
Chapter 6

*I will be changing the point of view to first person*


It's been more than a few day and I've still been locked in this room. As time went on I rested and trained like I usually do so when the time was right I will be able to make a run for it.

I lay on the bed with my eyes closed but still fully aware of what was going on around me. I could let my guard down no matter what. Suddenly I hear footstep coming closer to the room and someone open the door with a loud bang. I didn't bother acknowledging the person that walked in becuse she was of no threat. "So your the slut Victor brought home five days ago," she said in a bitchy attitude. "Well let me tell you he is mine you slut!" she yelled getting furious that I didn't acknowledge her. I take a deep breath in and slowly get up and sit on the edge of the bed.

"Who are you calling a slut," say calmly. I see that I stroke a nerve because she was now right in front of me. "How dare you talk to me like that!" her face contoured in fury and disgust as she raised her hand and slapped me. "That was pathetic," I say under my breath as I slowly get up facing her. "What did you say bitch?!" she said going in to slap me once again. But instead I grabbed her wrist with one hand and rap my other had around her nape. Pulling her face down towards the night stand. I brought her head back up again only to bring it back down harder, blood stained her night stand and her bottom half face, indicating that I probably broke her nose. She was yelling and screaming for help when finally Victor entered the room. By then she passed out, he looked at me with dark eyes and raced towards me. Before he could lunge at me a connected my fist to his right cheek and then with my other I went for his stomach sending him stumbling to the ground.

Seeing my opportunity I raced out of the room, down the hall until I found my self in a sort of lobby. Suddenly a overbearing smell hits me. It smelt like misty forest, but had a sweetness to it. Onaus was going crazy purring in my head. I inhaled it in and run towards where the scent was coming from. It lead me to a giant hall that was beautifully engulfed with the light entering through the huge windows going down one the other wall. It was decorated with chandeliers and antique objects. There was a long table in the middle of the room with many chairs but only one was occupied. The giant chair at the head of the table was occupied by a man with raven black hair, a strong jaw line and chiseled cheekbones. He had long eyelashes and deep silver eyes that pierced through my soul.


He was looking at me.