov:-

"To the beginning of the end". You click the rim of your Champaign glass to your best friend's.

"Ana, you are such a drama queen.

I am getting married not walking the green mile".

"Emmy, Committing to one man for the rest of your life sounds like a death sentence to me".

"Ana,with that attitude, the only relationship you're ever going to have is with this bar".

You run your hand fondly over the bar's worn wood.

"That wouldn't be so bad Emmy poo".

You're hosting the emmy's last hurrah before her wedding in the bar and restaurant you manage.

The bar is much - crowded tables, scuffed floor and dated wooden decor - but it's home.

"This bar can't be your true love ana.

It doesn't have a cock, and you need a cock to survive'.

You nearly choke on your sip of champagne."Some of us have self-control and standards Emmy..."

"or rusty vibrators'. Emmy says with a smug smirk in her face.

"Besides you know my rule Emmy

No committing to one cock until...

"I know , I know. Until you have finished the sex bucket list.

Let me see that thing Ana".

Emmy snatches your phone from the counter , finding the list you keep on your note app.

"Ana, nobody could finish this list. A few of these things require multiple cocks to even perform".

"Exactly why I don't want to make promises to just one pre-maturly Emmy".

Emmy shakes her head sliding your phone back. Before she can lecture you, the door opens and two men walk in.

'Wow speaking of multiple cocks.....'

The first man is lean and predatory, with serious eyes and a grim slant to his mouth. He has the kind of presence that would have warrented bows in another time period.

'Hellow , Dark and Stromy'.

The man behind him catches your attention next. In contrast to his companion, the second man wears almost unconscious smile( one that hints of a pair of dimples). Even across the room there is something Infectious about his warmth.

'And hellow to you , too , Mr. Sexy puppy'.

The two striking men look around before their gazes land on you and Emmy.

There is a seat over hear! Emmy waves her arm in a completely unstable way. Then she shoots you a look that says " Fresh meat".

'Maybe she's right. A fun night with a handsome Stanger might do me good'.

Stepping behind the counter , you smile at them and drop cork coaster in front of them."What can I get you gentlemen?"

Dark and Stromy scans the shelves behind you , the corner of his mouth tipping down. "NO CROWN ?"

"You have good taste" ( Expensive taste, more like ).

You lean in aiming another flirty smile in his direction. To his credit, he notes the Attention, and his dark eyes gives you once over.

"Unfortunately, No Crown sir. I do have seagram's Seven or Canadian Club".

"No thank you. Just a Jim Been then, neat".

Mr. Sexy puppy shoots him a sidelong look.

Dark and Stromy just ignores the look " Don't start".

"Just promise me you will switch to jin and tonic after two" Mr. Sexy puppy while touching Dark and Stormy's hand.

"Fine" Dark and Stormy muttered under his breath.

You notice the way their arms brush against each other and the proximity of their bar stools. Now that you're looking for it, the intimacy between them gives of a more than platonic vibe.

"So...are you two in Newhaven for a weekend trip? " You asked but you don't want to hear that they are together.

For much to your stupid worry Mr. Sexy puppy answers " sort of . We work for various real estate developers and move around a lot. We're usually in one place for a year are so, maybe less."Dark and Stormy interfere " Right, haven't found a place to properly settle yet".

"So you work together, and are also...." You trailed off with the words...

"Also what?" Dark and Stormy raises an eyebrow as if daring you to ask.

Before he can Emmy interrupte's "You should both come to my bachelorette party! I am the bride. I insist".

"Well, we never say no to a good time"Mr. Sexy puppy exclaim with excitement.

Then Emmy introduces "Prefect. I'm Emmy Sanders, soon to be Emmy Witt and this is my beautiful ana Sorensen".

They exchange another private glance that makes you mourn hot one night stand you won't be having "I'm Shane August and this is Jason Holloway , thank you for having us"Mr. Sexy puppy informs with a glint in his eyes.

A for Ana Sorensen

E for Emmy Sanders

J for Jason Holloway

S for Shane August

"it's settles then. Ana their next drinks are on me. Now if you excuse me, my fiance just walked in". Emmy hurries off, but not without a " thank me later " look over her shoulder at me.

Left Alone with two un tochable but tempting men, I sigh." Listen, are either of you hungry? The kitchen is closing at nine so you'd better order soon". You set the single page menu infront of them. Shane hums as he consider his options" see something you like?"

His eyes flick up over the top of the menu, and he smirks " I see a lot of things I like"

'Okay that was flirtatious'. " sorry I'm late boss!" Your night shift bartender Gabby dart behind the counter, tying her hair up " Traffic was a beast, but feel free to escape to Emmy's party if you like".

Jason gives you a newly intrested look


"I don't wone the place, but I manage it, particularly the restaurant. All the recipes are mine".

"you're a chef?" Jason asks with a glint of mischief in his voice.

" Yes I'm. It's my favorite part of working here" you blush, unsure why you reveled such a personal detail.

S - "May be you could surprise us with your favourite dish".

J - " yes I'd love to see what this place has to offer". You glance between them. They appear hungry for more than just food. 'Maybe I read them wrong. There's something here worth exploring'.

" Alright, but I should warn you my recipes require an adventure palette. Not everyone likes them".

S - Don't worry. We're always looking to try New things.

J - we like surprises.

A - " who doesn't"? You turn on your heel to go prepare their surprise meal. ' I'd serve them Lobster bisque '.

After a preparing you set two steaming bowls infront of them, " careful I've been told my soup is better than sex". Shane takes the first bite and groans in ecstasy " Jesus this is good ana". " Glad you like it Shane. Eat up" I am so glad he liked my recipe." oh, we intend to". Jason replies with a sexy smirk.

'Why does it feel like they're twisting every word I say into something sexual ? Maybe it's a secret game they play? Fuck with the straight girl? '

An arm wraps around your shoulders, and you turn to see your best friend at your side. "Ana! Sorry to interrupt, but we need shots! Pronto!" Flushed and happy, Emmy leans onto the bar and grins at Shane and Jason." Is Ana showing you a good time yet? "

" She's been taking great care of us so far. So, no complaints from our side". You swallow thickly at their shared, possessive glance.

You brain is not thinking straight since they enter the pub ' are they gay? Or Are they bi? I know I am straight. Am I imaging things?' you lean on the bar and examine both of them thoroughly. " What?" They both say in unison. " Nothing, just trying to figure out you two" .

"Come out from behind that bar and you can analyse all" Jason said with a challenging tone. You glance at Gaby " well my shift is technically over, buy me a drink and you've got yourself a deal".